Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-05-01 in Kettering with a delux tutu.

Kettering Calling! Tutu Time Adventures, Post #7607!

Helloooo my darling dancers! It’s Emma here, your tutu-clad, ballet-obsessed friend, back from a whirlwind adventure! As usual, I’m brimming with pink-hued excitement, because today I’m sharing my recent travels to the charming town of Kettering…and wouldn’t you know it, I even spotted a pair of swans swanning around! (See? I'm a natural at puns!)

The journey was just as magical as I imagined. As always, I chose the train, its rhythmic chugging putting me in the mood for graceful movements (though not a plié… that’s a bit tricky on the moving train!). I've always found a train journey gives me plenty of time to dream up ballet routines and admire the English countryside whizzing past. It’s much like those mesmerising ‘en pointe’ sequences you see in the ballet - fast and exhilarating. I was even lucky enough to be in the same carriage as a family of graceful-looking giraffes who seemed completely unfazed by the hustle and bustle of the station! They definitely had their heads held high - you know, just like a true ballerina!

As I stepped onto the station platform, Kettering welcomed me with its unique charm, the aroma of fresh bread from the nearby bakery dancing on the wind like a delicate pirouette. The town centre, adorned with beautiful Victorian buildings and blooming rose bushes, was an idyllic setting for a morning of tutu-inspired shopping!

Tutus Take Over Kettering

Now, any self-respecting tutu-loving girl knows that a ballet-themed adventure isn't complete without a trip to the local haberdashery. My Kettering experience was no exception! As I weaved through aisles brimming with shimmering fabrics and delicate laces, I envisioned all the pink-hued delights I could conjure with them! I even found myself daydreaming about a new custom-designed pink tutu - with maybe a few little feathers for a whimsical touch. But, let's face it, I have way too many tutus already (or so I tell myself… a girl can never have too many tutus!).

But, let’s be honest, Kettering isn't only about the tutus… It’s about a certain kind of ‘joie de vivre’ and that sweet sense of community that makes it feel like you're home away from home. You could even say it’s almost… ‘ballet-ic’. (There’s that pun again!).

A Ballerina’s Bite & A Dance Under The Stars

I discovered a charming cafe called 'The Twirling Tart' which served the most divine strawberry and cream cake! It was like the ballerina version of afternoon tea - perfectly dainty, delicious and fit for a princess! It had me feeling so graceful and energised, I could practically feel the music from the local ballet school just around the corner (they’re definitely a ballet hot-spot! Who knew Kettering was so on pointe?). I definitely felt like a princess ballerina enjoying a well-deserved treat.

The highlight of my day in Kettering? Well, that was the truly magnificent outdoor theatre performance of ‘The Nutcracker’ - a story I always hold dear to my heart, especially the charming Snow Queen! Seeing it played out under a backdrop of the beautiful, twinkling night sky, with the fresh night air blowing my tutu as I twirled along with the dancing figures, was simply breathtaking. Honestly, I’d love to do the part of the Snow Queen myself! It was just pure magical ballet enchantment, and Kettering’s friendly atmosphere added another layer of sparkle to the experience. I felt the urge to dance in the moonlight right then and there… but it was the dancers onstage that stole the show. The ‘pas de deux’ with the Sugar Plum Fairy? Heavenly. Absolutely stunning. I nearly jumped up to join in! (Don’t tell anyone, but I just might sneak into the backstage area tomorrow. Who knows, maybe I can borrow a costume. whispers It would be like a mini, impromptu performance… what could go wrong?)

Finding Inspiration In Every Step

As I packed my bags for my return trip (the train was conveniently near, a bonus for this city-girl!), I realised that this wasn’t just another trip, it was about much more than pretty tutus and cake. It was about exploring a different corner of England, connecting with local life and embracing the ‘ballet-ness’ that can be found even in the smallest towns.

For those of you who haven’t hopped onto the pink tutu bandwagon, let me tell you, life in a tutu is pretty magical. It allows you to twirl your worries away, take each day with a playful and positive attitude, and never lose that child-like sense of wonder that brings a sprinkle of fairy dust to everything you do. Whether you're performing on a grand stage or just doing a little pirouette around your kitchen, embracing the world in your own twirling way is all you need! So get yourself a pink tutu, maybe try a ballet class or just go for a twirl in your favorite park. It's a magical little journey I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to embark on, no matter where you find yourself!

That’s all for now, darling dancers! Until next time, happy twirling,


Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2017-05-01 in Kettering with a delux tutu.