
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-11-02 in Spalding with a green tutu.

Spalding - Tutu Travels 7427

Oh darling, you wouldn't believe the day I had! I absolutely whipped myself off to Spalding in my little pink tutu and a fabulous pair of bright, sparkly, rainbow boots - it was positively scorching with all that vibrant colour, but that's the fun, isn't it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

First stop - the fabulous station in Nottingham. I'd managed to catch a vintage train - with plush red seats and a vintage aroma. A little bit of a splurge, but oh so worthy.

As the steam train chugged towards the fenlands I couldn't help but feel like I was a ballerina in a music box. The swaying of the carriages, the rhythmic chuffing of the engine, even the birds tweeting alongside the tracks. Every inch of this journey had a beautiful melody! I do think that feeling a little bit daft when you're completely yourself is one of the best feelings in the world!

But anyway, darling, Spalding. My little adventure! I went in search of a charming cafe, I think I had tea, scones and even a tiny pink cupcake! Such quintessentially English food. Proper delicious too. I just adored the floral wallpaper and the quirky china - all so elegant. And they had this huge mirror so of course I had to pose for a little self-portrait. That's the joy of being a ballet blogger, eh? Everywhere we go, it's an excuse for a fabulous photo op.

Then I went off on a whimsical wander to the church and the market. The church was stunningly old, with this amazing spire that seems to be reaching right up to the sky. The market, though? Well, that was truly the highlight of my day. So much colour! So much local produce! I've never seen so much fresh, juicy fruit, and the cheeses! Simply divine. It reminded me so much of being back home in Derbyshire with its delicious abundance of food and community.

I mean, how can you possibly resist? Spalding was a pure delight. Even better, I even managed to score a vintage, pink tutu for a snip - a little find at an antique stall! Now, this isn't a fashion blog per se, darlings. It's about finding joy in life - whether that's a vintage train, a beautiful old church, or a fresh strawberry. And of course, the perfect pink tutu is essential for bringing a little sparkle to every day!

So tell me - what little delights do you like to seek out on your travels? Are you team vintage train or team horseback? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Whatever you choose, darling, never forget the magic of a pink tutu - it can make everything brighter, I promise!

Catch you on my next adventure!

Emma xxx


#TutuBlog 2016-11-02 in Spalding with a green tutu.