Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-11-01 in Hitchin with a bright pink tutu.

TutuBlog Post #7426: Hitchin Adventures in Pink

Oh, darlings, it's Emma here, reporting live from the utterly charming town of Hitchin, where I've spent the last day or two getting my tutu twirls on! I swear, this place was practically made for pirouettes. The cobbled streets, the gorgeous Victorian architecture, the friendly faces - everything felt like it belonged in a ballet production, only much, much more pink.

I arrived in Hitchin after a delightful journey by train - let's be honest, it's not quite the same as riding on horseback, but at least the view was lovely and I got to people-watch to my heart's content. I had a plan, of course: see a ballet performance at the stunningly beautiful Hitchin Town Hall (and by stunningly beautiful, I mean, did they get inspiration from a giant ballerina's tutu?) and maybe sneak in some wildlife watching on the way.

First up, however, was breakfast! A quintessential British breakfast was absolutely needed to fuel this ballerina up. A full English, bursting with sausages, bacon, mushrooms, and toast, washed down with a frothy cappuccino, provided me with all the energy I needed for a day filled with grace and pirouettes.

With a satisfied belly and a heart full of excitement, I strolled through Hitchin's quaint market square, admiring the colourful stalls and the vibrant atmosphere. I was mesmerized by the sheer volume of pink, in fact! There were pink hats, pink bags, pink cushions… everything seemed to have a touch of my favourite colour.

My wildlife detour led me to the delightful Priory Meadow Walk, which boasts the charming River Hiz. I had been warned that this river was, shall we say, "slightly" different, with a penchant for getting a little out of control from time to time. Apparently, it's known to flood the town - quite a ballet, eh? Fortunately, the river was behaving itself today, which meant I could peacefully enjoy the gentle rippling of the water and the chattering of the delightful birdlife. I saw some fluffy ducks and a very sassy grey squirrel - it gave me the best side-eye I think I've ever received, but we agreed to call it a truce after a bit of "squirrel-speak."

Then came the pièce de résistance: the ballet performance at Hitchin Town Hall! It was truly a sight to behold. The historic building is beautiful beyond words, and the auditorium felt positively magical. This particular production was an interpretation of a classic ballet - Swan Lake - and the performers were simply incredible. Their leaps, pirouettes, and intricate footwork had me practically on the edge of my seat (not too far, of course, as the floorboards were definitely creaky and I'd never forgive myself for ruining a historic building's beauty).

The dancers brought a graceful and emotional performance, showcasing both the classic choreography and modern flourishes, a combination which I have always adored in ballet. It truly took me on a journey from the icy landscapes of winter to the joyful, yet melancholy, realm of romance and yearning. Honestly, darling, I'm a bit embarrassed to say, I even got a bit emotional!

After the performance, I had to grab some tea at a little tea shop down a quaint back alley. It was called the "Pink Teacup," and guess what colour the teacups were? Oh, the irony! And I'm not talking about boring, pale pink, oh no. Think bold, sassy pink - like my favourite tutu, the one with the glittery embellishments and the beautiful, silky-smooth satin skirt.

This delightful experience in Hitchin is one I will truly cherish. It reminded me why I adore travelling and exploring new corners of the world – even within my beloved Derbyshire!

Now, before I go, darling, a few words of wisdom, if I may: if you have a hankering for a vibrant and charming day out, consider Hitchin. Its blend of history, art, nature, and good food is practically irresistible.

Oh, and don't forget to bring your own pink tutu, of course. After all, a bit of pink sparkle always brightens any day!

And lastly, darlings, a little reminder that the best things in life come in pink - and pink tutus! So don't forget, even if you've never tried ballet before, give it a whirl, have fun, and discover the inner dancer within!

Catch you tomorrow, lovelies, with another day full of adventure!

*Lots of love, *


* www.pink-tutu.com *

#TutuBlog 2016-11-01 in Hitchin with a bright pink tutu.