Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-04-21 in Loughborough with a pink tutu.

Loughborough: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

Post number: 7597

Hello, my darling dancers! It’s Emma here, ready to twirl you into a day of pure joy, all in the name of pink and pretty tutus, of course! As you know, I'm on a mission to sprinkle a little bit of sparkle and grace everywhere I go. And today, my pink tutu and I are taking on the beautiful town of Loughborough, Derbyshire.

This little corner of England has always held a special place in my heart. You see, my Grandma used to take me to the countryside when I was a little girl, and we’d have picnics in fields full of wild flowers, and I'd pretend I was a fairy dancing amongst the daisies. This love for the countryside has always been a part of me. The rolling hills, the babbling brooks, the vibrant green pastures… it’s just so inspiring!

But I’m a little biased towards Derbyshire, since it's where I’m from! This region is where my love for ballet first blossomed. I still remember that moment so vividly. I was just six, a little ball of energy in a pink tutu and a tiny pair of ballet shoes. As the music filled the room and my teacher, Miss Eleanor, led us through the steps, something inside me just… clicked. The music, the movement, the grace— it was magical.

Today, my passion for ballet and for life in general is taking me to Loughborough, a town overflowing with history and charm, where the sound of laughter seems to echo through the cobbled streets. To get there, I chose to travel by train - nothing beats a journey through the countryside on a steam train, watching the world go by from the comfort of a vintage carriage!

The first thing that struck me was the air – it felt so fresh, clean, and alive. The quaint buildings with their perfectly maintained gardens just added to the delightful feeling of this place. There was a certain calmness about the place that reminded me of those picnics with Grandma. It was like a giant, gentle hug from nature itself!

After exploring the town square and indulging in a cuppa with the cutest little vintage teapot in a cafe that felt like stepping back in time, I was ready for my grand finale – a trip to the Loughborough Ballet Theatre! You just can’t resist a ballet performance when you’re wearing a pink tutu! And boy, was this show a treat! The dancers moved like graceful birds in flight, their bodies expressing emotion with every turn, every jump.

I always find myself incredibly moved by a performance like this. Watching the dedication, passion and skill that goes into every move makes me appreciate the hard work that these dancers put in. They take us on an emotional journey with every step, making us laugh, cry, and everything in between. Ballet is such a powerful medium!

After the show, I went for a walk along the river, listening to the sound of the water and watching the swans glide effortlessly across the surface. They were so beautiful and elegant, reminding me of the graceful ballet dancers.

My journey through Loughborough today reminded me of all the little things that make life beautiful and inspiring. A journey on a steam train, a delicious cuppa, a magical ballet performance, and watching swans gliding on a serene river… they’re moments of pure bliss.

Remember my darlings, the beauty of life isn't just about big events. It's in those simple moments, in embracing the things that bring us joy, whether it’s a twirl in a pink tutu, a cup of tea on a cold day, or the calming rhythm of the countryside. Let's spread a little bit of pink tutu magic in the world, one twirl at a time.

Stay tuned, my lovelies! I'm already planning my next adventure… perhaps a horse ride through the countryside! It's about time I made a connection with my inner horsewoman. Until then, remember to always dance through life with a smile and a little bit of pink.

Love and twirls,



#TutuBlog 2017-04-21 in Loughborough with a pink tutu.