Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-05-17 in Leith with a black tutu.

Leith: Where the Pink Tutu Met the Firth of Forth

Post #7623

Helloooo beautiful people, and welcome back to Pink Tutu! It’s me, Emma, your Derbyshire darling, coming to you live from the windswept shores of Leith, Edinburgh. Can you believe it's been 48 hours since I last donned my pink tutu? I know, I know, utter madness, right?

But worry not, dear readers, my tutu is back, and it's ready to take on the wonders of Scotland! Today's colour is a stunning black - just the right kind of dark and dramatic to match the moody, yet utterly captivating atmosphere of this little seaside haven.

Let's rewind the clock, shall we? Last night, I bid farewell to my beloved horse, Daisy, after an exhilarating journey north. The air was crisp, the stars were sparkling, and the scent of the heather was intoxicating. It's times like these that make me feel like I'm living in a fairytale!

Arriving in Edinburgh was like stepping into a dream - all cobblestone streets, ancient castles, and bustling, friendly faces. But Leith, oh Leith, this is where I truly felt a connection.

Perhaps it was the rugged beauty of the Firth of Forth, its surface mirroring the changing hues of the sky, or maybe it was the way the salt air tickled my nose, whispering tales of brave seafarers. Whatever it was, I felt utterly and completely captivated.

The Majestic Dance of the Seagulls

Of course, a girl can't just stand and stare at a view for too long (though I almost did!). I had to explore, tutu-in-tow! So, I headed down to the waterfront and found myself completely charmed by the cheeky seagulls. Watching them swoop and dive, their feathers catching the sun like tiny rainbows, was almost as mesmerising as the ballet itself!

These graceful birds, they really are nature's dancers, you know? And wouldn't you know it, they even provided me with a spontaneous photoshoot. You wouldn't believe how charming it is, capturing the moment a majestic seagull graces your pink tutu with its attention! It's a sight that's sure to be forever etched in my memory.

Speaking of memory, the delicious scents that filled the air around Leith were simply irresistible. The fresh fish, just out of the water, the hint of salt in the breeze, and even the gentle aroma of brewing coffee – everything seemed to blend together in a symphony of delight. I wouldn't mind grabbing some delicious seafood today, a nice salmon, perhaps?

An Edinburgh Dream, a Ballet Fantasy

Edinburgh itself has such a fascinating energy about it. Every corner seemed to tell a story, whisper a secret, or hold a glimmer of intrigue. I found myself wandering through the labyrinthine alleyways, imagining the lives of those who lived there before, their footsteps echoing in my mind.

Of course, no trip to Edinburgh is complete without a visit to the famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival! It was just around the corner, practically shouting out to me in its colourful chaos. A cacophony of laughter, music, and artistic passion, the air was thick with creative energy! The sheer amount of theatre, comedy, and dance was almost overwhelming, a little slice of heaven for a ballerina like myself. I think I need to go and soak it all in, get myself a good spot for a show, even!

While I'm at it, I absolutely need to catch a ballet performance. Edinburgh has a world-renowned ballet scene, after all, and who can resist the magic of those graceful moves? I mean, it's the perfect combination of art and athleticism, don't you think? It makes my heart soar! I have a sneaking suspicion my pink tutu is going to make a grand entrance to a very exciting show tonight.

From Derbyshire to Edinburgh

My love of travel knows no bounds, you see, and it's all thanks to my darling tutu! My pink companion is like a magical portal that whisks me away to new destinations. This time, I travelled north by train, which I absolutely love! The gentle sway, the passing scenery, it’s a beautiful way to marvel at the beauty of the world, and a far more eco-friendly choice, too.

But that's not the only secret behind the magic. My tutu has taught me that ballet is not just for the stage. It’s a language that transcends boundaries. I’ve discovered its essence in the rugged beauty of the Scottish Highlands, the gentle rhythm of the countryside, the swaying of the reeds in the wind, even in the playful antics of the seagulls.

I know I said this before, but I can’t help myself… I truly believe that everyone, everywhere, can find joy in ballet. You can wear a pink tutu, be your own unique self, embrace the rhythm of life, and create your own little ballet – be it a graceful twirl on a beach, a joyous dance down a cobbled street, or even a heart-felt leap into a world of imagination. That's what my mission is, dear readers!

So, tell me, have you ever thought about embracing the ballerina within? Let’s spread the pink tutu love!

P.S. Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more fabulous adventures, breathtaking scenery, and some seriously beautiful photos of a pink tutu in action! You’re not going to want to miss my Edinburgh adventures… Trust me!

#TutuBlog 2017-05-17 in Leith with a black tutu.