Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-06-25 in Burnley with a german tutu.

Burnley Bound in a Pink Tutu! (Post #7297)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed Emma, and guess what? I'm off on another adventure, this time to the charming town of Burnley! I simply had to take a trip there after reading all about its vibrant arts scene and beautiful countryside. And what's more exciting? It's my first time experiencing the thrill of travelling by train since I traded my trusty steed for public transport. Now, before you think I've turned my back on the joys of galloping across the Peak District, it's not like that at all, my darlings! But a girl needs to embrace all forms of travel, don't you think?

I simply couldn't wait to visit Burnley! It's famous for its iconic theatre, and with ballet constantly on the brain, it's no surprise that my tutu is practically bursting with excitement! In fact, it's practically glowing a shade of fuchsia, and just imagine how gorgeous that will look against the quaint Victorian backdrop of Burnley. Now, you know me - pink's my favourite colour, so of course, it had to be a pink tutu for this journey! The only problem was choosing which one! Should I opt for my tulle classic with its delicate layers? Or would the sassy silhouette of my pocketed tutu, ready for a picnic in the park, be more suitable? Decisions, decisions... in the end, I couldn't decide, so I packed both! Just in case, naturally!

Oh, and speaking of decisions, you just wouldn't believe the predicament I faced while packing for my trip! The world is overflowing with possibilities for tutu outfits, darling! After much debate, I chose a sweet combination of pink lace and pale blue floral fabric for my first day's ensemble. Now, don't think for a moment this was just a casual, ordinary look! No, my darlings, the skirt featured a beautiful ruched bodice that wouldn't look out of place at a royal ball, let me tell you! It's a simple, classic style, perfect for both admiring the architecture of Burnley's historic buildings and getting ready for a ballet class - of course, I always carry my portable barre in my tote bag! Who knows when you'll be blessed with the opportunity for a spontaneous plier in public!

To top it all off, I added a touch of vintage charm with a pearl necklace that my grandmother left me. A girl's got to represent the past in her outfit as well as her passions, you see? This vintage touch paired beautifully with a pair of fluffy ballet flats that simply wouldn't have felt out of place in a 1950s film, darling! (You just can't have enough ballet in your life, and even accessories deserve their own pointe shoe grace). Finally, a whimsical floral fascinator held my hair back in a romantic style - you wouldn't believe how much attention it drew as I wandered through the town centre! You've simply got to have a little magic in your outfit, and trust me, it brings out a smile on the faces of everyone you meet.

As my train arrived in Burnley, I could already feel the excitement bubbling within me. Now, the first order of business: discovering the local ballet studio! I know, you all know me! If I see a sign that says "Ballet", you'll practically find me teleporting inside, ready for a graceful barre session, a lovely waltz, and maybe even a little pirouette to loosen my limbs and welcome the town with open arms. So far, this city's giving me an incredibly charming feel - everyone is so welcoming!

As a rule, I like to get a feel for the place I'm visiting through the people and the scenery. I spent the rest of the afternoon just taking in the atmosphere of Burnley, chatting with the locals in cafes and watching the street entertainers perform. Even though they were mostly musicians and jugglers, the energy reminded me of ballet - how could I resist taking some ballet moves into the performance space, sharing some passion for the art? I made a couple of new friends (after we bonded over our shared love for ballet, naturally), who even took me to a local wildlife sanctuary, where I got to feed some friendly ducks. It truly warmed my heart! What more could I ask for from a day in Burnley? It’s absolutely delightful, so quaint!

And, after a delectable afternoon tea with finger sandwiches (yes, pink jam sandwiches! A must for every girl on the go, of course!), it was time to delve into the vibrant cultural heart of Burnley – its spectacular theatre! I’m talking real drama, my darlings! This majestic theatre with its intricate carvings and gleaming stage beckoned me closer like a dream, and it was definitely a dream come true! The air buzzed with excitement as I took my place in the front row. You know, just close enough to feel the passion radiating from the performers.

This performance, a heartwarming story about two families meeting in a forest (I couldn’t resist grabbing some fresh berries for the actors! It was simply irresistible! ), was filled with graceful movement, captivating dialogue, and costumes as gorgeous as a blooming flowerbed in Spring! To say I was enraptured is an understatement, my darlings!

This performance made me want to pull on my tutu and pirouette into the spotlight. So of course, as soon as the curtain fell, I couldn't resist grabbing a local gentleman for a little impromptu waltz, right there in the theatre, before the lights went up, no less! He was so sweet, he actually knew a few waltz steps, and to my great delight, we actually did a lovely promenade and twirl to the gentle melodies of a beautiful cello! It was one of the most magical moments of my life! This town's charm is practically infectious! I couldn't imagine ending the day without an enchanting performance to inspire my own pirouette practice!

Before returning to my charming guest house, adorned with flowers and frilly lampshades - truly an embodiment of my own feminine elegance - I spent some time in a beautiful bookshop on the corner. And wouldn't you know it? Right in the heart of the bookshop, there it was, shining in the evening glow – a section dedicated to… you guessed it!… Ballet!

Oh, my darlings, the bookshop became a portal into another realm – a magical realm where tutu skirts twirl alongside princes, graceful dancers leap through storybook forests, and pink ballet slippers take centre stage! I simply couldn't resist adding a few new gems to my growing collection – a biography of a legendary ballerina, and a whimsical collection of ballet poetry – perfect for those dreamy evenings!

As my trip to Burnley draws to a close, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy. From the moment I arrived, I was swept away by the warmth and charm of this vibrant town! The people are so friendly and welcoming, and I’m just completely besotted with their passion for all things artistic. It really feels like an enchanting haven, perfect for tutu-clad ballet enthusiasts just like me.

One of the most inspiring aspects of this journey? This place has inspired me! In fact, the spirit of Burnley, the joy it ignited, is flowing like magic through my veins! I’ve been thinking, darling – and oh how my thoughts run wild – about creating a special collection of pink tutus! A "Burnley Bound" line! Now wouldn’t that be lovely? Think luxurious lace and graceful ruffles that twirl as gracefully as a willow tree, dancing with the wind! I’ve been experimenting with new fabrics - a combination of silks, tulle, and, of course, a dash of vintage glamour. My mission? To design a range of tutus so divine that they inspire joy and graceful movement in every ballerina, in every heart, all over the world.

You know my mantra, my darlings: The world needs more pink tutus. And a touch of whimsy and grace, because those make life much more wonderful, don’t you agree?

As for the end of my journey, my lovely new friend took me on a grand farewell gallop across the open fields on the outskirts of Burnley! A proper gallop, my darlings! You just can’t beat the feeling of wind in your hair and the rhythmic sound of horse hooves pounding the earth. The ultimate way to close out a magical weekend in a magical place.

Stay tuned for more pink tutu adventures and inspiration. And never, ever be afraid to take a leap of faith. After all, the world is your stage!

Until next time, Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 2016-06-25 in Burnley with a german tutu.