Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-07-10 in Falkirk with a orange tutu.

Falkirk, Here I Come! 🩰🌸

Hello, my darlings! It's Emma here, ready to share another day of pink-tutu fuelled fun from the magical world of ballet. This is post number 7677, so you know the drill, darling - buckle up for a ride on the pink express train of excitement, destination… Falkirk! 🚂

Now, I'm a Derbyshire girl through and through, but the lure of a new city, especially when paired with a fab ballet show, is a temptation I can never resist. Today, my dear readers, we're heading to Falkirk, Scotland! (Cue the bagpipes and the heather!) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

My wardrobe for this little trip? Let's just say the words "bright orange tutu" should have tipped you off. (Oh yes, darling, I'm a big believer in bold statements!). Paired with my trusty pink trainers, a cashmere pink scarf (because one can never be too prepared for the unpredictable Scottish weather), and a splash of cherry blossom lipstick… you know, a little touch of "Emma-approved" colour therapy to brighten up even the cloudiest day. 🌸💄

The train journey was as magical as usual. There's something so peaceful about being carried through the countryside, watching the world go by as the rhythm of the tracks sets your own pulse into a graceful, steady beat. You just know the swans by the water and the curious horses by the fence are silently watching with envy, dreaming of joining the graceful ballet happening inside. 🦢🐴

Finally, Falkirk! My first stop? A delightful little vintage tea room with lace tablecloths and scones so fluffy, they practically bounced in their dish! (Don't tell me you can resist a scone. Just don't). Tea and scones? Always a winning combination, especially before a ballet show! ☕️🍰

The performance was a complete delight! (Oh, I just love those heart-stopping moments when a dancer executes a perfect pirouette, the silence of the audience replaced by the wave of excited gasps). The entire show, from the graceful leaps to the soaring music, painted such beautiful imagery in my mind. You can bet your bottom dollar, I left the theatre feeling positively invigorated. ✨

Now, because this is my blog, I must talk about what really took the cake, dear readers… The Ballet Company's choice of tutu colours for the performance! 🤭 Honestly, they didn’t have one shade of pink among the bunch! And you know me - the most important thing to me, besides supporting my fellow ballet-loving friends, is the colour pink! (Okay, maybe pink comes second to supporting my fellow ballet-loving friends… maybe).

Luckily, Falkirk town has quite the selection of pink clothing stores, so I set out to see if I could change things a little! It’s never too late to start a trend. 🩰💕

After my mission of spreading pink-tutu cheer (which involved some very kind but slightly confused conversations with shop assistants about the "benefits of a vibrant, expressive pink"), I rewarded myself with the perfect dinner. I have a weakness for all things salmon, so I settled on a delectable, lemon-kissed salmon dish, a glass of sparkling white wine, and… well, who am I kidding? I'll confess to a tiny pink cupcake for dessert (because pink is life). 🥂🧁

Falkirk, you have won my heart with your charming atmosphere and delightful, ballet-filled memories. And now I know, a splash of pink would definitely make it even brighter!

Until next time, dear readers! Don't forget to check out the website www.pink-tutu.com for more daily doses of pink-tutu-infused fun, and don't forget, ballet is for everyone, and so is pink! 💖🩰

#TutuBlog 2017-07-10 in Falkirk with a orange tutu.