Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-07-20 in Worcester with a german tutu.

Worcester Wanderings: A Tutu Adventure in Pink

Post Number: 8052

Hey everyone! Emma here, and guess what? Today, I'm venturing beyond the borders of my beloved Derbyshire and making a whistle-stop trip to Worcester! Yes, Worcester! The city of historic cathedrals and Tudor architecture…and of course, the birthplace of my new favourite tutu (more on that later)!

I woke up this morning with a giddy, excited feeling in my tummy, the kind you only get when an adventure is on the cards. I’d booked a journey on the Midland mainline, a proper vintage carriage, all dark wood and plush seating, and I can’t help but get transported back to the Victorian era, complete with a glamorous vintage style hat and my ever-present, fluffy pink handbag!

As the train rattled along, I took out my sketchbook, a necessity for any aspiring ballerina! I was scribbling down some ideas for a new choreography routine inspired by the scenery outside – a delicate dance mimicking the graceful curve of the River Severn, with some cheeky pirouettes that matched the whirring of the train wheels! I mean, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu blog without a little creativity, right?

The journey itself is part of the magic! The train travels through charming English countryside, a blur of green fields, quaint villages, and majestic castles, and every so often, I pop my head out the window for a breath of fresh air (and a selfie – gotta capture those precious memories, darling!).

Now, I've always believed that the most charming way to travel is by horse, but I confess, today, the train’s more than suitable! I did have to have a little peek out the window to see if any of the local ponies had been grazing in the fields, though – my love for wildlife knows no bounds. I simply can’t resist those adorable little noses!

As we approached Worcester, I was feeling so utterly full of glee – a giddy ballerina excitement! You know the feeling, right? I quickly packed away my sketching materials, my favourite lipstick and pink mascara – gotta make a good first impression – and adjusted the fabulous new tutu I had tucked safely inside my handbag, just waiting for the perfect moment to reveal itself.

A Tutu Odyssey: From London to Worcester

Yes, you read that correctly: A new tutu! This beauty was a vintage find – I'd spotted it tucked away in an antique shop on my last trip to London. It's not quite like my usual tulle confections – this one’s more German style, with beautiful embroidered detail and intricate black stitching. It whispers of the history of dance, of old ballrooms and swirling waltzes. And it’s all mine – a prize worthy of any fashionista! I knew as soon as I laid eyes on it that it needed to be a part of my repertoire.

It was, to say the least, a splurge, but one worth every penny, wouldn’t you say? Because it's more than just a tutu, darlings – it's a statement. It says “I love ballet,” “I embrace beauty,” and "I’m unapologetically myself." Now, you wouldn’t believe the drama I had fitting it – I’m sure there were gasps heard from across London as I pulled it on. The mirror, though? It's almost as though it was meant for me. That feeling – divine.

This particular tutu is special – a little bolder, a little more avant-garde. It's going to make my performance in Worcester one to remember, trust me!

Dancing Into Worcester’s Heart

The grand finale to my exciting journey? Why, the Worcester Ballet Club, of course! Today, I’m attending a class – the lovely Mrs. Cartwright has graciously offered to be my tutor. It’s an honour to meet such a renowned ballet figure and a fantastic chance to learn new steps. I’m really eager to see what routines we’ll be exploring and to absorb some of her professional knowledge, all the while, of course, with my German beauty on full display.

I've already got my pre-dance routine planned. Warm-up exercises in the courtyard, then some real warming up, fueled by a delightful afternoon tea with dainty cakes and freshly brewed Earl Grey tea!

Of course, a grand ballerina cannot forget the essential: an outfit that whispers glamour and ballet elegance! So, in addition to my showstopping tutu, I've paired it with a simple but sophisticated black leotard and a matching black cardigan with delicate lace trim – a simple touch that goes a long way.

Because even on a journey like this, a dash of Pink Tutu flair is a must. A touch of sparkle here, a flash of pink there - and voilà, the perfect ballerina style!

Later tonight, I'll be showcasing my new German-inspired creation at Worcester Theatre's gala performance of Swan Lake. There's nothing more dazzling than seeing professional dancers transform themselves into the swan's ethereal beauty. Plus, a backstage chat with the stars of the show! Oh, I’m simply buzzing with anticipation!

You know, it's incredible how ballet transcends boundaries – it brings us all together, connects us through passion and artistry.

My plan? Spread the joy, and inspire a love for dance in everyone. After all, what’s life without a touch of twirling, a hint of grace, and a whole lot of pink?

Stay tuned, lovelies! This ballerina’s journey has just begun.

Yours in ballet bliss,

Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2018-07-20 in Worcester with a german tutu.