Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-04-22 in Barking with a yellow tutu.

TutuBlog #7598: Barking with a Yellow Tutu!

Hello darlings! Emma here, writing to you from a rather delightful little town in the middle of England - ahem cough, it's Barking! I know, I know, the name isn't exactly whimsical, but this place has charm that positively bursts from its cobbled streets!

It's been a busy week of travelling, darlings. The good old Derbyshire countryside was just starting to sprout its emerald green after a rather late winter when I got the itch to see something a little more… metropolitan. So, I hopped onto a steam engine, no, not just any engine - the Orient Express! Imagine me, looking as fabulously fabulous as can be, in my little pink number, complete with a sparkly headpiece and fluffy bunny bag, wafting past the rolling English countryside like a whimsical pink fairy on a romantic getaway! Well, actually it wasn't very romantic. The train was positively packed full of, well, not just fluffy bunnies like me - you can imagine, ha! It was a whirlwind of characters! We had businessmen looking more serious than a black swan after an injury, mothers wrestling with energetic children who, thankfully, weren’t as keen on dancing as I am, and even a lady who was trying to tame a rather aggressive looking terrier, who looked most disgruntled to be squashed in amongst the posh cushions! It certainly brightened my day, if I'm honest. The poor dog!

Anyway, I was actually on my way to a fantastic theatre production in Barking, featuring that dance troupe I love, "Les Ballet Fantastiques!" Of course, the star of the show for me? Tutus! You simply couldn't ask for more fantastic examples of tutus - fluffy, swirly, dramatic, glamorous - and bright yellow, darling! They even had a dance dedicated entirely to pink, which I’m pretty sure was inspired by my little corner of the internet. They must be reading my blog - just like you! It gave me the best ideas, darlings, because as you know, tutus are everything!

After the show, I just had to head to the lovely town's little ballet class! It's funny, I get the strangest stares when I'm doing ballet on my own - even if there are, ahem, twenty or thirty other people there doing it! Maybe they've never seen someone as petite as me taking such bold strides with such big movements. shrugs shoulders. Anyways, this studio has the best windows with the most gorgeous view of the River Thames! All these lovely little pink flowers by the river, with a bit of a wild garden vibe going on… You know I love wildflowers! They reminded me of my family trip to the local wild animal park a few years back. It's a really sweet little wildlife refuge where they try to bring all sorts of gorgeous, exotic birds from different parts of the world and allow them to fly free, safely enclosed, of course. They were so colourful! Imagine being able to fly freely without a care in the world! A bit like me and my ballet, ha.

After the ballet lesson, I popped by the little cafe near the Thames, because as everyone knows, after a good workout you need cake! And when the cafe was out of pink cake again (!), I did what every fabulous pink loving tutu-wearing dancer must do! I walked the rest of the day in a beautiful yellow tutu, matching the beautiful sunshine that had come out from behind the clouds, just to put a little bit of sunshine into the day of the passers-by! I just know those people's day got brighter!

And now, darling, after that fabulous day of sunshine and fun, I have to be honest - I do love my bed back in Derbyshire. Maybe tomorrow I'll put my feet up for a change and write about what happens next on Pink Tutu, right here at www.pink-tutu.com.

Until tomorrow,

Emma, xo

#TutuBlog 2017-04-22 in Barking with a yellow tutu.