Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-07-05 in Carlisle with a fairy themed tutu.

Carlisle: A Fairy Tale in Pink Tutu #7307

Oh, hello lovelies! It’s Emma here, your tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger from Derbyshire. I'm back with another adventure for you! Today, I'm whisking you away to the charming city of Carlisle, nestled in the heart of Cumbria. It’s just the place to embrace my inner fairy, as if I didn't do that already on the daily!

It all began, as it usually does, with a grand plan involving tutus, of course! This time, I decided to pack my shimmery new pink tulle creation, a delicate thing adorned with twinkling little flowers, just perfect for exploring a place as enchanting as Carlisle. I felt like I'd stepped out of a storybook the moment I put it on, and it only made the whole journey all the more exciting!

My trusty steed, a rather magnificent train named "The Lakes Express", carried me northward through the lush greenery, painted with the most vivid shades of green and emerald. The views, my darlings, were just exquisite, the perfect prelude to an adventure filled with culture and creativity!

Now, Carlisle, for all its historical charm and medieval majesty, holds a special place in my heart because it's the birthplace of one of the greatest ballerinas, a true icon, Dame Margot Fonteyn. There is something deeply inspiring about visiting a place with such strong artistic roots. It filled me with a passion for movement and graceful artistry, and made me yearn to dance in the streets myself! I actually ended up doing a little ballet street, right outside the magnificent Carlisle Cathedral! You'd never guess how many curious onlookers we had - and even some enthusiastic applause! The beauty of this place seemed to inspire impromptu artistry, a reminder that ballet is truly for everyone. It doesn’t need a grand stage or a polished studio, just a heart full of passion and the desire to express oneself!

After my little performance, I made my way to Tullie House, a truly fantastic museum and art gallery with the most amazing exhibitions! It's housed in a grand Victorian building, so full of charm and history. I absolutely loved seeing the Carlisle’s past on display - medieval artefacts, Roman coins, and beautiful Victorian paintings. There's just something utterly romantic about a museum like Tullie House. And for the ballerina within, it provided a delightful burst of creativity. Think about it - a Roman artefact could spark an entire dance sequence, imagine the rhythmic movements! Maybe it's a little silly, but to me, it's just so exciting to see how these ancient places can still inspire artists today! I love exploring the connection between history and dance!

Naturally, no visit to Carlisle is complete without exploring its incredible gardens and parks! From the lush green expanse of Rickerby Park with its sprawling woodlands and graceful lakes, to the manicured floral wonders of Bitts Park, these havens of natural beauty offer a wonderful chance to unwind, embrace the stillness and listen to the whispering wind! And who could resist the delightful call of nature's own dance floor? So naturally, I took a break from all that historical marveling to do what any ballerina would do: I waltzed around the rose gardens at Bitts Park, feeling every petal brushing against my pink tulle skirt, twirling with joy.

Now, you may be thinking, "Emma, a pink tutu, even amongst flowers? Isn't that a bit too much?" But my lovelies, don't forget, it's all about celebrating life! The vibrant pink of my tulle embraced the vibrant colours of the flowers, it was a kaleidoscope of femininity and whimsy! We were a perfect match! After all, a world full of grey and bland is a bit depressing, wouldn't you agree? Let's add some colour, a touch of tulle, a dash of elegance, to the everyday, don’t you think? It's like sprinkling magic dust everywhere we go!

Speaking of magic, no visit to Cumbria would be complete without seeing its fascinating wildlife! Just a short distance from Carlisle, we explored the enchanting grounds of Talkin Tarn, a stunning lake surrounded by vibrant woodlands. And it was there I caught my first glimpse of the legendary Grey Wagtail - such a vibrant creature with such a delightful flitting dance! Seeing the animals in their natural habitats always gives me such a sense of calm, a perfect antidote to all that excitement! And don’t get me started on the local birdlife! Seeing a Great Spotted Woodpecker, those beautiful scarlet feathers, made me want to do some high leaps and pirouettes to match the speed and grace!

So, as my train journey back to Derbyshire drew to a close, my heart was full of happy memories! From the enchanting architecture to the vibrant gardens, from the historic wonders to the captivating wildlife, Carlisle embraced my love for ballet with open arms and filled me with inspiration! It was just what I needed, a breath of fresh air and an artistic recharge! And who knows, maybe this is just the beginning of a beautiful partnership, Carlisle and Pink-Tutu!

Remember lovelies, it’s all about embracing the unexpected, finding magic in the everyday, and of course, rocking a pink tutu whenever possible. As for my tutu, well, she’s resting up for our next adventure, which I'll be telling you all about in my next blog! Until then, spread some love and maybe try out a ballet class! Who knows, you might be the next ballerina sensation!

#TutuBlog 2016-07-05 in Carlisle with a fairy themed tutu.