Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-10-07 in Basildon with a narrow tutu.

Basildon Bound in a Bouncy Tutu: Post #7766 🩰💖

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure, this time to the rather unassuming town of Basildon! Now, I know what you're thinking - Basildon? Isn't that a bit… well, Basildon? 😜 But fear not, my fellow tutu enthusiasts, because even the most unassuming of towns can hold hidden treasures. And I'm here to tell you about the one I discovered!

Let's start with the obvious - the pink tutu. I'd never worn this one in public before, so Basildon got its pink tutu premiere! It's a real head-turner, you know, this one - it’s got a bit of sparkle and a delicate ruffled trim that bounces like a springy cloud when I twirl (which, by the way, I do at least 10 times just walking down the street). I can’t help myself - there’s just something about the wind catching that tutu, you know? I think it just gives me a spring in my step and makes me feel a bit magical! And the most important thing - it's made me ridiculously happy! 😁

Anyway, so the train journey to Basildon was, well, pretty standard, a sea of tired commuters, mostly wearing black and grey. It wasn't exactly inspiring, but then I noticed this sweet lady sitting opposite me. She was reading a book, but she kept peering at my tutu with a faint smile on her face. We locked eyes for a moment, and she winked! It was a tiny moment, but I think she made my day.

As the train neared Basildon, I could see a bustling town full of life, surrounded by a sea of green fields and even a couple of fields with majestic sheep! You know, as a Derbyshire girl, I always get a warm feeling whenever I see sheep. It brings back such happy memories of childhood picnics, rolling green hills and fluffy, innocent baa-ing! 💖

Now, the real reason I came to Basildon? The fabulous Basildon Arts Theatre, tucked away in a quiet little corner of town. You'd never know it existed if you didn't know where to look, but there it was – a true little gem. This was it, the start of a journey into a world of dreams and elegance! 🩰

You might be wondering, what was the show about? Well, you guessed it: Ballet! I know I talk about it all the time, but I honestly cannot get enough of it! This time, it was a rendition of “Giselle.” Oh, this ballet is so beautiful. It's all about heartbreak and true love, told through incredible movements and heartfelt expressions. I cried at some parts, laughed at others, and then there were moments of pure joy - especially the dance sequences! They were magical! I have to admit, the entire experience really brought back some sweet memories of my time at the Royal Ballet School in London.

Speaking of the Royal Ballet School, I always try to drop in for a class when I'm in London. You know, keeping the toes strong and the pirouettes perfect! It’s something I'd never take for granted - it really makes me feel more connected to the magic of dance. And the great thing about London is that you’ve always got the option to pop to the theatre. The West End really has it all, doesn't it? The shows, the restaurants, the incredible atmosphere… and then, of course, there are the beautiful outfits I get to wear! For the show I went to, I picked a lovely fuchsia-coloured “bouclé” jacket.

There's just something about those bright colours! They always brighten up the street and, well, they bring out the pink in my tutu! 😄 After all, who needs boring colours when you have pink, right? 😂

After Basildon, I ventured further afield. I have to confess I'm a bit of a wildlife fanatic. So I took a scenic train journey down to the coast. And let me tell you - there is nothing more soothing than watching a sunrise over the sea while sipping on a steaming mug of Earl Grey (no sugar, of course! I'm all about that ballet body, darlings!).

One thing about being on the train – I love meeting fellow travellers. I had a lovely chat with a group of ladies from Brighton. Turns out, they were going to a tea party. I can't tell you how tempted I was to join them! I absolutely love those elaborate finger sandwiches and delicate scones. And you know what - I’m starting to think a pink tutu would look simply perfect at a tea party, don’t you? 💖

While I’m in Brighton, I’m not only thinking about tea parties. I'm dreaming of a day on the beach, with the salty wind whipping through my hair, feeling the soft sand beneath my feet, and… dancing along the shoreline! What better place to enjoy the sunshine, the fresh air and twirl a pink tutu? 🏖️ Just imagine, dancing like a joyful sea nymph, with a touch of fairy magic thrown in!

Of course, there's more than just the sea and the seaside. Brighton is full of history, charm, and art galleries – and a rather famous pier! I know I mentioned it's the “Brighton Pier” but really, everyone just says “the Pier”, you know.

Brighton really does have everything! It’s a bit of a vibrant, playful whirlwind with lots of sunshine, delicious fresh food, lovely people and a charming atmosphere - you could easily lose a day there! Not forgetting, it's also a place where you can unleash your inner child and let your inner dancer twirl freely! What more could a girl want?

So, there you have it, folks! My trip to Basildon, a glimpse into a beautiful world of dance and a little adventure on the Brighton coast. I’m not quite done exploring just yet, so expect more from the world of Pink-Tutu. But, until then, please take this: Embrace life, wear pink, twirl freely, and always keep dreaming.

Love and sparkly wishes, Emma x

#TutuBlog 2017-10-07 in Basildon with a narrow tutu.