Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-07-24 in Bath with a narrow tutu.

Bath, Baby! A Tutu Tale 🩰

Blog Post Number: 8056

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to Bath, the most beautiful city in England, in my opinion! Honestly, I just couldn't resist the lure of its historical charm, its charming little streets, and most importantly, the gorgeous Theatre Royal Bath, home to so many brilliant ballets.

This trip was all about pink and tutus, as usual! Let's dive right in, shall we?

Pink & Poised, My Tutu Debut in Bath

Right, so I knew I had to pull out something special for this trip. We're talking Bath, darling, a city steeped in elegance and grace. I mean, you wouldn't be caught dead wearing a casual outfit in such a refined place, would you? No way! I had to find the perfect pink tutu for my debut performance… well, maybe not a literal performance, but you get the picture. 😉

After trawling through countless online shops, I stumbled upon the most divine tutu. Picture this: a soft, shimmering pink fabric, swirling layers that floated as I walked, a delicate, barely-there tulle. The kind that whispers "I'm fabulous, but also, I'm not here to steal the spotlight, I'm just enjoying myself." The perfect Bath ensemble.

Arriving in Style, With a Touch of Whimsy

Now, arriving in style is an absolute must for a girl who loves tutus as much as I do. This time, however, I opted for a touch of whimsy. No boring train for this tutu-loving traveler! Instead, I embraced the opportunity to visit Bath in the most beautiful way: horseback.

Think of it: the sun on my face, the wind in my hair, and the sound of hooves gently hitting the cobbled streets. Yes, darling, it was utterly magical. And while I'm not going to say I was looking completely like a princess on a white steed, I think I gave it my best shot!

Ballerina in Bath: Theatre Royal Bliss

Finally, the main event: Theatre Royal Bath. Just the name sounds magical, doesn't it? I mean, theatre and tutus go together like strawberries and cream, am I right? 😉 As I entered the beautiful, grand old building, I could already imagine the curtain rising and the spotlight illuminating the stage. It was practically begging for a ballerina to grace its boards.

As for the show, Swan Lake! Oh my goodness, you guys. My absolute favorite, it’s a timeless masterpiece and a pure delight. The dancing was so delicate, so precise, so absolutely breathtaking, I think I cried at one point. Maybe! I couldn't help myself.

But the real highlight, of course, was watching all the other women in the audience. All those amazing outfits, the swishing of fabulous dresses, the click-clack of shoes on the floor…it just reminded me that the magic of ballet can truly make you feel alive. Honestly, sometimes you don't need to be on the stage to experience that kind of magic. Just being present, being part of the moment, feeling the emotions, that's all that matters, truly.

Pink Afternoon Tea and a Splash of Romance

A girl has to refuel after all that, right? And what better way to refuel than with a quintessential British afternoon tea? My friends at the Royal Crescent Hotel took care of that with the most decadent spread. Tea, cakes, sandwiches, and scones - all presented so beautifully, like a little work of art.

It really was a picture-perfect afternoon tea, filled with charming little conversations, laughter, and all the gossip you could handle. And to top it off? A sprinkle of romance! Who knew a bathtub in the middle of a room could be so magical? The Roman Baths left me utterly speechless, I'll tell you.

Wildlife Wonders and Ballet Adventures

The beautiful countryside of Bath and beyond stole a part of my heart, but my obsession with ballet meant there was one final thing I had to do: a spot of ballet class in a very special setting! I ventured to the Cotswolds, a picturesque haven of quaint villages and rolling hills, and guess what I found there? A tiny little ballet school with a view that could melt your heart.

And how could I resist ending the day in a delightful wildlife haven just a little further out from Bath? I mean, how cute is that: seeing some majestic owls soaring over a peaceful landscape. My inner child just had to embrace this natural beauty. And let me tell you, these guys were so elegant, they almost seemed to dance in the air!

To Tutu and Beyond!

Overall, Bath was an absolute dream, a trip that tickled every part of my inner tutu-wearing ballerina. This city is full of elegance and grace, from its cobbled streets to its charming history and the beautiful architecture. And honestly, it was a real dream come true to be able to blend all that beauty with my love for ballet and all things pink.

Of course, the whole experience just made me even more passionate about my dream to inspire everyone to put on a tutu and join the magic of ballet. So, to all you wonderful readers, are you with me? 🩰 What’s your favourite ballerina moment? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time, lovelies!

Emma 💋


#TutuBlog 2018-07-24 in Bath with a narrow tutu.