Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-01-03 in Taunton with a purple tutu.

Taunton Twirls: A Purple Tutu Adventure

Post #7854

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, and today, I'm taking you on a journey to the beautiful town of Taunton, nestled in the heart of Somerset! Now, you know I'm all about colour, and my latest love affair has been with purple. It's so vibrant, regal, and oh so stylish - which is why, of course, it was the perfect shade for my tutu choice today!

I've been aching for a change of scenery after the chill of Derbyshire this winter, so the train beckoned. My trusty, slightly-too-long vintage coat and I huddled in the window seat, watching the rolling hills and sleepy villages flash by. It always reminds me of those whimsical train journeys from classic British films.

Upon arriving at Taunton, a charming gentleman in a dapper tweed coat offered me a lift in his horse-drawn carriage. I just had to say yes! Talk about an authentic vintage experience, especially when we bumped into a delightful group of school children in their uniform - and don't you just love how Brits are always dressed for the weather? I took this chance to get my first taste of Taunton - and it felt like stepping into a beautiful postcard. The buildings were just as enchanting as their inhabitants, the air crisp and filled with the sweet smell of roasted chestnuts. It's the kind of place that just makes you feel instantly at home.

I made my way to the town’s charming ballet school, Taunton Dance Academy, nestled amongst the cobblestone streets. As I was walking past the elegant entrance, my heart leapt – they were holding a workshop showcasing the latest in ballet-inspired fashion! I just had to see! Inside, the dancers were adorned with the most wonderful ballet attire, and they performed breathtaking routines, their grace and poise taking my breath away.

Then came my own turn. Yes, I was going to join in! The instructor, Ms. Florence, was a beautiful woman with kind eyes and a radiant smile. She gave me a few pointers, a twinkle in her eye. “Remember, darling," she said, "the most important thing in dance is to feel the music!”

My heart thumped with nervous excitement as the music swelled, a waltz with an energetic beat that took hold of my soul. My feet found their rhythm. I closed my eyes and let my body move freely. I forgot about the people in the room and simply became the music, the movements swirling through my mind like a dream. The joy I felt in those few minutes was so intense! I never wanted it to end.

The afternoon took a delightful twist when I wandered upon a charming little wildlife refuge. Tucked away just outside the town, it offered the most idyllic scenery - the gentle tinkling of a stream, vibrant autumn colours in the trees, and adorable woodland creatures that stole my heart! I got so caught up feeding the little deer their favourite treats, I nearly missed the breathtaking view of the sun setting over the Somerset countryside. I know, classic Emma!

After a delightful supper at a quaint local café – their steak and ale pie was heavenly – I realised it was getting late. It was time to return to my temporary home in Taunton. Before leaving, I made sure to pop into the local vintage store, where I found the most stunning purple feathered headband to adorn my tutu!

So, my dear friends, my trip to Taunton was everything I hoped it would be – full of charm, vibrant colour, and a heartwarming reminder of why I love this world so much. Every corner I turned unveiled a hidden gem – be it the graceful moves of ballet, the beauty of nature, or the captivating kindness of strangers. Now, off to bed to dream of swirling tutus and delightful adventures. Remember to check in tomorrow, lovelies, because I've got another amazing travel tale in store for you.

Until then, remember to embrace the world in all its beauty!

Always wearing a pink tutu (or a purple one),

Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2018-01-03 in Taunton with a purple tutu.