Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-08-10 in Bulwell with a black tutu.

Bulwell Ballet Bonanza! - TutuBlog Post #7708

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina, bringing you all the latest tutu-tastic updates from the world of dance.

Today’s adventure took me to the wonderful town of Bulwell, nestled in the heart of Nottinghamshire. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Emma, Bulwell? Seriously? Isn’t that a bit, well, industrial?” But darling, let me tell you, you simply can’t judge a town by its postcode! This place had so much hidden charm, I almost forgot to take a photo for my Insta! Almost! 😜

The journey itself was a pure delight. A steam train ride from my beloved Derbyshire – a classic! The clackety-clack of the wheels against the rails, the wafting aroma of old leather, and the friendly chat with a fellow passenger about his childhood love for Swan Lake (who doesn’t, right?!). A train journey, especially by steam, is such a whimsical and romantic way to travel. I can just imagine myself, tutu billowing in the breeze, standing in a carriage door and waving to the countryside as we go. (Must remember to take a picture of that next time!)

But enough about my musings on railway journeys, let’s get back to Bulwell! I’d been invited to judge the local ballet competition, an annual affair that always brings out the best talent in the area. This time, I had a particular thrill in mind: it was the final round of the 'Pink Tutu Challenge', a local initiative to get more young people into dance. (Oh, how I love that!).

Arriving in the auditorium, my eyes were instantly drawn to a sea of pink tutus! You can imagine my joy! So many fabulous girls, young and old, sporting their pink pride with a dazzling smile. I could hear the whisper of silk against satin, the delicate tinkling of the little bells adorning the costumes, the excited chatter in anticipation. You see, there’s this magical energy that surrounds a ballet competition, the collective buzz of passion, creativity, and joy. It truly fills my heart!

The competition was fierce – some stunning performances, lots of impressive technique, and not a single dropped pirouette! But my favourite performance of the day had to be from the junior troupe. The theme was ‘Alice in Wonderland’, and these little stars performed with so much heart and humour, their tutus fluttering in sync as they bounced and twirled. My heart absolutely melted!

Of course, it wouldn’t be a proper trip to Bulwell without a little bit of local charm. So, after the competition, I decided to explore. A quaint little cafe, hidden behind a cobbled street, served up a delectable pot of tea and the most delicious raspberry and lemon cake I've ever tasted! The waitress, an older lady with sparkling blue eyes, gave me a warm smile and said, "Welcome to Bulwell! We're a friendly lot here, you know." That's how I like to remember Bulwell – friendly, full of character, and surprisingly beautiful in its own understated way.

As I made my way to the train station, I caught sight of a group of local wildlife enthusiasts huddled around a large tree, pointing their binoculars and chattering excitedly. A red squirrel was scrambling amongst the branches, looking as adorable as you can imagine. This delightful little moment perfectly encapsulated the magic I found in Bulwell. From vibrant performances to a cute little squirrel, this was a day where the unexpected delights took centre stage, all underscored by my favourite shade: pink!

Remember darlings, just like Bulwell, there's a beauty in everything. So embrace the pink tutu, try ballet, travel by train, and remember: the world is your dance floor!

Until next time, stay twirling and keep sparkling,



#TutuBlog 2017-08-10 in Bulwell with a black tutu.