Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-08-09 in Carshalton with a red tutu.

Carshalton Calling! Tutu Adventures and a Spot of Wildlife (Blog Post #7707)

Hey lovelies! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad adventurer, bringing you another day of whimsy and ballet bliss straight from the heart of Carshalton! Today's been all about exploring this delightful town and, of course, twirling my way through its streets.

The morning began with a brisk (but absolutely beautiful!) journey down to Carshalton. I must confess, I've fallen in love with train journeys recently. There's just something magical about watching the countryside whizz past while I'm curled up with my latest novel and a steaming mug of hot chocolate. And let's be honest, the train is the perfect opportunity to pull out that special pink tutu I've been saving! The fellow passengers always smile when I settle in for the journey, a little bit of pink fluffiness in the otherwise monochrome train carriage. It's just a reminder to everyone to embrace a touch of the extraordinary in their day!

Carshalton itself is absolutely charming. It's one of those places where you feel transported back in time, with its cobblestone streets, quaint shops, and charming pubs. The air is crisp and fresh, and the sun is shining, making it the perfect backdrop for my ballet-inspired exploration. I always feel so energised when I'm in a place like this. It feels like my creativity just bubbles over, and I can’t help but break into a little impromptu pirouette or two!

First stop - a delightful café, nestled between a vintage bookstore and a florist. It had a charming, old-fashioned feel about it, with wicker chairs and a pot of pink peonies sitting proudly on the counter. I couldn't resist the raspberry and vanilla latte – perfect fuel for a day of ballet-inspired adventuring! After I finished my drink, I did what I do best – popped a picture of the coffee on my Instagram. #PinkTutuTravels #CoffeeDate #CarshaltonCharm!

Of course, I couldn't come to Carshalton without checking out the famous Carshalton Ponds. The beautiful green expanse felt serene and peaceful, like a world away from the hustle and bustle of city life. I felt inspired by the gentle lapping of the water, so I started my ballet session right there! I think my graceful arabesques and perfectly executed fouettés added a touch of fairytale charm to the picturesque scene. A family stopped to watch and even gave me a polite applause - I felt like I was performing on stage, except the audience was a family of ducks and geese. #TutuAndDucks #NatureBallet

While I was taking a break from my ballet practice, I stumbled upon a charming antique shop, crammed with treasures and trinkets. The owner, a friendly gentleman named Mr. Williams, was delighted to hear about my pink tutu mission and the impact I hope to make. "I love a bit of colour," he exclaimed, his face brightening, " reminds me of the good old days!" Mr. Williams even surprised me by offering me a beautiful vintage pink brooch - the perfect little accessory to accentuate the perfect pink tutu, wouldn't you agree?

Feeling inspired by the afternoon's adventures and the charm of Carshalton, I decided to finish off my day by attending the local ballet class. You guys know I can’t resist a good ballet class, no matter where I am! This particular class was in the beautifully renovated Carshalton Methodist Church Hall – quite a contrast to my usual studio! Even though the space was slightly unconventional, the dancers were so welcoming and the instructor a true gem! As soon as we started warming up, I felt the familiar surge of joy and excitement that comes with ballet. This time, however, the joy was doubled because we were dancing in this little bit of English history. There is something special about sharing a passion like ballet in such a beautiful, traditional space. The feeling is definitely magical, and it’s moments like these that remind me why I love doing what I do.

I hope you've enjoyed my adventure in Carshalton! If you ever find yourself in this enchanting part of England, don’t forget to grab your pink tutu and channel your inner ballerina. Who knows? Maybe you'll find some new, extraordinary pink-tutu-loving friends, just like I did today!

Stay tuned, lovelies! Tomorrow's blog is going to be about my quest for the ultimate pink tutu…because there's no such thing as too many, right?

Keep dancing!
Emma x

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram at #PinkTutuTravels. Let’s spread the pink tutu love all over the world!

#TutuBlog 2017-08-09 in Carshalton with a red tutu.