Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-02-02 in Sale with a european style tutu.

#TutuBlog Post 7519: Pink Perfection in Paris

Bonjour mes chéries! It's Emma here, writing to you from the City of Lights! This week I've been indulging my inner ballerina and indulging my passion for all things pink. This has meant a whole host of lovely things, like a trip to Paris and the absolute most amazing tutus you've ever seen. It's like my heart skipped a beat with every twirl in this magnificent city, and you're going to see exactly why!

Let me rewind the clock a bit for you… I took a whistle-stop trip on the Eurostar train, the perfect way to soak up the countryside views whilst daydreaming about all the fabulous Parisian experiences ahead. Honestly, there’s nothing better than relaxing on a train, watching the world roll by whilst planning out your ballet moves in your head, right? I’ve even started doing my barre work on the train in a corner. The other passengers seem to enjoy watching me!

When I got to Paris, the first thing I did was seek out a traditional Parisian boulangerie. Nothing says 'je ne sais quoi' like freshly-baked croissants and a large café au lait. The scent of the bread is just so Parisian! (Let's not forget those lovely pink pastries - a must when you're in a pink mood!) I couldn't resist getting my hands on a little box of pink macarons too. Don't worry, they weren't all devoured in one sitting... well, maybe some of them were… They are too delicious! After this indulgent breakfast, I headed for the iconic Champs-Élysées, a boulevard where elegance meets fashion. There was even a beautiful vintage pink bicycle that I couldn't resist posing with. Now that's a Parisian chic moment, don't you think?

After the bustle of the city, I ventured into the Jardin des Plantes, the peaceful botanical gardens that offered me a little refuge. Honestly, these Parisian gardens are just beautiful - there's so much greenery and wildlife! You really have to take some time to just wander around and see what's there. As you know, I adore wildlife, so it's great to see the deer and birds enjoying their peaceful home, free from the city's buzz. But it was time to channel my inner dancer again... and that brings me to the most beautiful experience: finding a tiny dance shop tucked away on a charming side street! The moment I stepped through the door, I felt a surge of excitement, it was like a Parisian wonderland for ballet lovers. The walls were lined with tutus of all shapes, sizes and colours - yes, even a generous amount of pink. Honestly, you just HAVE to see the one I bought! This isn't your typical shop-bought tutu - this one's a real piece of Parisian magic, handcrafted with exquisite detail and a unique touch of vintage charm. Let me tell you, the way it twirls and flounces is pure magic! You'll just have to check out my next blog post for all the gorgeous details.

This is the kind of tutu that whispers stories of French ballerinas dancing in the opera houses and dreams of performing for the Royal Family!

You know how I love taking a horse drawn carriage for a ride, well I didn't even have to venture far from the beautiful Jardins des Plantes before finding a handsome, horse drawn carriage for a spin through the park. It was so magical to see the beautiful Parisian gardens from a carriage. I felt like a real-life fairytale princess, complete with my brand new Parisian tutu. It truly felt like something straight out of a ballet performance.

Of course, no trip to Paris would be complete without experiencing a magnificent ballet performance. The Paris Opera House has long been my dream to see - it just oozes grandeur and Parisian sophistication. The opulent decorations, the grandeur of the hall, and the talented dancers… everything about this experience was spectacular. There’s a real sense of magic when the curtain rises and you see all the lights, the colours, the dancers, it’s just…breathtaking. I had to wear my new Parisian tutu, of course! It made for the perfect finishing touch to this magical evening.

The Parisian culture, the elegant ambiance, and the beauty of the performances has had a profound impact on me. As I sit here in my Parisian hotel room, penning this post with the scent of freshly baked pastries in the air, I'm already dreaming of my next visit.

I don’t want this post to end without highlighting how important it is to encourage others to discover the magic of ballet! Remember what I say: Every girl should wear a tutu at least once! It’s more than just a piece of clothing - it’s a symbol of grace, creativity, and empowerment.

Paris has shown me that magic really can exist. Even on a rainy Parisian day, my inner ballerina was happy and content, twirling through the streets and exploring the city with a new Parisian pink tutu in hand! Until next time my darlings!

Love, Emma

PS: Be sure to pop by the www.pink-tutu.com website tomorrow for more pictures of my gorgeous new tutu and for tips on how to make your very own pink tutu outfit!

#TutuBlog 2017-02-02 in Sale with a european style tutu.