
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-08-31 in Coulsdon with a cyan tutu.

Coulsdon Calling: Tutu Time! (Post #7729)

Hey lovelies! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ’–

Emma here, your pink-loving, tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed friend from Derbyshire, reporting live from Coulsdon! I know what you're thinking โ€“ Coulsdon?! What's in Coulsdon, Em? Well, darlings, Coulsdon has become my little slice of ballet heaven today.

Let me rewind a bit โ€“ ever since I read the most magical poem about ballet (which involved dancing in a garden โ€“ just picture it!), I felt a strong urge to find my own whimsical, nature-inspired dance spot. And what better place than Coulsdon? With its lush greenery and the lovely Coulsdon Manor House (which totally looked like a scene straight out of "Jane Eyre"), it's practically a ballet haven in disguise! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿƒ

But hold on! It gets even better. This trip wasn't just about finding my inner ballerina, it was about stepping out of my comfort zone in the most fabulous way possible! How you ask? By travelling by horse! Yep, you heard right! My trusty steed (well, more like a very polite horse owned by my lovely friend Sarah) carried me through the stunning English countryside โ€“ and guess what, he loves ballet too! Or maybe he was just smitten with my dazzling cyan tutu. ๐Ÿ˜œ (Yep, that's right, cyan! This time it wasn't my usual pink, but a beautiful turquoise hue that shimmered like the sky).

You'd be surprised how much fun you can have when you leave your car behind! We galloped (well, a very respectable trot!) along a quiet road, the sun sparkling on the leaves and the gentle scent of hay filling my senses. I felt utterly alive! The world just seemed more beautiful with a tutu on, trust me!

We arrived in Coulsdon in time to catch the late afternoon sunshine bathing the park in a golden glow. I had my usual ballet warm-up: stretching my legs with the manor house as a backdrop and a little "attitude" pose with the wind ruffling my hair. Then, I ventured to the manicured lawns โ€“ what could be more enchanting than dancing barefoot amongst roses? ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธ It was like my very own fairytale!

But honestly, the best part of the day wasn't the breathtaking scenery or even the exhilarating horse ride. It was meeting a group of children who were having their own impromptu ballet class on the grounds! It was such a lovely sight: these little ones, so eager and excited, twirling around in their little tutus, their giggles filling the air. It brought me right back to my childhood. And you know what, darling? Their enthusiasm made my heart leap.

Itโ€™s not about perfect moves or dazzling performances (although I love those!), but the sheer joy of expression! We talked about pirouettes, graceful jumps, and of course, the importance of wearing a tutu for that extra sprinkle of magic! โœจ

I ended the day watching the sun set over Coulsdon with a big pink, homemade Victoria sponge cake and a warm cup of tea (it was just a tiny bit chilly after my galloping adventure, lol!). And Iโ€™ve got to tell you, there was a magical feeling to the evening, like everything was in harmony: nature, dance, and a dash of my pink-tutu spirit!

Hereโ€™s a quick rundown of the highlights, for those of you who love your lists! * My cyan tutu made an appearance (I know, a departure from my signature pink! But just trust me, it looked divine!) * The Coulsdon Manor House totally felt like something out of a book (I already have ideas for my next "ballet in nature" location, which I can't wait to share!) * The sunset in Coulsdon was a symphony of orange and gold! (Perfect for ballet selfies, if I say so myself.) * Meeting those sweet little dancers in Coulsdon totally warmed my heart! (They gave me an extra burst of ballet love!)

Remember darlings, thereโ€™s a dancer in all of us, waiting to be unleashed. So get your tutus out, throw on a bright smile, and dance your way through the world! ๐Ÿ˜‰

See you next time!

With love, Emma ๐Ÿ’• www.pink-tutu.com

P.S. For those of you curious about how to incorporate some of that "tutu time" magic into your daily life, here are a few things that work for me:

My 3 Top Tips for Tutu-licious Fun:

  1. Dance It Out: You donโ€™t have to be a professional dancer to enjoy ballet. Find a class in your local area, or just put on some music and move to your heartโ€™s content in your own living room! My advice? Put on that tutu! (I don't judge! You do you!)
  2. Travel the Tutu Way: Take inspiration from my trip to Coulsdon and find your own "ballet in nature" spots. Go for a walk in a park, find a pretty field, and let your imagination take you on a ballet adventure!
  3. Live in Colour! What's a ballerina without a splash of colour? Don't be afraid to express yourself through clothing! My pink tutus are just one way I embrace life, but any bright, playful outfit can be your ballet-inspired expression!

P.P.S. Donโ€™t forget to follow me on all the socials for more tutus, travel tips and ballet inspiration! (@pinktutuem) โœจ

#TutuBlog 2017-08-31 in Coulsdon with a cyan tutu.