
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-07-21 in Hammersmith with a italian tutu.

Hammersmith Calling: An Italian Tutu Adventure! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ

Blog Post Number 8053

Hello my darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing blogger, Emma, here, and I'm absolutely buzzing after a day in the vibrant, exciting metropolis of Hammersmith! Today's post is dedicated to all you budding ballerinas out there, because darling, I'm going to tell you all about my amazing journey with an Italian tutu, the wonder of ballet, and a dash of pure, unadulterated joy.

Now, you know I love a good train journey. There's just something about the gentle rocking, the picturesque countryside, and the chance to catch up on my favourite fashion magazines that truly sets my heart alight. This time, though, I traded my usual countryside vista for a glimpse of London's ever-busy urban sprawl, all for a delicious adventure.

An Italian Dream: The Tutu of My Dreams

Let's get to the main event! My trip to Hammersmith was all thanks to a divine Italian tutu, and no, it wasn't that kind of Italian food. My favourite online ballet boutique, 'Twirl and Spin', launched a brand new line of tutus inspired by the vibrant colours and swirling patterns of the Amalfi Coast, and I had to get my hands on one.

The tutu was absolute perfection! I'm talking a dreamy combination of delicate blush pink and sapphire blue, like a sunset over the turquoise Mediterranean. I paired it with my trusty cherry red ballet pumps and a silk scarf with a swirling Italian pattern for a dash of elegance and whimsy. It felt like I was channeling the romantic Italian ballerinas of the past โ€“ oh, to have pirouetted on the stage alongside them!

Stepping Into a Ballet Paradise

My first stop was, of course, the famous Hammersmith Apollo Theatre! It's just oozing with history and, well, theatrical magic! While I'm always a sucker for a good West End performance, I was actually there for a ballet workshop hosted by the incredible "Ballet Belles of Hammersmith" group.

Imagine my excitement, darlings! These fabulous dancers, aged from eight to eighty, taught us a beautiful piece choreographed by a genuine Royal Ballet dancer. There were leaps, pirouettes, even a bit of a grand jetรฉ - a fancy term for a big jump - that I actually managed to pull off, without a faceplant! I'm telling you, all those years of ballet lessons in my quaint Derbyshire village finally paid off!

The Joy of Dancing

The energy in the studio was electrifying, but it was the joy that shone brightest. Seeing these beautiful women, some with grandchildren of their own, gliding across the floor with so much grace and passion โ€“ it warmed my heart, and the pink tutu, right down to its core.

Everyone laughed together, learned together, and moved with an ease and joy that made me realize โ€“ ballet truly is for everyone! You don't need to be a prima ballerina or even possess any specific talents to enjoy the beauty and elegance of dance. All you need is the passion, a bit of pink tutu power, and a willingness to twirl!

A Horse-Drawn Journey & A Wildlife Adventure

Before leaving the metropolis, I decided on a touch of London whimsy โ€“ a carriage ride through Kensington Gardens. The air smelled of sweet-scented blooms, the sun glinted on the Serpentine Lake, and a horse-drawn carriage took me through this magical oasis in the heart of the city. The carriage itself, all painted a bright and cheerful emerald green, was a whimsical nod to the elegant and traditional world of the Victorian era, which was a delightful way to complete the fairytale feeling of my day.

Later, as I was leaving Hammersmith, I couldnโ€™t resist a little detour. Iโ€™ve always loved watching birds, and my grandma had once taken me to Richmond Park for the famous deer, so I knew I needed to have a wildlife experience, too. I spent a little time gazing at the water birds bobbing about in the water at Barnes Common before hopping on a bus home. The beautiful afternoon sunlight was warm on my skin, the air crisp and fresh.

I have to confess, even I, the die-hard tutu devotee, admit that sometimes a nice day outside, filled with a beautiful, sun-soaked view of the London skyline, makes the city feel like it has its own special kind of magic.

Tutus and Life: The Perfect Pairing

Okay, darlings, I need to get back to reality (and unpack all the souvenirs I bought!), but before I sign off, let's reflect. This adventure proves one simple thing: life and tutus, they really are a perfect pairing. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams, darling! Even if it means hopping on a train with an Italian tutu in tow. Life's too short for anything less than joy, passion, and the occasional, delightful twirl!

Until tomorrow, stay sparkling and twirl happy, Emma x


#TutuBlog 2018-07-21 in Hammersmith with a italian tutu.