Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-01-04 in Liverpool with a red tutu.

Liverpool, Darling! (Post #7490)

Hello my lovelies! Emma here, ready to bring a little sparkle to your day! Can you believe it's January already? Where does the time go?! Well, I haven't been sitting around twiddling my thumbs (although I did twirl quite a lot this weekend!). I jetted off to Liverpool on Saturday for a whirlwind ballet adventure.

My little heart was set a-flutter as the train sped past the green hills of Derbyshire, the engine's chugging a rhythm all its own. Now, there's nothing like a good train journey. It's just enough time to catch up on emails (thank you for all your sweet comments, by the way!) and get lost in a good book - right now, it's 'Pride and Prejudice'. Of course, a fabulous outfit is a must, so my bright pink cardigan and cherry-red tutu added a touch of magic to the carriage.

The Royal Ballet

Liverpool has always been a special place for me, full of life and charm. This trip, though, was about ballet, my darlings! The Royal Ballet were performing 'The Sleeping Beauty' at the Liverpool Empire Theatre. Oh, I was so excited to finally see it!

I'd booked myself a comfy room at the beautiful Adelphi hotel, all elegant Victorian grandeur and chandeliers. They even had a special ‘ballet room' package for guests – can you believe it?! With a fluffy dressing gown and a special bathbomb that smelt like ‘tutu’ ( I kid you not! ) it truly felt like I'd stepped into a fairytale.

Now, the show itself… pure magic! It was so inspiring to see those ballerinas in action. Their movements were so precise, yet effortless - you wouldn't believe the hours of practice that went into it all! As Aurora danced, I could feel a familiar shimmer of inspiration spread through my soul. And as for the costumes, oh darling, the detail was just phenomenal - they glittered and flowed, everything you could imagine a fairytale princess to wear.

But the thing I love most about ballet, my dears, is that it's not all about princesses and fairytales. It’s about strength and grace, about expressing yourself and reaching for your dreams. It's about feeling alive!

Dancing The Night Away

After the show, I couldn't help but put on my own little ballet show. Well, it wasn’t quite Royal Ballet standard, but it’s all about fun and expression! I’d found the most fabulous pink tutu on my travels. It’s absolutely covered in sequins and is perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to any occasion! And as for dancing…well, I've always thought there's nothing quite as joyful as spinning and leaping across a room in a sparkling tutu.

After a little solo performance in my hotel room (okay, it was pretty much a one-woman dance show) , I joined the other theatre goers in the hotel bar for some post-performance cocktails and conversation. It was a night full of laughs, laughter and stories, and a chance to connect with fellow ballet lovers.

* Ballet Street *

On Sunday, I had a wonderful experience at Liverpool’s Ballet School. This wonderful organisation is dedicated to giving young people the chance to learn about ballet and dance. They have such a range of programs, from beginner to professional level.

You know I’m all about getting everyone to give ballet a go! It’s a fantastic way to stay fit and it also teaches you self-discipline and self-expression. There are so many different styles to explore too: from classic ballet to contemporary styles.

I took a quick class myself ( just for fun of course! ) and had a fantastic time. The students were so full of enthusiasm, I couldn’t help but join in the fun. I think I’ve got some serious work to do if I want to be as good as them! (I even found time to sneak a little pink into my outfit- of course!)

Time to Go…

My time in Liverpool flew by ( you know how it is with ballet – one moment you’re warming up and the next you’re taking a bow) . As I made my way back to Derbyshire by train (the scenery was simply breath-taking - snow-covered hills and fields – all around!) , I couldn't help but think about how beautiful this life is.

I am so thankful for this amazing journey that ballet has taken me on. From the Derbyshire countryside to the grand stages of London to the streets of Liverpool. I’ve met so many wonderful people, danced with a thousand different expressions, and created memories that I’ll treasure forever.

If you're looking for some inspiration, my dears, go and give ballet a try. Even if you just wear a tutu around the house and practice a few plies, it can make you feel amazing. And don’t forget to add a little pink – it really does make the world a little more magical!

Keep sparkling my dears.

Until next time,



#TutuBlog 2017-01-04 in Liverpool with a red tutu.