Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-09-09 in Feltham with a food themed tutu.

TutuBlog #8103: Feltham – A Food-tastic Tutu Adventure!

Hello my lovely Tutu-istas!

It's Emma here, bringing you the latest instalment from the whimsical world of pink tutus and pirouettes! Today's journey takes us on a charming train ride (I’m so lucky that I’m in Derbyshire, so close to so many stations!), a whimsical adventure to the quirky town of Feltham, and
 well, it’s probably best I don’t give too much away yet! But let me just say: food, my lovelies, played a major role.

We all know that dancers love to eat. I mean, all that graceful twirling, leaping, and arabesque-ing burns a LOT of calories! So, naturally, my mind raced with the possibilities of a day out in Feltham dedicated to delectable treats and a sprinkle of
 tutus, of course.

Now, Feltham, a gem nestled in west London, is not traditionally known for its culinary scene. It’s a town with a lovely park, the London Museum of Water and Steam, a charming High Street
 But you wouldn’t immediately think of it as a food haven. WRONG! I, Emma, the Tutu Queen, am on a mission to spread the love of tutus and 
 to show that any town, even those overlooked by the more popular tourist destinations, can hold culinary treasures.

I must confess, though, that my outfit for the day didn’t exactly scream “gourmand extraordinaire.” Oh no, my dear readers! I went for a rather unconventional look - a fluffy, hot pink tutu with strategically placed bows (because a girl’s got to have some extra sparkle!), paired with a whimsical white t-shirt emblazoned with a pink ballet shoe. (Yes, the whole thing had a “Where’s Wally?” kind of vibe! Maybe the next trend – ballet meets Where's Wally?! I just gave it to you! ). The shoes were an absolute essential, of course! My beautiful ballet shoes - not the ones for class (I have so many) – they’d just be plain inappropriate, would they? Nope, these were real shoes – sparkly pink platforms with feathers – it’s my motto: tutus make anything magical, even platform shoes! I swear, with a bit of a twist, anything can be ballerina chic, even the everyday, even my favourite cafe in Feltham!

I knew this adventure was going to be an extra special one when my train journey took a magical turn. We were joined by a delightful family of sheep. They were dressed in tiny pastel pink sweaters and were calmly gazing out of the windows with the same bewildered curiosity that I had when I first wore my first ever tutu at the age of 4. Now I realise that train journeys, they’re all about adventure – anything could happen. Like today – the journey was extra cute and that is, I reckon, the key to it all - a touch of the unexpected - tutus make things fun and life, my dear reader, is just SO much more fun that way!

Upon arriving at Feltham, a little something magical happened - and this wasn’t the magical arrival of a sheep on my train! No, I spotted a small cafĂ© tucked away on a corner – it was as if it were just waiting for me! Its paintwork was a soft pastel pink - which was no accident because my darling tutus always seem to have the magic of pulling these beautiful things to them! There was something utterly irresistible about the whole place – like the tutus just *knew they needed to add their sparkle to a place as utterly charming and delightful*! My tummy knew. It was love at first sight.

Inside, a haven of vintage charm greeted me – faded velvet booths, dainty teacups, and a tantalizing array of homemade cakes that were more tempting than a first day at a ballet class (even if nothing beats the delicious scent of brand new ballet shoes). I couldn’t resist ordering a slice of their ‘Pink Passion’ cake, - my eyes twinkled brighter than the little star stickers on my tutus, with its layers of raspberry sponge, buttercream, and a dusting of icing sugar (Oh, that sugary heaven! - I am always one for sweet treats, and trust me, that cake could only ever be enjoyed by a queen of twirls).

Over my pink passion, a friendly, silver-haired lady, clearly as much of a lover of everything vintage as I am a lover of tutus, filled me in on all the fascinating stories about Feltham. It turns out this charming little town holds a few secrets, including the legendary Pink Pig, a cafe famous for its hearty, homemade breakfasts, tucked away on the High Street! My heart skipped a beat
 (It did, literally!). This sounded like my dream come true – food AND tutus – they’re literally the two best things ever (apart from maybe winning a ballet scholarship to the Bolshoi!).

Feltham proved itself to be as charming as its cafe. We strolled around, tutus flitting through the crowds, me sharing happy smiles with everyone. You know, everyone loves tutus. Every single one. Everyone. They just make people smile and they make me happy. That's what I love about wearing my pink tutus, people get all happy and want to have a good time and dance around and
 it all just seems so magical – the most magical outfit ever! How much does one love to do a happy, glittery, fluffy twirl?

I did pop into the Pink Pig, the name was just too perfect to ignore! Its retro decor was enough to send any tutu enthusiast into a spin (and it made me so happy)! The plates of hearty breakfast fare piled high – sausages, bacon, eggs, hash browns (yum yum) – it was like a ballet class for the stomach – each bite was an amazing dance of taste. But remember
 the tutus were still with me! They add magic, they add excitement to everything! (The tutu power! It's amazing!) I felt like I had just conquered the world of food - my stomach did a ballet barre, so good!

Leaving Feltham felt a little like leaving a dream. It’s the sort of place that gets under your skin (the lovely pink walls of the vintage cafe probably did too
 I wonder what the decor paint codes were?), makes you want to spin, skip and twirl all the way back. But a Tutu Queen's gotta move, there is always something wonderful and exciting to be discovered. As the train pulled away, I gazed out the window, and with a heart brimming with the joy of tutus and food (especially that pink passion cake!), I knew this was a day I wouldn’t soon forget.

Well my little darlings, you have reached the end of today's little story! Thank you so much for coming along on my travels - this is your adventure! As I've said – life's so much more fun with a tutu! Don't forget, the pink tutu lifestyle is for everyone – from London to Derbyshire (you never know what might happen in Derbyshire - maybe the Sheep on my train! They were super cute!). What are you waiting for? Be your own ballet queen! Join me for my next little adventure! Until tomorrow, twirl on, little Tutu-istas!

With twirling love, Emma x

#TutuBlog 2018-09-09 in Feltham with a food themed tutu.