Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-10-20 in Small Heath with a pink leotard.

Small Heath Calling! A Pink Tutu Odyssey 🩰

Hello my darlings, it's Emma here, bringing you all the latest from the world of pink tutus and twirling, in post number 7414 on www.pink-tutu.com.

I’ve just returned from a rather spectacular trip to Birmingham, and it involved not just ballet but a sprinkle of something rather wild! Yes, it was a rather wonderful combination of twirling, wildlife, and … a whole lot of pink.

But before we dive into all that, let me just tell you about this beautiful new leotard I found. Oh, my dear! It’s such a beautiful shade of pink, with a delicate embroidered design that looks like tiny sugarplums scattered all over it. I knew I had to take it on this trip. A girl’s got to look fabulous when she’s chasing the pink dream, you know?

Birmingham has been a dream. You may recall my passion for all things railway, and travelling to Birmingham was a delightful experience! Riding a train from Derbyshire - with all the fields turning crimson and gold in the autumn sunshine - and the gentle rhythm of the tracks against the wheels. Pure bliss.

As soon as I arrived, it was straight into class. You see, the heart of a ballerina, and particularly a ballet-loving blogger like me, is always in class. My studio here had beautiful wooden floors that felt like they hummed with the echoes of countless pirouettes. And they have this absolutely magnificent window looking out onto a green lawn. I had to practice my poses with that window view - simply perfect for my Instagram story! And when I found the right filter - the light was truly magical!

The class itself was amazing - so energetic, and so many talented dancers, all brimming with enthusiasm. I particularly love seeing dancers who are so clearly passionate about the art. I’d love to go into all of the intricate techniques and exercises but frankly darling, it would take a whole new blog post (or three!) just to cover everything.

My next adventure was something completely out of the ordinary - a trip to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. You know how much I adore nature and animals - it just feels like everything takes on a slightly magical, ethereal quality when you're in a space where wildlife flourishes. I saw squirrels scampering up trees, ducks waddling around, and some little robins that were absolutely singing their hearts out.

They also have these incredibly beautiful greenhouses - think massive glass domes filled with tropical plants and orchids. It was quite a sensory experience. Honestly, the colour of these flowers - some were pink of course! - looked just like something from a fairytale. I felt like I was Alice down the rabbit hole - except instead of white rabbits, I found myself among beautiful flowers!

I must tell you about my discovery in one of these greenhouses – a rather impressive spider - well, it’s always quite impressive when a spider chooses to call your tutu “home,” don't you think? I’m not afraid of spiders. You might think that's odd, a girl like me, who's devoted to tutus, isn't that into critters. But I just can't resist. It's almost poetic.

However, my beautiful pink tutu didn't quite feel the same when she had an eight-legged guest - that said, my photo session certainly turned into something out of the ordinary - a photo of me in my tutu, with a massive spider in the corner, framed by vibrant orchids, almost like we were starring in a dramatic botanical drama!

But it wasn't just the greenhouses. There was a little Japanese garden, which is a must-see when visiting any garden - it's like another world! This time I felt more like Mulan, twirling around amidst those bamboo trees and vibrant koi swimming gracefully through lily ponds!

It was in the garden, amongst the leaves and the calming sounds of birdsong, that I had one of those little "pink-tutu-moments" - the moments where it all feels just right, and life's simple pleasures just click into place. In that quietness, surrounded by such exquisite beauty, my mind wandered to all the little ways I could share the magic of ballet with everyone! I dreamt of seeing more people twirling down busy streets, maybe some fancy dress parades for the big ballet galas - with pink tutus taking center stage, of course!

The next day, I was in the heart of Birmingham's vibrant theatre district. As you know, dear reader, I live for live performances! There's nothing quite like the energy of a live show. This evening, I saw a show at The Alexandra Theatre - and yes, a fabulous pink tutu certainly made an appearance!

There's a whole lot of magic woven into each movement in a performance, every step. It's a constant journey of beauty, where emotions take flight on stage, and as an audience member you're swept up in every feeling.

Of course, afterwards, I made sure to visit the local ice cream parlor. My treat? You guessed it! Strawberry and pink, with a few pink sprinkles on top - the perfect treat to end a rather delightful pink day. It's all about embracing that pink joy, don't you agree?

Before my final train ride back home, I couldn't resist a quick photo op in front of Birmingham’s grand neoclassical train station. Oh, darling, how I love trains - I truly believe there is just a hint of magic every time you take a journey by train - you never know where the tracks might take you, but it is a journey filled with stories!

Birmingham will be fondly tucked away in my memory - a magical trip filled with ballet, gardens, and pink dreams!

Until next time darlings - always remember to stay bold, keep twirling and be the pinkest version of yourself!



#TutuBlog 2016-10-20 in Small Heath with a pink leotard.