Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-10-08 in Maidstone with a heavy tutu.

Maidstone Mayhem! Tutu Adventures on the Train, Part 7767

Oh, my darlings! Another day, another adventure, and guess what? It's Pink Tutu time again! Emma here, reporting live from… well, the train, to be precise! I’m currently whizzing through the Kent countryside, the world a blur of green fields and sleepy villages. It's the kind of view that always makes me yearn to swap my ballet shoes for wellies and go frolicking amongst the sheep – perhaps with a tutu on, just to keep things a bit more "Emma-fied", you know? 😉

But today, we’re off to Maidstone! My heart is beating a little faster than usual, I’m going to see a show at the wonderful Hazlitt Theatre! My excitement is building with every passing station, as the familiar notes of Tchaikovsky and the haunting strains of Debussy float around my head.

Maidstone! A haven for tutu-clad wanderers like myself! I’ve been longing to visit for ages, and finally, it’s happening. I love the theatre! Seeing these talented dancers performing is a thrill beyond words. It’s just magical, you see?

Oh, but let's get back to my journey… The train journey is an absolute dream for this ballerina, a sort of mini ballet on wheels! The rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels on the tracks is the perfect accompaniment to my little foot-tapping routines. I just love the gentle rocking, the rhythmic rhythm… insert dreamily wistful sound. And who could resist a spot of window gazing? Watching the countryside roll by, so serene, so calming. Oh, to be out in the open countryside! I’d love to be riding on a horse, its mane flowing in the breeze, tutu flowing too! The only thing missing is a picnic basket overflowing with treats… But a fellow can't have everything, can they?

But the real joy comes when the carriage empties. Then, I can fully embrace the ballet in my own private performance!

There’s no audience. There’s no judging. I twirl in my pastel-pink tutu, feeling the silken fabric swirl around me, imagining the theatre lights blazing, the applause… a feeling that comes with being Emma, my ballet life, in my ballet heart. This is my little moment of sheer bliss!

There are so many reasons I love the train journeys… Not only are they so inspiring but they’re incredibly calming! It's the perfect environment for creative thoughts to blossom. They’re ideal for the Tutu-licious musings on this pink-tutu blogger's life. For one thing, it helps keep my creative juices flowing! Sitting here watching the world fly by, allows my thoughts to wander into the realm of tutus, and that is a happy place. It gives me a little time for my usual dose of daydreams, dreams that often turn into delightful blog entries. Sometimes, they even inspire whole dance sequences! It is certainly a space where a creative mind can dream… I have even come up with new blog entries while I’ve been travelling. (Let’s be honest, those train journeys wouldn’t be quite the same without the company of my laptop, would they?)

Did you know? It seems that when we're surrounded by nature, our brains enter a special kind of relaxation mode – it’s like we can suddenly switch off and feel less stressed. The result? We feel happier, more focused, and that’s why train travel and the open countryside go hand in hand!

So, I'm sitting here in my train carriage, dressed in my pink-hued ballet dreams (literally, because it's this divine pink, flowy tulle tutu I snagged in the sale, and a ballet pink blouse – gotta be stylish even when travelling!) All is serene! All is peaceful! All is pink-tutu-tastic!

Okay, gotta be honest! While I was on the train I actually whipped up a little impromptu ballet class, just in the empty carriage. Now, some people might think I'm bonkers for dancing around on a train – "But Emma", they might say, "there are people around… you need to be subtle… "

And what's subtle? It's certainly not something a pink-tutu-clad dancer does, not while she’s on her way to see a show! It’s all about joy, freedom of movement and expressing my love of all things ballet-y – and hey, what better way than to bring a bit of 'sparkle' to the world than to take a few twirls in the train carriage while travelling to the theatre? I’m hoping those other passengers felt like they had witnessed something truly amazing. And of course, it goes without saying that I had to film it, which will be up on my Pink Tutu site tomorrow, just for you!

There’s something magical about seeing things for the first time. As I make my way around this beautiful part of England, my heart just swells with pure, unadulterated excitement. I've always been drawn to these places, especially the quiet, scenic corners like the countryside, the seaside…and you guessed it!… the ballet! They’re my perfect combination of tranquility, beauty and sheer wonder. There's something so captivating about their timeless quality that really draws me in. I get a sense of that same timeless quality when I’m dancing on a stage or performing in a show. It’s that combination that truly makes life wonderful, truly pink tutu-licious, really, REALLY!

What better way to spend a lovely autumn afternoon than exploring all that Maidstone has to offer? I am absolutely positively certain I’m going to have an extraordinary day in Maidstone.

Well, this ballet blogger is about to embark on her adventures. See you tomorrow! I can't wait to tell you all about it!

To my dear followers! Don’t forget – pink is always in, ballet is always for you! Let’s make the world a brighter place – a tutu at a time. (A pink one, that is!) 😉

#TutuBlog 2017-10-08 in Maidstone with a heavy tutu.