Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-09-06 in Upminster with a american style tutu.

Upminster Adventures: A Tutu and a Train Take Me on a Pink Journey!

Post Number 7735

Hey darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-obsessed ballerina!

The sun's shining, my new pink tulle skirt is shimmering, and I'm feeling positively giddy. Why? Well, I'm about to embark on another exciting journey! This time, it's a trip to the quaint little town of Upminster, a delightful gem tucked away in Essex. But let's not forget, every journey is better with a little pink… and a tutu, of course! 😉

This adventure has a touch of American flair because, get this, I'm rocking a full-fledged American-style tutu today! It's voluminous, it's dramatic, it's a veritable explosion of pink and tulle! I mean, you can't go wrong with that, can you? The only question is: will I need a bigger bag for this outfit, or just some extra hairspray? 😜

As always, travelling is a treat in itself. For this jaunt, I opted for a delightful ride on the good ol' train. Let's be honest, a carriage with the breeze whistling through the windows is a perfect ballet class setting in itself. My trusty headphones blast out some favourite classical tunes, the rhythm tapping its way into my soul. I know it seems dramatic, but really, what is more theatrical than a train journey across the British countryside?

Now, I know I've been hinting about my Upminster adventure for a while, so let's get into the nitty-gritty. You see, I have a secret mission. A secret that involves… well… ballet. I'm here to see a show! And not just any show. This is a special ballet performance, an experience that I've been dying to witness. The name escapes me, but something about leaping ballerinas, swirling tutus, and music that makes you want to spin until you fall into the arms of your dearest companion... sigh. I won't spoil the magic for you, my dears! It's better experienced than described.

But that's not all! Upminster is a real treat for the senses. Picture cobbled streets, cute little tea shops with delectable cakes, and hidden corners teeming with wildflowers and buzzing with the melody of bees. There's a sense of peace, a calm I haven't found anywhere else. This is what a true ballet dancer needs: the inspiration that only nature can provide.

Speaking of nature, I found this quaint little park filled with… well, birds! Birds of all colours and sizes. They weren't too bothered about my tutu either, which was a delightful surprise. Perhaps they were captivated by the pink hue? I can dream, right? These birds are like the dancers of the sky – soaring, twirling, flitting about in a breathtaking ballet of feathers and freedom.

I spent the afternoon strolling through this feathered wonderland, enjoying the fresh air and watching them swoop and dive. Maybe it's just my dancer's heart, but there's a kind of grace, a sense of effortless artistry in their movement that's truly mesmerizing. It was a reminder that beauty and elegance are found in the most unexpected places.

The evening has arrived, the pink sun is dipping down, casting long shadows across the town. The excitement for tonight's ballet performance is brewing inside me. I can already hear the music, the applause, the soft whisper of applause. But I know what's about to unfold is more than just a performance. It's an escape, a journey into a world where emotions are painted with movement, where dreams are sculpted in leaps and bounds. It's ballet. It's magic.

As I slip on my pink tutu, I feel like the perfect combination of Derbyshire charm and Parisian chic. Tonight, my journey continues with the enchanting story of a dancer's life on the stage.

Stay tuned for more details of this wondrous Upminster experience, my lovelies.


Emma 💖

#TutuBlog 2017-09-06 in Upminster with a american style tutu.