Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-09-07 in Hornchurch with a stiff tutu.

Hornchurch Calling: A Stiff Tutu Tale!

Post 8101

Hey darlings!

It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu advocate, coming to you live from… wait for it… Hornchurch! That's right, I'm trading my Derbyshire hills for Essex countryside today, all in the name of dance, of course!

The journey down was an adventure in itself. A glorious train ride through fields bursting with late summer blooms, with the sun dipping behind fluffy clouds - it felt like a scene from a romantic novel, except instead of a dapper gentleman in a tweed jacket beside me, I had a hefty tote bag stuffed with a very stiff tutu and enough pink lip gloss to last a lifetime!

You see, darlings, today I'm headed to a little gem of a performance: the "Hornchurch Ballet" production of Swan Lake! Can you believe it?! Ballet in Hornchurch! How wonderfully exciting is that? It's not every day you find a little pocket of magic tucked away in the most unexpected places.

And trust me, this is exactly why I love exploring! Every place holds a secret, and every corner hides a bit of beauty. And when it comes to ballet, well, it’s like finding the perfect pink tutu: you just never know when or where that perfect piece will appear, and the thrill of the hunt makes the experience all the more magical.

But this story doesn't begin with ballet. It starts, as many of you know, with the tutus! Today's creation was a labour of love (and some serious glue!), designed with a very specific kind of drama in mind: a stiff, swishy tulle explosion of pink, white and a hint of blush. The sort of tutu that commands attention, makes you feel powerful and embodies the spirit of swan princesses and their graceful battles with the evil Black Swan.

As I stood before the mirror, hair pinned into a perfect ballerina bun, my face gleaming with pink blush, I couldn’t help but grin! I felt like a ballerina princess ready to conquer the stage… but this time, the stage wasn’t a theatre; it was a bustling town centre! I’d always been one for injecting a bit of tutu magic into my everyday life. So, here I was, pink tutu, pink boots and a bright pink handbag in tow, striding into Hornchurch Station, ready to charm the locals.

There was a bit of a commotion on the platform as I arrived. You could almost see the thoughts bubble over the heads of the travellers:

"What on earth...?"

"Oh no, a tutu! Is it for fancy dress?!"

"Hold on… she actually looks rather amazing..."

Let me tell you, that last thought gave me a huge burst of confidence! People seemed charmed, or at the very least intrigued, by my presence. I smiled, winked at the cheeky busker strumming a guitar and even received a couple of approving nods from the grumpy looking ladies on the train.

But it wasn't all about me and my flamboyant arrival, of course. It's always about the magic of ballet, and today that magic was radiating from the "Queen's Theatre" itself. The theatre, perched proudly amongst the local shops, had an air of grand elegance despite its seemingly simple facade.

Stepping inside, I was swept away by the bustling energy of pre-show buzz: the excited chatter, the rustling of programs, and the tinkling of piano chords echoing through the hall. I inhaled the delicious aroma of popcorn, caught a glimpse of children excitedly waving their programs and the shimmer of sparkling costumes.

Finally, the lights dimmed, the music swelled and the curtain rose! Oh my goodness, darlings! You have no idea how glorious the performance was! The ballet itself was breath-taking - the intricate steps, the elegance of the dancers, the sheer power and beauty of the story told through movement. But there was something special about this production, an unbridled enthusiasm, an honest and sincere expression of love for ballet, which felt utterly contagious.

As the final curtain came down, applause echoed through the theatre. The smiles on the faces of the dancers, so pure and filled with a kind of happy exhaustion, mirrored the joy in the audience's hearts. It was a moment of shared magic, a testament to the beauty and power of this art form.

Walking out of the theatre, my tutu slightly crushed but my spirit brimming with joy, I couldn't help but feel like a different person. Not necessarily a ballerina - that, darlings, requires years of training - but definitely a transformed soul. The world, even this little corner of Essex, felt just a bit more beautiful, a bit more alive.

Hornchurch may not be on the typical ballerina map, but it's definitely on mine now. This little corner of Essex, the journey, the stiff tutu, the magic of Swan Lake - it all brought back to the simple fact: ballet is for everyone!

As I write this, I'm sitting in a quiet corner of a quaint Hornchurch tea shop, enjoying a delicious pink cake, pink tea (because why not?!), and scribbling my thoughts into my pink diary. The afternoon sun spills through the window, illuminating a field of wild flowers across the street. It’s so incredibly peaceful here… But my journey's far from over. I'm already planning my next tutu adventure. Maybe I’ll head to the seaside or delve deeper into the Essex countryside, but one thing’s for sure - a pink tutu, some adventure and a touch of ballet magic are sure to follow wherever I go.

So, darlings, embrace the pink, twirl a little, and dare to dream. You never know, maybe even a stiff tutu can take you places!




#TutuBlog 2018-09-07 in Hornchurch with a stiff tutu.