Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-02-03 in Tottenham with a german tutu.

#TutuBlog Post No. 7520: A Pink Tutu in Tottenham!

Hello, darlings!

It's Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast, and today's post is going to be all about my latest adventure: a pink tutu pilgrimage to Tottenham, North London! I know, I know, you might be thinking, "Tottenham? Why Tottenham?". Well, my lovelies, let me tell you, it's a hidden gem! And not just because of the Tottenham Hotspur football team, although they're pretty fantastic!

I recently received an invitation from the lovely ladies at the "Dance Without Limits" school to take a class and, well, how could I say no? Especially when they insisted I could wear my favourite pink tutu (I may or may not have shed a happy tear upon hearing that)!

After a dreamy train ride, I found myself in a cosy studio nestled amongst bustling streets. The air was buzzing with excitement – even the pigeons seemed to be twirling! This is when I discovered the genius of Tottenham - the diverse atmosphere and passion for all things creative was electrifying.

Now, you all know how much I love a good ballet show. However, seeing young girls, some no older than eight years old, dancing with so much spirit, was genuinely inspiring. This is the heart of ballet - the joy of expressing yourself through movement, regardless of your skill level or background. It’s all about embracing the passion.

Speaking of passion, did you know that Tottenham has an exciting, and growing, dance scene? You can catch anything from hip-hop to flamenco, ballet to breakdancing. It's like a little dance-loving village in the heart of the city! And yes, darling, I sampled it all! From my tutu-clad waltz at "Dance Without Limits", to watching an incredibly energetic street dance competition on Tottenham Green. My feet were dancing, and my heart was singing!

While the excitement of the dancing was fantastic, my lovelies, let me tell you about the beauty of Tottenham's streets! From the vibrant murals that decorate buildings to the charming cafes that line the streets, it felt like I'd stepped into a picturesque postcard. You know how much I love a pretty flower and, bless their souls, the people of Tottenham know how to add a touch of colour everywhere. Just as I did! It wasn’t unusual to catch sight of pink floral arrangements decorating shop windows, bright blooms tumbling from planters and even some chic flower arrangements that looked just as spectacular as any I'd seen in a Kensington flower shop!

And of course, no journey to Tottenham would be complete without a stop at the legendary Tottenham Hale Market. Now, let me tell you, darling, this place is a hidden gem! A symphony of scents, flavours and colours from the freshest vegetables you could ever imagine to mouthwatering pastries and steaming chai tea that warmed me from the inside out. If you want to feel like you’re right in the heart of life, then make your way down there! I bought a bunch of beautiful wildflowers from a sweet old lady, a little piece of colour to brighten up my Derbyshire flat.

One of the joys of exploring Tottenham was its accessibility. This is why, darling, if you ever need to reach Tottenham by rail, a train ride is an essential part of your experience. It’s not all about speed, it's about the journey itself! Imagine this: you’re nestled in a cosy carriage, the scenery whizzing past your window as you sip a cup of steaming hot chocolate (I'd recommend a little pink sugar).

As I settled back in my carriage with a tired smile and happy memories of Tottenham, it hit me - Tottenham’s charm is about more than the dancers, the food and the colourful flowers, it's about the sense of community, of shared passion that radiates from the people there. This, darling, is something that the whole world needs to experience - and with a sprinkle of pink tutu magic, why not get the whole world twirling! It is possible, my dears, if you believe!

As I embark on my next adventure, my lovely pink tutu has found a new place on my journey list. Don't just dream it, my lovelies, go experience it! I'll see you all back here for my next blog post where, perhaps, I will delve into a fabulous, pink tutu filled afternoon tea! After all, every occasion calls for a tutu.

Until next time, stay fabulous!




#TutuBlog 2017-02-03 in Tottenham with a german tutu.