Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-10-31 in North Shields with a cyan tutu.

North Shields: Where Ballet Meets the Seaside! 🩰🌊

Hello lovelies! Emma here, bringing you post number 7425 from the heart of... North Shields! Yes, you heard me right. This Derbyshire girl traded in her rolling hills for a breath of salty air this week, and let me tell you, it's been a whirl of a time! 💖

You see, life is an adventure when you're a tutu-loving ballerina, and sometimes, adventure means venturing outside of the grand theaters and graceful studios that usually define my world. And North Shields? It’s definitely off the beaten path… for a ballet dancer, that is.

This time, though, it's all about finding ballet everywhere I go! You see, it's my mission in life, to get everyone, yes everyone, wearing a pink tutu. And if that means a little seaside exploration with my own gorgeous cyan tutu, well, then that's what I'll do! 😄

The journey, of course, was just as delightful as the destination. Leaving the familiar fields of Derbyshire, I hopped on a charming old train, a lovely shade of pink, if I may add (because, hello, pink!). The clatter of the wheels and the scent of autumn leaves swirling outside my window transported me to another world. I had the whole carriage to myself, and you know what that meant? A little impromptu pirouette practice! My legs felt strong, and the world outside seemed to swirl in time with my twirls. 💖

Reaching the vibrant North Shields waterfront was a welcome surprise. This seaside town is charmingly rugged and, while a bit rough around the edges, it definitely has a heart of gold. My favorite part? The cobblestone streets lined with vibrant fishing boats and, well, the sea, of course! The fresh salt air was like a burst of energy for both my body and my soul.

I made a bee-line to the charming, quaint market square, bursting with colorful stalls and the freshest seafood imaginable. It was hard not to get caught up in the lively atmosphere, so I spent a few moments letting loose. Some folks might think a ballet dancer isn’t suited for dancing in a market square… well, let me tell you, there’s an entire symphony happening in this space! It’s a delicate dance of movement, weaving between the tables laden with brightly-coloured flowers and the pungent smell of freshly-caught crabs. For a moment, it felt like a waltz across a giant stage. I even caught the eye of a couple of fishermen with my quick-footed spins – it’s not every day they get to see a ballet dancer in a cyan tutu. 😊

After a bit of pirouette practice (with the biggest grin on my face), I went on to explore a quaint little local dance studio tucked away on a quiet side street. My heart always melts when I see these places – where budding talent is cultivated and love for the art of dance flourishes! I couldn’t help but pop in for a quick peek and say hello to the instructor. She looked a little surprised to see a ballet dancer, and a slightly startled one at that – I just burst into the studio wearing my cyan tutu! She looked genuinely delighted though, as she quickly got to know me. It turns out she had a special fondness for ballet, particularly for the older classics.

Her story touched my heart. She had her dreams of being a ballerina as a young girl, but her family couldn’t afford the classes. Still, her love for dance kept burning, and she found her own ways to express her creativity – by choreographing for local performances and sharing her love of movement with her students. She made sure to teach them, just like she was taught – by creating a safe space for them to embrace the grace and beauty of movement. 💖

The conversation turned into an afternoon of tea and heartfelt confessions (accompanied by an extra piece of her grandmother’s Victoria sponge cake – delicious!). It was the most amazing, refreshing kind of afternoon. We talked about all things ballet – from the classical masterpieces to the challenges facing the world of dance. It reminded me once again, that ballet is so much more than fancy footwork – it's a reflection of human emotions and a story whispered through movement. It's a passion, a community, and a dream shared by countless people around the world.

The rest of my time in North Shields was filled with breathtaking sunsets, whimsical seaside walks, and countless opportunities to spread the joy of ballet! It felt incredible to connect with the local community – the people are as warm as the seaside sun! I even took a few spins with a group of enthusiastic little dancers, all in their brightly colored tutus, who couldn’t help but follow me around for the afternoon! Just picture it: a troupe of tiny ballerinas with me at the head – we definitely caused quite a stir around the town, even catching the attention of some playful seagulls with our lively performances!

North Shields is now another magical memory, tucked safely in the memory box of my heart, alongside all the other ballet adventures I’ve experienced! And I can’t wait to return with more of my dazzling tutus – a different shade for each trip, naturally! ✨

In the meantime, I leave you with this message: Never stop dancing! Don’t ever let your inner ballerina fade, and be brave to take on those unexpected journeys that might just lead to the most extraordinary ballet adventure of all! 💖 And if you need me, I'll be on the website (www.pink-tutu.com)! Until next time!

P.S. Don’t forget: the world needs more pink tutus! ✨

Much love,



#TutuBlog 2016-10-31 in North Shields with a cyan tutu.