Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-08-29 in Shenley Brook End with a purple tutu.

Shenley Brook End: Where the Purple Tutu Takes Flight! (Post #7727)

Hey lovelies!

It's Emma here, your pink-tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed blogger, reporting live from the charming village of Shenley Brook End. This little gem nestled in Buckinghamshire was a bit of a surprise, but then again, isn't every new adventure? This post is going to be about more than just a trip to a pretty little village. It's about discovering the magic in the unexpected and embracing the power of a purple tutu. 😉

It all began on a sun-drenched Tuesday morning, the smell of freshly baked scones and promise of a good old-fashioned train journey filling the air. I love trains! It’s my favourite way to travel – it allows me to sink into my book and really savour the journey.

But first, a pit stop in Derbyshire. I popped in to see Mum, a ritual before any big adventures, because who better to cheer you on than your biggest fan? We had a delightful afternoon in the garden, drinking tea, and feeding the birds – her beloved peacocks were strutting their stuff in the sunshine. I had to take a moment to admire their beautiful plumage. It was like watching a mobile, feathered ballet. Mum’s garden was full of butterflies and little birds chirping, it really is a haven for wildlife, something I’ve been trying to emulate in my own flat! She said, with a twinkle in her eye, "Get yourself a tutu while you're away! Make sure you go for purple this time, a bit different!"

Now, Mum's not the easiest person to buy for, so I knew she really meant it. Plus, I was on the hunt for a little something special. That's how the purple tutu came into the picture. It wasn’t planned, but you know how it is. Sometimes fate leads you down unexpected, glorious, glittery pathways.

And so, off I went, back to the train station. My ticket read Shenley Brook End, and with that destination in mind, I packed a bright pink travel journal, a couple of my favourite novels, my headphones with a selection of my favourite dance tracks (you can never have too many! 😉) and a good supply of lip gloss. No outfit was complete without my latest addition - the purple tutu. I was definitely channeling a royal vibe today, but also felt slightly naughty in the very unexpected tutu, something about wearing it when I was traveling, felt very carefree, like it was time to 'live life in colour', if you know what I mean. 😉 The sunshine was hitting the carriage windows and the train seemed to be gliding effortlessly through the landscape, it really felt like something out of a fairy tale.

I had an appointment at a studio there, nothing fancy, just a community center. This wasn't a typical venue, but when I read the website – 'Ballet for all, every age, every size' - it resonated deeply. I have been so focused on professional ballet lately, it was refreshing to find an inclusive environment for everyone. I think Mum’s words resonated. "Just dance. Dance to make you happy". That's the spirit of it all.

And let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like taking a train to Shenley Brook End and then slipping into a purple tutu in a quaint community center, a delightful contradiction in my life and a reminder that life’s all about exploring and learning.

There were dancers of all ages and sizes, all shapes and shades, united in their love for ballet. We had such a good time; there was something incredibly special about this particular class. There were more smiles and laughter than I had ever seen in a dance class. The teacher had an aura of kindness and calm, she gave great tips and suggestions and told us that every time we went to a ballet class we were opening ourselves up to the art, the freedom, the joy. And she was right! I spent the next hour, leaping and twirling and feeling a kind of exhilaration that you just can’t describe. The feeling of wearing a purple tutu among a group of joyful dancers. I didn't even want the class to end!

That's why I love traveling, you never know what experiences you might stumble upon.

The day also included an amazing lunch with the local baker (delicious cakes, trust me!) and I took in some of the sights, wandering through the town square and taking a detour along the canal. The peace and serenity were so calming. I also spotted an owl sitting perched on the roof of a quaint little tea shop and got some fantastic pictures of the majestic bird with its intelligent eyes. I thought of mum at this point, we’d been lucky enough to spot a couple of red kites in the Derbyshire skies, a rare bird sight these days.
And all that with a purple tutu in tow! What more could you ask for in one day?

My journey in Shenley Brook End was a true testament to the magic of exploring. And it’s even more magical with a little bit of pink and purple. Don't forget, ladies, whether it's pink, purple or a spectrum of colours, a tutu is a symbol of joy and confidence, something to wear for the sake of wearing it, no rules, just FUN! You can read my blog at www.pink-tutu.com every day to find out where I’m going next. But you can try it at home today. Don't hesitate to take on an adventure of your own. Take a leap of faith, slip on a tutu (I encourage you to get your hands on a purple one!), and remember, your inner dancer deserves a moment to shine!

#TutuBlog 2017-08-29 in Shenley Brook End with a purple tutu.