
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-09-08 in Droitwich with a german tutu.

Droitwich Delights: A German Tutu Takes on Worcestershire

#TutuBlog Post 7737 - 8th September 2017

Oh darling, you won't believe what adventures this Derbyshire girl has been up to! Let me tell you, the last few days have been a whirlwind of tutus, trains, and... oh yes, the most delightful German tutu I've ever laid eyes on. (Don't worry, you'll get a sneak peek of that gorgeousness later on).

Let's rewind back to the beginning of the week, where I was already feeling the buzz of anticipation. You know that feeling? A mix of butterflies and pure joy. Because I was heading to Droitwich!

A Droitwich Date With Destiny

It all began in my little studio apartment in Derbyshire. I'd been chatting online with some fellow ballet enthusiasts, and somehow the conversation drifted towards the joys of visiting Droitwich Spa. You know, that gorgeous little town in Worcestershire famous for its salt wells and beautiful architecture. (Oh, and for those delicious Droitwich cheeses, which, rumour has it, are as good as they sound! ๐Ÿ˜‹ )

Now, if you've been following my blog for any time, you know that I'm a firm believer in spontaneous adventures. So when the train tickets were booked, I knew this was going to be a trip to remember.

A Journey Under The Sky

Leaving Derbyshire feels like stepping out of my world and into a new adventure. The railway carriages became my mini-theatre, a backdrop for my daydreams. My favourite part? Looking out of the window and spotting the horses grazing peacefully in the fields, their sleek coats catching the sunshine. It's the kind of scenery that fills you with peace, you know?

I can't lie - the journey to Droitwich was longer than usual. It's not just a quick hop and a skip from Derbyshire, you see. But even that was okay.

What can I say? I love trains. And there's something magical about the way they take you on a journey, just like they used to take my grandmother to her own theatre productions. She would always say "The journey is half the fun, Emma. So savour every moment!". And oh, how I've always cherished that advice.

First Impressions of Droitwich Spa

Stepping off the train and into Droitwich Spa felt like stepping onto a set. It's just... so charming! And when you're a ballerina with a penchant for pink and beautiful architecture, well, you're bound to fall in love, don't you think? I felt like I was in a period drama. The narrow cobblestone streets were bursting with colour, from the beautiful stonework of the buildings to the flowers in the windows. Even the salt pans looked like something straight out of a fairytale.

And you just know, I had to find the perfect pink outfit for this occasion. So I strutted around with confidence in a beautiful rose pink dress with matching shoes, the pink tones reflecting in the sparkling waters of Droitwich's famous springs. (More on those later - I was SO excited to try those mineral baths!).

A Touch Of German Charm (and Tutus!)

Now, my lovelies, I told you about my secret surprise - my new German tutu. It had to make its grand entrance, and the town of Droitwich was the perfect backdrop. Think layers of vibrant pink tulle with intricate beading, a delicate hint of white lace, and the most beautiful ribbons flowing gracefully behind me as I twirled.

Just as I was contemplating whether to unleash its full pink glory on the cobblestones, my eyes were drawn to a shop window display with its array of beautifully decorated costumes. It was a costume shop with some rather divine theatrical accessories - the kind that would transform any ballerina's wardrobe! (You bet I didn't leave empty-handed - I have a new set of pointe shoes to go with my fabulous German creation.)

And guess what? I saw a gorgeous, sparkly, hot pink tutu sitting on the mannequin right outside the window. It almost felt like it was calling my name. I felt like I needed to introduce myself properly, but somehow, my feet had already carried me through the door.

From the Spa to the Stage

Talking of doors, let's talk about my visit to the Droitwich Spa itself. Now, darling, let me tell you - that mineral-rich water is something special. I had a luxurious bath in one of the ancient Roman Baths. It was like bathing in liquid silk! I was left feeling absolutely radiant. The salt water soothed all my tired muscles from the journey, you know? And for a ballerina, a little self-care goes a long way!

Later that afternoon, I joined a lovely group of dancers for a special ballet performance in Droitwich's quaint town hall. The performance was a beautiful mix of classical and contemporary, and I absolutely fell in love with the local talent! There's nothing like being surrounded by people who share your passion, and the enthusiasm was contagious!

After the show, I couldn't resist taking my German tutu on a little spin around Droitwich's historical streets. It's all about embracing those little moments of joy, wouldn't you agree? And it's important to find that inner ballerina, regardless of where you are or who you're with! I think it's important to bring a little pink into every corner of the world, especially when it comes to expressing yourself through dance.

Goodbye, Droitwich!

As my train journey back to Derbyshire rolled on, I found myself reflecting on my adventure. Droitwich Spa was just what I needed to recharge my soul and to fill my heart with joy. My German tutu made a splash - no pun intended - and brought me a new kind of adventure, reminding me that every experience, no matter how grand or simple, has the potential to be extraordinary.

*Until next time, darling. Happy twirling! *

#TutuBlog 2017-09-08 in Droitwich with a german tutu.