Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-01-05 in Leicester with a black tutu.

Leicester, You’re A Right Proper Treat! 💅 🩰

Hello my darlings,

It’s your favourite tutu-wearing, pink-loving, ballerina extraordinaire here – Emma, signing in from Leicester! Today’s blog post is a right old cracker, because I’ve been gallivanting about this charming city and oh my, it’s like a fairy tale come true. It’s actually extra exciting because it’s Post No. 7491 for me – and you just know that means something special is happening! 💖

Let’s go back to the beginning – the journey itself. Forget boring cars or flights, darling. This time I was taking a leisurely ride on a gloriously restored steam train from Derbyshire. Puffing out clouds of white smoke, watching the scenery roll by, with a cheeky little G&T in hand – talk about a magical start to the day! I think I even spotted a couple of wild rabbits hop along the track - it’s like being in a Enid Blyton book, only more sophisticated.

As soon as the train chugged to a halt at Leicester station, I knew I was in for a treat. It’s like a mishmash of old and new – Victorian architecture, funky shops, a real buzz of excitement and, oh yes, a plethora of amazing cafés. And I do love a good café, you see – where else can you indulge in delicious cake and an Earl Grey whilst watching the world go by? I was off to a flyer!

First on the itinerary was the fabulous New Walk Museum and Art Gallery – a grand old Victorian masterpiece with everything from stunning dinosaur skeletons to paintings by the greats. It’s the perfect place to soak up a bit of culture and get those artistic juices flowing. And what does your little ballerina like best? Why, the statue of Lady Godiva, of course! Imagine having that much hair! My hair isn't that long but I like to try and add some pink colour with my favourite pink clips for when I'm travelling! I'm all for pink colour everywhere – on the tutu, the dress, the train, the horses, the cakes! In fact, there should be pink sprinkles sprinkled across all the cakes and desserts of Leicester!

Later that afternoon, I sashayed my way to a magical ballet show at the Leicester Curve Theatre – absolutely incredible. They were performing Giselle, a beautiful tale of love and betrayal set to some of the most stunning music ever. Oh darling, the costumes were a feast for the eyes – think flowing, delicate fabrics, twirling and billowing, a sheer spectacle! And I won't lie, it definitely got my feet twitching and the ballerina in me wanting to leap up and join them. It’s like I said, watching a performance, live on stage, is just… electric! ⚡

There was time for a spot of window shopping and admiring the beautiful boutiques, so very quintessentially English with their displays of pretty lace and elegant scarves. If you're looking for the perfect accessory for your evening out, this place is perfect. They are absolutely great to inspire those special finishing touches!

Oh, and let’s not forget the raison d’être for this entire journey, the reason why Leicester deserved all that travelling and steam train glamour – the ballet class, darling! At the Dance Studios, they have classes for all levels and styles, including the ever popular barre work. You know I’m no stranger to a little plie or chassé. After all, it’s all about finding the beauty in movement. It’s almost spiritual!

You know, all this dancing, all these pink tutus and glitter – I reckon there's nothing more powerful than finding joy in something you love. It doesn’t matter where you are or who you are. Everyone should find their inner ballerina. And just think of the world if every single person donned a pink tutu – it's practically a declaration of joy! I just can't imagine the amount of fun and glitter it would bring. 🌟

Of course, no trip to Leicester would be complete without sampling the local culinary delights. This place really does have some outstanding places to eat, but it wouldn't be me if it didn't involve pink somewhere, even just on the plates. I do think this is where pink is needed, but a subtle addition in food would really complete the Leicester vibe. I'd be talking pink salmon, pink strawberries, pink beetroot. Maybe we can call this Pink Perfection, my love!

But hey, you don't have to be in Leicester to have your own little dance party – in fact, you should! It’s just about embracing the simple joy of movement, letting yourself lose and feeling the rhythm! You can even grab a tutu – any tutu will do, although I do prefer a dash of pink – and twirl it up in the privacy of your own home. It’s empowering, darling, it’s joyous, it’s simply you. 🌸

Oh, and while you're at it, I challenge you to embrace all the wonderful places that our little island has to offer – Leicester, it seems, is just the tip of the iceberg! You can explore ancient ruins, dance under the stars, take a romantic stroll by a babbling brook or just wander the streets of your nearest city with a sprinkle of that tutu magic! Just get out there and discover what makes your heart sing!

Remember to leave a comment, lovelies, and let me know where you are going to try your ballerina-ness. 🩰

Lots of love,

Emma xoxo

www.pink-tutu.com 💖

#TutuBlog 2017-01-05 in Leicester with a black tutu.