Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-09-05 in Sutton in Ashfield with a red tutu.

TutuBlog Post #7369: A Dash of Pink in Sutton in Ashfield!

Hello my darling Tutu-lovers!

Emma here, your ever-so-pink, tutu-tastic blogger from the heart of Derbyshire, back with another whirlwind adventure! Today's escapade took me on a train journey (my absolute favourite mode of transport, darling! So much better than those noisy, petrol-guzzling cars!) all the way to Sutton in Ashfield. I simply couldn't resist the call of the stage – rumour had it a new ballet company was blooming in this quaint town and I just had to see for myself!

Now, I must confess, when I pictured Sutton in Ashfield, I envisioned a quiet, countryside town filled with sleepy cobbled streets and quaint little shops. Well, I was definitely wrong! The bustling energy of this place surprised me in the best way possible – vibrant murals adorned the walls, cute coffee shops tempted with their aromas, and a palpable sense of community filled the air. And who better to bring a touch of pink magic to this lovely place than yours truly?!

Naturally, I was rocking my most flamboyant red tutu for the occasion – after all, a touch of colour never hurt anyone! And trust me, the locals absolutely adored it. From children who giggled with glee at my twirling, to a couple of elderly ladies who declared it “just lovely,” it seems even the most unexpected places embrace a little pink magic.

Now, let’s talk about the ballet show, darling! It was a vibrant spectacle – the dancers were a mix of youth and experience, but their passion was simply electrifying. From graceful arabesques to powerful leaps, every move oozed talent and passion. It truly felt like a magical display of art, right there on the stage!

You know, my dears, it’s so important to celebrate the arts, especially in places like this. Bringing culture and creativity to towns like Sutton in Ashfield is a way to remind people of the magic that lives within them. And you know what, I truly believe it’s this kind of spark, this joy and connection, that brings us all together.

But the adventure wasn’t just about the ballet. As usual, my explorations led me to some fascinating corners of Sutton in Ashfield. I stumbled upon the cutest little café nestled amongst the cobbled streets. They served the most divine strawberry milkshake, and, in honour of my favourite colour, they had even sprinkled it with pink sprinkles – heaven on a spoon, my dears!

Before heading back on the train, I made a detour to a local wildlife reserve. Oh, how I love the beauty of nature! Watching the squirrels scampering through the trees and the birds flitting amongst the branches is always a joy. There's something about watching wild animals roam freely, living their best lives, that brings me a deep sense of peace. Perhaps this is why I often find myself inspired by nature in my own tutus, and why I believe nature's palette is always my favourite colour!

Speaking of which, you all know my ultimate aim is to inspire everyone to embrace the magic of a pink tutu and try ballet, don't you?! And even though Sutton in Ashfield might not have had any actual pink tutus on display, I feel like my visit was just the nudge a few people needed to embrace a little colour in their lives! I saw smiles, heard laughter, and felt a definite shift towards appreciating the joy of self-expression. And that, my dears, is what it's all about!

Now, as the sun begins to set on this fabulous day in Sutton in Ashfield, I’m hopping back onto that lovely, steamy train, already thinking about my next destination! Who knows what wonders await me tomorrow – maybe a visit to the seaside with a tutu, or a romantic gallop through the countryside on a beautiful horse! But whatever the adventure holds, I know one thing is for sure: It will be sprinkled with pink, laughter, and a whole lot of tutu magic!

Until next time, my lovely tutu-lovers, keep dancing, keep spreading the pink, and remember to always embrace the wonder that life has to offer!


Emma xx

P.S. Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more of my daily adventures and to share your own pink tutu moments! I can't wait to hear from you!

#TutuBlog 2016-09-05 in Sutton in Ashfield with a red tutu.