Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-01-17 in Solihull with a german tutu.

Solihull Swirls: Tutu Adventures in the Midlands! (Post #7503)

Hey lovely lot! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, back with another whirlwind adventure from the world of dance! Today, we're venturing into the charming heart of the Midlands - Solihull, to be precise! I love the British countryside and there's nothing quite like a train journey through rolling green hills to get the creative juices flowing.

My trusty pink luggage was packed to the brim with tulle delights, because, as you all know, a girl can never have too many tutus! This trip called for a special number - my brand new, sparkling German tutu. Yes, you heard that right! This gem came all the way from the heart of Europe, where they know a thing or two about elegance and fashion.

Imagine a delicate layer of pink chiffon, light as a feather, with a sprinkle of shimmer that catches the light like a thousand tiny stars. Now imagine this ethereal creation billowing around you as you pirouette, sending waves of pink joy across the room! It's almost enough to make you forget that this particular journey started with a near-miss of my horse getting stuck in the gate - but hey, it wouldn't be a Tutu Adventure without a bit of drama, right?

First stop, Solihull Arts Centre. I'm always a sucker for independent theatre venues, they have such a raw and passionate energy! This one was a little gem with exposed brickwork and high vaulted ceilings - a perfect backdrop for a ballet performance that nearly brought a tear to my eye. I could feel the stories of each ballerina swirling around me - it was like a dream within a dream!

But you know me, always looking for ways to make ballet accessible to everyone! So, I had to stop by the Solihull Ballet Academy. What a beautiful space with big windows overlooking the park - perfect for letting in the sunshine and for those lovely little “ballet by the window” moments that get you inspired! The academy was bursting with energy as young dancers from all walks of life twirled and leapt with such pure joy. It warmed my heart to see so many children embracing the beauty of movement and grace - and it made me want to encourage everyone to give ballet a whirl! It's never too late, darling!

Now, what's a ballet adventure without a little dose of wildlife? So I decided to take a little wander in the local Solihull Nature Reserve. Walking amidst the dappled light, listening to the chirping birds and watching butterflies flit from flower to flower - a ballet of nature, I tell you! It felt good to take a moment and appreciate the beauty of the world around us - the sort of moment that truly feeds your soul and lets you come back to your creativity refreshed.

As the day drew to a close, I found myself back in the heart of Solihull, ready to embrace the peace of a long, relaxing bath, adorned of course with my German tutu as a delightful little bathrobe! Yes, it may be just a tad over-the-top, but why not make a little magic happen even in the most ordinary of places? And let's face it, I'm never too far away from a photo opportunity, even if it's a bathroom selfie in a tutu!

Solihull, you've been a total delight - I'm already planning my next visit! (Maybe I'll even bring my new horse with me! ;)

But remember, the biggest adventure of all is embracing the joy of dance in your own way. Don't be afraid to experiment, explore, and make ballet a part of your own personal journey.

And don't forget to grab your favourite pink tutu and twirl your way through life with confidence and a whole lot of flair!

Stay pink, darling!

Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2017-01-17 in Solihull with a german tutu.