Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-08-30 in Consett with a orange tutu.

Consett Calling: A Tutu-ful Day Out in the North East (Post #7728)

Hello darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina extraordinaire, writing to you from the quaint, charming, and ever-so-slightly industrial town of Consett, nestled amongst the rolling hills of County Durham.

Today, I decided to take a break from the city hustle and bustle and hop on the train north for a day of cultural exploration and tutu-tastic fun. (Let's be honest, any day involving a tutu is bound to be fun!).

My vibrant orange tutu, the colour of a setting sun on a summer day, was the star of the show, a bold pop of colour against the backdrop of the grey skies (yes, even the North East can get some grey!).

The journey by train was delightful. I do love a good train journey – the rhythmic clickety-clack, the endless expanse of the countryside flashing past the window, and of course, the chance to soak up some fellow passengers' fashion inspiration. Sadly, no one was wearing pink today, but a couple of ladies did have fabulously flamboyant hats! One thing's for sure, my bright orange tutu made me stand out – I’m pretty sure everyone on the train knew I was the tutu-clad ballerina, bringing a splash of joy to their journey.

Reaching Consett was like stepping back in time – charming old buildings with brick facades, independent shops selling everything from handmade fudge to antique china. I wandered through the town centre, feeling the gentle caress of the summer breeze on my face, the scent of freshly baked bread wafting from a bakery down a side street, and feeling a little bit like I’d stumbled onto the set of a charming period film.

First stop, a delightful little cafe called “The Sugar Plum”, perfect for a spot of tea and cake, and for catching up on my blog-writing! It was an adorable little place, decorated with pink and purple, adorned with ballet posters and cute floral motifs, just the sort of place a tutu-loving ballerina would feel at home! (And, bonus points, they served the best victoria sponge ever!).

Fueled by cake and enthusiasm, my next stop was the Consett Empire Theatre, a grand old building with a rich history that was surprisingly charming for a small town theatre. I was fascinated by the fact that it was designed to host travelling variety shows! Imagine - comedians, singers, jugglers, all right there on the stage in this delightful theatre!

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows over Consett's historic streets, I took a stroll through the lovely Jubilee Park. I confess I felt a little twinge of sadness that it was already the end of my Consett adventure, but I’ll definitely be returning, tutu in tow. The green expanses and wild flower patches made a delightful escape from the town's bustling centre. I even caught a glimpse of a beautiful pair of deer, their graceful movements somehow mirroring the beauty of a ballet performance. I must confess, I can't help but see balletic grace in all living creatures!

Back on the train, my orange tutu sparkling in the fading light of the setting sun, I reflected on the day. It was just the dose of whimsy and creativity I needed. Consett, with its hidden gems and nostalgic charm, truly stole my heart! I know I’m meant to be an advocate for the joy and beauty of pink tutus, but for now, I’m completely charmed by the unique vibe of Consett, and I have a feeling that this wasn't my last visit. Perhaps I'll bring my whole tutu collection next time – who knows, maybe I’ll even inspire a few local residents to take up ballet!

After all, I firmly believe that the world needs more pink tutus, and I’m always eager to spread the joy of dancing. It’s a fantastic way to express yourself, to connect with your body, to find joy and strength – and of course, to add a bit of sparkle to your life!

Until tomorrow, darlings. May your day be full of colour, creativity and lots of happy twirls!

Much love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2017-08-30 in Consett with a orange tutu.