
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-09-06 in Morden with a black tutu.

Morden Calling! Tutu Adventures #7370

Oh my darling readers,

It's a crisp autumn morning here in Derbyshire and my heart is already aflutter with excitement because today, I'm off on a grand adventure!

The train journey from my quaint little village to London has always held a certain charm for me. There's something so utterly romantic about being whisked away on rails, leaving behind the rolling hills and sleepy towns for the bustle of the city. This time, though, I'm not just headed to the capital for a dose of culture and fashion, but for a rather special reason. Morden is my destination, my lovelies, Morden!

You see, today's adventure revolves around a beloved ballet company, one that's truly dear to my heart – the ever-talented and whimsical Morden Ballet Company. For the first time, they are staging a captivating new production, "The Whisper of the Wind", and I just couldn't miss it! And let's face it, Morden itself is such a cute and charming little place, filled with vibrant history and stunning architecture. The thought of exploring its streets after the performance in my fluffy tutu sends shivers of delight down my spine!

Now, you may be thinking, "But Emma, why Morden? Why not Covent Garden, where all the big names are?" Well, my dear reader, there's something truly magical about the intimacy of smaller theatres and the close-knit energy of a smaller company. They bring a unique passion and devotion to their art, and I adore experiencing that heartfelt dedication on stage. The stories told in these productions are often deeply personal, often touching upon human emotions that resonate with us all. And for me, personally, the thought of sharing a small, elegant space with people who truly adore ballet is something that just makes my soul sing!

Of course, no trip to Morden is complete without a little shopping spree! You can't tell me that you wouldn't adore a delightful stroll down the High Street, window-shopping and grabbing a cup of tea from a quaint little tea shop (oh, how I love a proper afternoon tea!). And for me, a good wander around Morden Hall Park is a must. Picture it, darling: the wind whistling through the trees, the gentle scent of fallen leaves and maybe a lucky encounter with a curious squirrel or two – the epitome of autumn bliss!

Speaking of nature, Morden is surprisingly home to some amazing wildlife. Imagine my delight when I discovered the nearby Merton Wetlands, a tranquil haven for nature lovers like me. Who wouldn't love spotting a rare kingfisher or enjoying a picnic amongst the reeds, the gentle murmur of water a symphony to my ears? I can already picture myself settling onto a bench, sipping on a raspberry lemonade, a whimsical pink tutu dancing softly in the breeze, sketching the breathtaking views. It’s all so perfectly poetic, don't you think?

The thought of my day out has sparked an exciting idea: I want you all to experience Morden through my eyes. How would you imagine experiencing this little town with me? Where would you choose to spend the day? Maybe a delicious meal at a traditional pub? A cozy bookstore tucked away on a quiet side street? Or maybe, just maybe, a visit to Morden Library to see if they have any books on the history of ballet? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Remember, dear readers, my mission is to inspire you to embrace the joy of ballet in all its forms, no matter your size, shape, or location. A pink tutu can be your passport to a world of grace and joy! I have a feeling this trip to Morden is going to leave me feeling so inspired, brimming with creativity and with enough ideas for a thousand blog posts!

Stay tuned for my review of the Morden Ballet Company's "The Whisper of the Wind" and pictures of my whirlwind Morden adventures – including my very own pink tutu, of course!

Until next time, keep twirling!

Emma, xx


#TutuBlog 2016-09-06 in Morden with a black tutu.