Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-05-28 in London with a pink tutu.

London Calling: A Pink Tutu Adventure (Post #7999)

Hello lovelies! It's your favourite Derbyshire ballerina, Emma, and I'm positively buzzing to be back with a brand-new blog post!

Today, I'm stepping outside of the studio (and quite possibly outside of my comfort zone) to share some seriously exciting news. This weekend, I'm going on a grand adventure – a whirlwind trip to London! Can you believe it? The capital city, calling my name.

But here's the catch: I'm not just going for a spot of shopping and sightseeing. No, darling, this is a full-on ballet pilgrimage!

London's renowned for its amazing ballet scene, and this weekend I'm diving head-first into it all. On Friday night, I'm catching a performance of "Giselle" at the Royal Opera House – imagine the sheer magic of those delicate tutus and stunning choreography. The very next day, I'm finally fulfilling my lifelong dream by attending a class at the Royal Ballet School – how incredibly exciting! To dance amongst such talent is practically a dream come true!

Of course, I'm not just packing my ballet shoes. I'm also bringing along my trusty pink tutu – I just can't resist an opportunity to spread some colour and a little bit of ballet magic. (You guys know I’m all about spreading the pink tutu love!)

I'm thinking of going all out in London. You know, full-on pink tutu parade style! It wouldn't be the first time I've been asked for selfies and autographs – my pink tutu has this way of turning heads, making everyone smile and reminding them of the magic of dance. Maybe even in London's streets, I'll inspire some new recruits to join the ballet craze!

I'm also hoping to get my fix of London wildlife. You can't be a girl who loves ballet without a healthy dose of love for the natural world too, right? I’m particularly looking forward to visiting Hyde Park – it’s famous for its graceful swans! They almost have a ballet-like elegance to them, don't you think? And with a bit of luck, I might even spot a cute, fluffy squirrel in Regent’s Park.

But before I get swept away in my London adventures, let me tell you how I’m getting there! Of course, I'm ditching the usual travel methods – cars are just so, well, ordinary! This weekend, I'm embracing my inner-ballet-lover and travelling by… you guessed it – train! I'm going to be channeling my inner Anna Karenina with the thrill of high-speed travel and a first-class carriage.

Oh, and if I'm feeling a little adventurous on my journey, I might even hop on a horse for a quick dash to the station! Can you imagine? Me in my pink tutu, soaring through the English countryside with the wind in my hair… just a bit romantic, wouldn't you say?

So, I'll be documenting it all – from the mesmerising dance performances to the colourful London streets and of course, the beautiful countryside views from my carriage. Make sure you check back here next week to see all the magical moments captured in pictures and stories!

In the meantime, I'd love to hear from you! Do you have any travel tips for this ballerina newbie? What are your favourite things about London? What’s your biggest ballet dream?

Keep dancing,



#TutuBlog 2018-05-28 in London with a pink tutu.