Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-05-02 in Braintree with a cheap tutu.

Braintree Ballet Bonanza!

#TutuBlog Post 7608

Oh, my darlings! I’m back! Well, sort of back. It's your girl, Emma, back on the #pinktutu website! I’m currently nestled in a rather charming B&B in the heart of Braintree, a town you might not know, but trust me, is bursting with ballet brilliance. My adventure to Braintree was actually pretty grand - a steam engine chugged me all the way down from Derbyshire on the 1st, a day full of gorgeous countryside and charming stops. You know how much I adore trains, and let me tell you, that slow, rhythmic clattering put me straight in the mood for a good, graceful pirouette.

Speaking of pirouettes, I’ve been aching to talk about this ballet heaven I stumbled upon. There are, what I think are, about six independent ballet schools, one with a tiny shop full of gorgeous, glittery tutus (more on those in a bit). Oh, the talent! These students were seriously impressing me with their artistry and strength - I think I almost had tears in my eyes during a little "Swan Lake" scene they were practicing in one school. Honestly, you don't get that dedication everywhere. It reminded me of my first years dancing in the studio back in Derbyshire, the sheer joy and passion for movement was contagious!

Now, Braintree wasn't just a ballet haven - I also had my trusty pink tutu on display. (Let’s be real, a girl’s gotta make a splash!) It garnered quite the attention from the local children - let’s just say that tutus in pink, in this lovely town, were all the rage. It truly felt like I’d come across a community that embraced beauty, dance, and the sheer magic of tutus!

Where the Magic Happens

As soon as I arrived in Braintree, I found myself heading straight to the bustling Braintree Arts Centre - the hub of the town's artistic soul. I was greeted with an absolute treasure trove of talent, from local painters to stunning, intricate pottery pieces, I was truly spoilt for choice. But, of course, it was the theatre that stole the show. The place, my loves, was positively bursting with history, boasting magnificent vaulted ceilings and a stage that's seen decades of dance, music and theatre. The atmosphere was magical! I practically felt the ghosts of past ballerinas fluttering around the room.

One particular exhibit showcasing the history of ballet caught my eye - posters from past productions, sketches of intricate costume designs, and, of course, a vintage tutu or two! Honestly, I spent an age in that gallery, just basking in the glorious world of dance. It really hammered home to me the journey that ballet has been on, the resilience and the sheer dedication it takes to make these incredible stories come to life.

I even treated myself to a special afternoon tea in the theatre's café - you’d think, in all my travels, I would have a go-to place for tea, right? Nope, not at all! This place served scones the size of my head with clotted cream so thick it could practically stand up by itself, paired with a pot of loose-leaf Darjeeling. It was absolutely heavenly and perfectly suited for my afternoon spent reflecting on the world of dance.

Braintree's Tutu Charm

And what about those tutus, you ask? Well, I must tell you, I walked into a shop called 'The Dance Boutique' (totally my vibe) - tucked away on a small, cobbled street. This little gem held a plethora of tutus - shimmering silks, fluffy tulle, and those amazing velvet ones for the ultimate dramatic flair! And you know I've got my sights set on a specific pink one with an absolutely divine array of ribbons and ruffles - a definite addition to my ever-growing collection.

While I was browsing through the delightful selection, I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with the shop owner - a woman with a heart full of love for all things ballet. It turned out, she was a former dancer herself, her eyes literally lit up with enthusiasm as we discussed different styles and cuts of tutus! I swear, I must have spent over an hour just talking about tutus! You know, sometimes you just find yourself with people who get it, you know, like the secret club that is a love of ballet and the perfect tutu.

It’s that connection, that spark of shared passion, that makes every journey worthwhile, and Braintree definitely had that. Whether it was sharing tips on my favorite brand of leotards with another ballet enthusiast or sipping tea with the most delightful baker who was a complete theatre buff, Braintree turned into a journey of connection.

A Call To Action!

Alright, you wonderful ballet enthusiasts. Braintree has filled my cup of inspiration, and now it's my mission to spread that love. Don't be shy - take the plunge, lace up your pointe shoes or dance in those gorgeous pink flats, and let the music move you! Life’s too short to be anything but happy, especially when there’s a tutu involved. And, if you’re feeling particularly brave, pop on a pink one, grab your best friend (or your significant other, of course) and go have an adventure of your own!

See you tomorrow for another magical #TutuBlog adventure, my lovelies!

Emma x

P.S. Don’t forget to head to www.pink-tutu.com to see all my adventures! And feel free to comment and let me know where I should go next!

#TutuBlog 2017-05-02 in Braintree with a cheap tutu.