Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-09-13 in Salisbury with a delux tutu.

Salisbury Calling: Tutu Dreams and Pink Pansies

Post number 7377

Hey beautifuls!

It's Emma here, writing to you from the sunny streets of Salisbury, a charming little city that's absolutely stolen my heart! As I write this, my sparkly pink tutu, a new arrival that’s positively radiating elegance, is hanging on the back of my hotel room door, ready for tonight's ballet performance. And yes, you guessed it, it’s a treat for me! My biggest joy is being able to share the magic of ballet with you all.

Today was an absolute dream! My morning began with the rhythmic clink of teacups, and then the soothing whisper of my new book. "The Hidden Life of Trees", absolutely divine, a perfect way to kick off my day! And trust me, when I say kick off, I mean it, because, as always, my pink tutu and I were about to take on the day, literally!

A couple of hours and a quick outfit change later, I found myself on a charming horse-drawn carriage. Honestly, how much more fairytale-like can you get?! I felt like I had stepped out of one of those classic ballet stories I love, and I was determined to live up to it!

My first stop, the glorious Salisbury Cathedral. It stood tall and majestic against the brilliant blue sky. I could only stare in awe at its soaring spires, and its sheer, beautiful presence. Its ancient stones, imbued with history and whispering tales of centuries gone by, filled me with wonder and inspired my very own pink tutu moment.

And, as if this trip couldn’t get any more whimsical, it just did. The Cathedral’s grounds lead to Salisbury’s hidden gem: the majestic ruins of Old Sarum. As I strolled through those weathered stones, I felt an inexplicable sense of timelessness, of connection to a world both ancient and fascinating. This was where the very spirit of ballet had been born centuries ago - raw movement and sheer joy captured by stone and history. I think I felt an inkling of that ancient magic as I danced amongst the ruins, with my tutu whirling around me in the sunlit air. I think everyone should try it! You really feel the energy in these old, sacred places, and there's something very powerful about spinning and feeling those long forgotten tales wash over you!

Just before lunchtime, I spotted a field full of the most dazzling pink pansies. I was drawn to them as if by magic! I simply had to take some photos! The flowers were bursting with colour, mirroring my own pink tutu. How perfectly fitting, that my little pink tutu escapade would lead me to this beauty, these flowers in the glorious English sunshine. They looked so joyous! And who can resist that pure feeling of sunshine on your skin? A total delight to be lost in.

Speaking of delights, my afternoon took a culinary turn. I savoured every bite of my lunch at a sweet little cafe by the river. A cuppa, sandwiches, and some of the best lemon drizzle cake you could imagine, followed by a little bit of people-watching, a real pleasure for my senses. Salisbury is just teeming with vibrant life, with smiling faces and genuine warmth everywhere you go.

But what’s a day without some dance? A short trip from the cafe and I arrived at a lovely dance studio. There was so much joy and passion there, all radiating from the instructors and their students. Everyone moved with such elegance and precision - a true sight to behold! It inspired me, as usual, to spin around the room and try some ballet moves for myself. Of course, the very thought of my lovely pink tutu and some new dance moves just thrilled me to bits! And who knows, maybe this inspired new move I learned today, could even feature in one of my performances soon? I may need to have a rethink!

Later, I found myself captivated by the bustling local markets. They were crammed full of exquisite delights. I purchased some beautiful jewellery, handmade by local artisans, the very epitome of charm. There’s a beauty in knowing you’ve helped a small business by purchasing from them and in wearing something special, something unique, with a bit of heart. I love this whole philosophy.

I couldn’t have a day in Salisbury without checking out its incredible art galleries. The contemporary art, with all its abstract interpretations, truly captured my attention and inspired my artistic side, just the tonic I needed! I came away with a little gem to inspire my dance, a beautiful ceramic bird – a little ode to all the birds in the trees and skies above Salisbury. There's such power and joy in that gentle chirping, the sense of calm and tranquility - perfect inspiration for the movements that grace the stage!

Of course, the evening wasn’t complete without a grand entrance, a tutu whirl, at the ballet performance at the Salisbury Playhouse. What better way to end a day of ballet joy than by getting ready, adding my glitzy makeup and whipping into my pink tutu? As always, this tutu makes me feel truly beautiful! And, my dear readers, isn’t that what life’s all about? Sharing that beauty with everyone, sharing the beauty of ballet, spreading joy in every move. Every performance is unique. A true dance in every single life. And to help celebrate our individuality and beauty, my latest aim is to inspire everyone, not just dancers, to try on their own personal, unique tutu moments. I know a tutu may seem silly at first, a little too much. But trust me, you’ll never regret it! There’s something magical about spinning around, feeling that freedom, feeling your creativity, letting go of any inhibitions!

Until my next escapade,

Lots of love,

Emma xoxo


Remember to follow Emma on her Pink-tutu adventure on her daily blog at www.pink-tutu.com.

#TutuBlog 2016-09-13 in Salisbury with a delux tutu.