Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-09-12 in Kirkby with a sporty tutu.

TutuBlog #7376: Kirkby with a Sporty Tutu! 🩰💖

Hey everyone! It’s Emma here, coming to you live from sunny Kirkby! I know, you’re probably thinking, "Emma, what are you doing in Kirkby?" Well, it’s a little secret mission I’ve been working on for the past few months – a secret that I’m now free to spill!

I'm in Kirkby for the Kirkby Dance Festival! 🏆 This isn’t just any dance festival though, folks! This is a festival all about bringing the magic of ballet to a new audience – people who might never have stepped foot in a dance studio. And you know me, I'm always up for spreading the ballet love!

So, how did I get to this glorious festival? Well, I couldn’t possibly miss this chance to inspire, so I boarded the most beautiful steam train in the whole of Derbyshire! I can’t think of a more graceful way to travel than by steam train. Honestly, it was the perfect preparation for a day filled with pirouettes! 🚄 The whole journey was a scene out of a fairytale; it made me feel like a real-life ballerina in my own little dance performance. It also reminded me of that beautiful time I visited the Edinburgh Fringe Festival – I even spotted a deer in the park! I love spotting wildlife on my adventures, especially with my love for pinks, there's a wildness within me that just longs to dance in fields and forest glades!

But the real show-stopper at Kirkby Dance Festival has got to be the "Sporty Tutu" competition! It was amazing to see so many people embrace the joy of movement and expression in a way that's both beautiful and accessible! They combined the classic beauty of the tutu with their own athletic flair - it was so empowering! I was like a proud mama, bursting with joy at every twirl and leap! You know me, I couldn't help but put together my own version! My pink sporty tutu with a dash of Derby County’s colours – I may just have been the only one who opted for pink and white! It did look extra fetching with my white sparkly ballet shoes. ✨

The festival atmosphere was buzzing! The whole day was like stepping into a scene from a classic ballet, with music filling the air and the smell of freshly baked pastries (they had the most delightful raspberry tarts – perfect for a ballerina’s diet!) – well, perhaps not that diligent, but one should reward their efforts occasionally, eh? After the dance classes and workshops, the evening concluded with an outdoor gala performance under the twinkling stars. The performance showcased incredible talent, from young ballerinas just beginning their journey to established dancers from across the country. And you know what? There was a whole bunch of people from all walks of life. Families were dancing together, kids were giggling as they saw the magical characters come to life, and couples were twirling in the moonlight! Honestly, it just proves that ballet truly belongs to everyone, regardless of age, ability, or experience. It was incredibly moving to witness everyone share in the joy of ballet together.

That evening, I had the honour of talking to some of the dancers backstage. Their stories are so inspiring. The dedication they showed was incredible, the love they had for their craft was palpable. Talking to them really highlighted why I do this blog. I want everyone to experience the thrill and magic of ballet, to know the joy and the liberation it brings! Every time I see a child’s eyes light up after watching a performance, or a man who admits to his new-found love of dancing after a workshop, I’m reminded why this mission is so important.

Here’s the thing: It’s never too late to get involved in the world of ballet. Whether you're looking for a new challenge, a way to stay fit and healthy, or just a little bit of magic in your life, I urge you to find your inner ballerina. Don’t just watch from the sidelines, take a leap of faith and join the ballet revolution!

My top tips for budding ballerinas (and gentlemen) who are unsure of how to join in? Well, let's be honest, the best way is simply to start! There’s no need to feel intimidated by the world of ballet. Here are my go-to methods that anyone can easily embrace:

  • Find a local dance studio: Don’t overthink it, just pick up the phone and give them a call! A quick conversation and a beginner class is the perfect starting point. Trust me, the dance studio will be more than happy to welcome you into the family. Just remember to tell them Emma from “Pink-Tutu” sent you! I might just get a thank-you letter for all these new dance enthusiasts – and I just love getting my own little fanfare! 😉
  • Start at home! You don't need a studio to start dancing. Simply put on some music, let your hair down, and follow along to some YouTube tutorials. You’ll be surprised how many free ballet-themed classes there are, perfect for any beginner. And if you are looking for a little more guidance, there are several great apps out there, especially if you want to develop strength, flexibility, and those all-important ballerina core muscles. Remember to channel the spirit of Marie Rambeau, a superhero who found her power through ballet – don't let the lack of fancy studio equipment get in your way, remember you already have everything you need! 💪
  • Try a ballet class designed for beginners: Don’t get bogged down with the technicalities of traditional ballet. There are classes aimed specifically at beginners who may feel daunted. You'll get the same grace and artistry, without the need for perfect turnout and perfect placement! And if you ever need help with turnout – my top tip is always a simple ballet barre at home to work your muscle strength!

This festival made me realise one very important thing: The joy of ballet comes from embracing the art, not conforming to an image!

Now, off to dream of pink tutus and beautiful dancing…Until next time, my darlings! Remember to be bold and stay pink!

You can catch up with more adventures from your favourite pink tutu-loving dancer right here on www.pink-tutu.com. Until tomorrow, happy dancing everyone!

Much love,

Emma 💖

#TutuBlog 2016-09-12 in Kirkby with a sporty tutu.