Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-09-15 in Southampton with a yellow tutu.

Southampton Sparkle: A Tutu-tastic Adventure!

Post Number 7744

Hello my beautiful ballet-loving lovelies! Emma here, ready to whisk you away on another tutu-tastic adventure, this time to the gorgeous seaside town of Southampton! The train journey was simply delightful, a flurry of sunshine and seagulls. As soon as the train pulled into the station, I knew this was going to be a special trip!

Southampton itself is a beautiful town, bursting with history, charm, and a sprinkle of that magical seaside energy I simply adore. The air smelled of salty air, freshly-baked pastries, and something vaguely floral - I swear, the whole place had a whisper of a fairytale in it.

Now, let’s be honest - what could possibly make a visit to Southampton even better? You guessed it! A trip to the Mayflower Theatre!

I'm absolutely obsessed with theatre. The whole thing - from the beautiful old buildings, the rustle of programmes, the quiet anticipation in the air, to the roaring applause at the end. Every time I enter a theatre, it's like stepping into a dream, and this one was no exception.

This particular trip wasn't just about admiring the theatre, though. It was a pilgrimage for ballet! I was going to see a spectacular performance of Swan Lake, and let me tell you - it was absolute perfection.

The dancers, oh my, they were ethereal! So elegant, so powerful, every movement was so controlled and yet so effortless, like the very embodiment of grace itself. And the costumes! The graceful whites of the swans and the dark intensity of the black swans – they simply took my breath away. I may have been whispering “oh, how beautiful!” and “I just love it!” throughout the performance!

It was the perfect blend of strength and delicacy, showcasing the extraordinary power and emotion that ballet can evoke. I practically swooned, particularly during the beautiful ‘Dance of the Cygnets’. And just as I was starting to think my heart couldn't take any more beauty, the finale hit and boom – my heart went into overdrive. The whole audience erupted into thunderous applause, and it was as if everyone in that room was celebrating the sheer joy and brilliance of dance itself!

Later that evening, as I strolled through Southampton, feeling a million light-years away from the humdrum of my life in Derbyshire, I popped into a little tea shop for some traditional afternoon tea. The scones, the clotted cream, the cucumber sandwiches
 It was everything a proper afternoon tea should be! The air was thick with laughter, conversation and the delightful aroma of tea. As I nibbled on my scone, I couldn't help but feel utterly content, utterly at home, in my little pink tutu, surrounded by the most delightful things in life.

But of course, no trip to a new place would be complete without a touch of Emma-style exploration! The next day, I decided to venture into the countryside surrounding Southampton, armed with my trusty travel map and a pair of trusty walking boots (pink, of course!).

As I explored the fields and forests, the serenity of nature truly touched my soul. I watched, with bated breath, as a family of deer grazed peacefully, their velvety coats gleaming in the sunshine. A couple of shy rabbits hopped into view, their tiny noses twitching with curiosity, before scampering back into their burrows. Even the chattering of birds seemed to carry a sweet melody.

It was such a tranquil experience, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of London or the constant buzz of city life. Here, the world seemed to slow down, taking me back to a simpler time when the biggest worry in my life was which tutu to choose!

Honestly, as I looked across the rolling hills and saw the fields bursting with wildflowers, a feeling of contentment washed over me. I just know this is something I'll never forget - the sights, the sounds, the gentle rhythm of life here in the countryside. I am convinced that every now and then, you need to escape the urban jungle and let nature reconnect you to yourself. It's just what the soul needs, and besides, what better place to wear a bright pink tutu and feel carefree?

After a beautiful morning spent surrounded by nature, I felt my energy levels soaring. So, what was a ballet-loving lady to do? Well, the answer was as clear as a pirouette: a ballet class, of course!

Now, the real story about ballet in Southampton is actually pretty funny, which I should really share because it was pretty funny! I thought I’d book a private ballet class at the town hall or a dance studio. After some internet searching, it turns out Southampton’s ballet scene seems to be run by a really friendly lady called
 wait for it

So, after making the phone call, I ended up in Mavis’ living room for my lesson. (She had a pink living room too, which just made my heart happy!). The whole experience was so quaint! Her studio was the smallest space I've ever danced in, it's basically one small room, but Mavis had such an abundance of ballet knowledge, and I truly feel like my pirouettes are getting even better. As we did Ă©chappĂ© and dĂ©veloppĂ© in her little studio, we were interrupted at one point by the postman arriving. Then there was the distinct rumble of the milkman making his round as we did a series of releves. My personal little ballet story in Southampton is just part of the whole fun, really!

However, the real heart of Southampton turned out to be a very different, much less predictable adventure. I stumbled across the Southampton Art Gallery, which is housed in the city's central library building. Inside, it was filled with a magnificent collection of paintings and sculptures, including everything from early English art to some modern art, which I do find quite intriguing.

The real gem of the gallery though? This adorable little porcelain ballerina. This graceful tiny creature was a perfect picture of a ballet dancer: delicately balanced, gracefully poised, her costume crafted from intricate patterns of swirling pinks and creams. She almost made me miss my favourite ballerina dress for just a minute! She was such a gorgeous little thing - like a miniature work of art! She also had a rather odd, quirky aura that was very much on theme for Southampton.

What is it about porcelain? Porcelain ballet figurines always seem to have an air of mystery. Like their perfect elegance, there's an underlying fragility to their nature that makes you admire them more and makes you feel a little bit nervous too.

So, there you have it, another unforgettable adventure, all thanks to my beloved pink tutu. This little town holds a special place in my heart now, and you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be back. Until then, keep on spinning those pirouettes, stay fabulous, and always remember: the world's a prettier place with a pink tutu in it!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram at @pink_tutu.

Yours always in tutus and tea,

Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 2017-09-15 in Southampton with a yellow tutu.