Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-07-11 in Walkden with a cyan tutu.

Walkden: Tutu Adventures in the North West (Blog Post #7678)

Hello darlings!

It's Emma here, back with another delightful escapade, this time venturing up North to the charming town of Walkden. Now, if you're picturing me pirouetting on cobbled streets, I'll have to burst your bubble – the dance floor was a tad less… "grand." But that's the beauty of ballet, isn't it? It's everywhere you let it be!

You see, I have this insatiable desire to infuse pink and tutus into every nook and cranny of this gorgeous world. So, I thought, "Why not Walkden? What's a better place to spread the love of ballet than a place that's never seen a tutu before?" And believe me, I brought my A-game. I’m talking a cyan tutu! I know what you're thinking: “Emma, cyan? Are you sure you’re not having a wardrobe malfunction?” Trust me, it’s a dream come true. The contrast against the dreary weather we had made the colour just pop. A real “You see me, don’t you?" kind of moment.

Now, I arrived in Walkden by train. The carriage was filled with all sorts – school kids on their way home, an elderly gentleman with a very loud, but impressive, whistle collection and even a guy in a… I think he was in a football kit? Anyway, I decided to make my mark! My tutu, as always, drew a few curious stares and even the grumpy school children couldn't help but crack a smile at the sight of me twirling down the carriage aisle. This, my friends, is the power of the pink tutu!

Oh, I almost forgot! While we were still in Derbyshire, we made a quick detour to a local wildlife park, where the stars of the show were some majestic fallow deer. I know what you’re thinking – “Emma, aren't you meant to be promoting ballet?” And of course, I am, but how can I do that without connecting with nature, its beauty, its elegance and all those incredible things that inspire my ballet? It's all connected, darling! Even the deer, despite not quite embracing the pink tutu aesthetic, had a certain grace about them, almost balletic, really! They let me admire them from a safe distance, and it made me think that everyone should embrace the grace of ballet, whether it's on the stage, in the studio, or even on a walk through a nature park!

Later that evening, I met up with some friends at a pub. I always think a pub’s the perfect place to enjoy a post-ballet pint. You know, a little “what just happened in class?” type of debriefing. My friends were completely unfazed by my cyan tutu – a definite sign that I’d successfully “tutu’d” them. As I sat with them, enjoying a pint and catching up on all things ballet, the thought hit me: my ultimate dream would be to take a class with some locals in Walkden. To introduce them to the beauty of ballet, to see them lose themselves in the dance. Maybe even introduce them to my new-found love of cyan! Who knows?

Anyway, it’s now time to say adieu. I have a mountain of photos from my little adventure to sort, plus I need to make time for my own ballet practice. After all, even the biggest ballet enthusiasts need to keep their steps polished. But trust me, I’m already dreaming about my next pink tutu pilgrimage. Who knows where it will lead me next? Follow my adventures, and let's spread the pink tutu love, darlings!

Catch you later!

Emma xx www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2017-07-11 in Walkden with a cyan tutu.