Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-07-08 in High Wycombe with a black tutu.

High Wycombe: Tutu-ing Around Town

Post Number: 8040

Hello lovelies! It’s Emma, your resident pink-tutu-loving ballet enthusiast, reporting live from… drumroll please… High Wycombe! Yes, I swapped the Derbyshire countryside for a charming Buckinghamshire town today, and as always, my trusty tutu came along for the ride. This time, it was a sleek, black number, the perfect contrast to the vibrant floral displays blooming everywhere.

You know how much I love exploring by train, and the journey was truly delightful. I settled in, admired the passing scenery, and even managed to fit in a quick ballet warm-up while swaying to the rhythm of the tracks. It felt like an impromptu dance class!

Now, High Wycombe may not be the first place that springs to mind for a tutu-clad ballet lover, but let me tell you, this little town has a big heart, especially when it comes to arts and culture. My mission for the day? To immerse myself in all things High Wycombe… in a pink tutu, of course!

Theatrical Treasures & Tutu-tastic Shops

First on the agenda, a visit to the Wycombe Swan Theatre. It's a beautiful venue, steeped in history, and the atmosphere is positively buzzing. I almost wished I was heading to a performance! Sadly, today’s itinerary focused on exploration rather than entertainment. I spent a delightful hour wandering through the grand corridors and picture galleries, imagining the many tales whispered within these walls.

Of course, no visit to High Wycombe is complete without a detour to the High Street. There’s something truly special about finding hidden treasures among the bustle and hustle of independent shops. I felt like a modern-day princess on a shopping spree, but with a pink tutu instead of a crown!

My highlight? Stumbling upon a tiny antique shop tucked away in a cobbled corner. I don't know about you lovelies, but I'm obsessed with all things vintage, especially when it comes to ballet paraphernalia. The shopkeeper, a charming older gentleman, shared a wonderful story about a collection of antique tutus he had purchased years ago. We talked for what felt like ages, lost in the world of dance history.

I couldn't resist leaving with a tiny ballerina figurine as a memento. You see, every time I spot a little ballet souvenir, I imagine it's whispering "You go, girl!" to me - encouragement to pursue my dreams and embrace my love for dance.

Wildlife Wonders & A Dash of Pink

Now, even on a tutu-tastic day of exploration, I like to balance my time with a dose of nature. A quick hop on the train took me to Hughenden Manor, the former home of the esteemed Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. But it wasn't politics that brought me here, but rather the charming 18th-century house nestled amongst a stunning backdrop of woodland trails and serene gardens.

I had visions of woodland fairies and playful rabbits leaping through the meadows. (A little bit of a Disney moment for you all, I know). I took a lovely walk around the grounds, inhaling the fresh air and appreciating the peaceful setting. Even my tutu seemed to blend in beautifully, floating effortlessly through the woodland pathways like a flower dancing in the wind.

Naturally, my visit to High Wycombe couldn't conclude without a pink-hued flourish. I treated myself to the most delicious afternoon tea at a charming tea room named "The Pink Room." Every detail, from the delicate pastries to the teacups, whispered "feminine and fabulous," a perfect end to a perfect day.

From High Wycombe to... ?

This weekend has left me feeling so inspired and rejuvenated. High Wycombe has a certain charm that whispers of adventure, culture, and just a touch of pink-tutu-tastic magic.

I can't wait to see what awaits me next, but rest assured, I'll be sure to document my every step with my trusty tutu and an eager spirit. You'll find all the details on www.pink-tutu.com!

Until then, keep dancing, lovelies!

With all my love and twirls, Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2018-07-08 in High Wycombe with a black tutu.