Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-05-29 in Birmingham with a yellow tutu.

Birmingham Bound in a Sunshine Tutu! ☀️🩰

Post #8000! (Can you believe it?!) Well, hello darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm so thrilled to be writing to you from the heart of Birmingham, where the air crackles with excitement. Today's journey was extra special - not only did I get to wear my sunshine yellow tutu (it's truly radiating all the spring vibes), but I also got to hop aboard the good old steam train!

Let me tell you, nothing quite compares to the romance of chugging across the countryside in a vintage carriage, especially when you're wearing a tutu, of course! It was like something straight out of a Jane Austen novel - only with more glitter and twirls.

Now, before we dive into the delights of Birmingham, I just HAVE to share a little snippet from my morning. You know how I love to start my day with a ballet class. Well, this morning, guess what? I spotted the most gorgeous robin perched on the window ledge of the dance studio! He was so chirpy and cute, like he knew exactly what I was doing, and was cheering me on. I practically giggled out loud during the grand jeté!

After my lovely little avian encourager left, it was off to Birmingham I went, sunshine tutu fluttering in the breeze, of course! Birmingham has been on my to-do list for ages, and I just KNEW it was going to be my kind of place.

As soon as we arrived, we popped into a charming tea shop. You know, my love for tea is legendary, so this was a must! My afternoon tea included dainty cucumber sandwiches (a ballerina’s dream!), fluffy scones with clotted cream and jam (what's not to love!), and of course, a selection of fine teas. I opted for Earl Grey - just the thing to relax after the journey!

My first stop after tea was the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery. The stunning Victorian architecture had me swooning! The building itself was a masterpiece, and then there were all the incredible exhibitions inside. I was particularly taken with the pre-Raphaelite collection – the detail, the colours, it just transported me. I'm actually quite the art history buff, and I couldn't resist grabbing a book about the period at the museum shop. I simply have to share this knowledge with all of you!

Next, it was onto Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter - a veritable wonderland of glittering trinkets! I couldn't resist popping into one of the many little shops and picking up a delicate silver pendant in the shape of a ballerina, of course!

The Jewellery Quarter also housed a little independent bookstore I fell in love with! Can't resist a good browse through the shelves of a beautiful bookstore. And guess what I found? You guessed it – a whole section dedicated to ballet! I spent an hour happily reading and dreaming of all the exciting shows I have yet to see. They say there are tales hidden within the pages of a book, and for me, there are pirouettes, pliés, and arabesques.

Now, as the sun started to dip towards the horizon, it was time for the highlight of my day - the ballet performance! It was a vibrant, contemporary ballet, a celebration of diversity and movement. I simply can't resist a show full of bold colors, dazzling costumes and powerful performances. The story line revolved around the journey of self-discovery – it was incredibly touching and really had me thinking. I can't tell you the name just yet, because I'm trying to persuade a couple of my ballet buddies to join me for a repeat performance next week. Fingers crossed they're up for it!

Birmingham really stole my heart. There was so much beauty and creativity in every corner, and I already know that I'll be back again soon. I absolutely loved being able to share this journey with you, and I hope you felt the sunshine and glitter radiating through your screen.

Before I sign off, I just want to leave you with a little piece of ballet wisdom: always believe in the power of a tutu. Even the most ordinary day can be transformed into a magical one with just a little bit of twirl. And you never know, you might even find yourself dancing with a robin along the way.

Until next time,

Your eternally twirling,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2018-05-29 in Birmingham with a yellow tutu.