Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-10-01 in Royal Leamington Spa with a expensive tutu.

Royal Leamington Spa: Where the Pink Tutu Went Galloping!

Post #8125

Oh, darling, you wouldn't believe the adventures my pink tutu and I had this weekend! Buckle up, buttercup, because this post is overflowing with tutu-tastic excitement, all starting with the most delightful train journey ever...

We left Derbyshire, where the rolling hills and quaint villages make even a dullard like myself think about Wordsworth's poems, and took a magical steam train, complete with vintage carriages and a gentle puff of smoke from the chimney! I was like a kid at Christmas!

Now, I don't know about you, dears, but my little pink tutu absolutely loves the feeling of the wind in its tulle. It’s got a life of its own, you know! Anyway, as we travelled, the countryside sped by, all fields and sheep and cute little lambs - just begging for a cuddle, but they were all so busy nibbling on the grass!

It made me long to go for a canter, so later, upon arrival in Royal Leamington Spa, we met a real life, pink-clad, magical horse! It wasn’t your average park-riding-type of pony. This magnificent creature, I swear it, had a spark in its eyes! And do you know what it wore? A matching pink tutu! It made us look like a pink pony ballet troupe, it was so charming!

Now, I know what you’re thinking, darling: "But Emma, weren’t you supposed to be watching a ballet?" Yes, yes, I was! The Leamington Spa ballet performance was incredible. It was like stepping into a wonderland.

The theatre was all Victorian charm, but it wasn't your typical staid and dreary Victorian space! Oh no, it felt more like a wonderland than ever. It’s been lovingly kept and even has an old-fashioned theatre bar and tearoom with an enchanting stained glass ceiling! There were all sorts of fabulous folk in fancy dress, and I spotted a lady wearing a black tutu!

I swear, it looked just like a grown up Alice in Wonderland costume – which made me wonder how far this whole "wear a tutu" movement could go, haha. It made me feel positively triumphant. Maybe, just maybe, one day, even the Queen will wear a tutu to Buckingham Palace, you know what I mean? Think of the glorious impact of her Majesty waltzing down the steps with a bright pink one - wouldn't that be fantastic?

As for the ballet itself, oh honey, it was breathtaking! They danced like butterflies flitting from flower to flower – so ethereal, so beautiful, so inspiring. It was one of those truly magnificent evenings that made me wish I could spin and twirl all night.

And the most amazing thing? I swear this happened, it felt like a fairytale: After the final bow, a beautiful little girl with twinkling eyes in the audience – wearing a gorgeous turquoise tutu! - she ran onto the stage! She skipped straight up to the star dancer – a truly radiant, captivating woman – and gave her the biggest, warmest hug!

I swear, darling, it melted my heart! This beautiful, bold little girl looked as though she'd just discovered something extraordinary, just as I have through my love of ballet. That girl, she was on a journey of her own! It’s something we all experience at times, this powerful force within. For me, it’s always linked to ballet. I feel a bit daft saying that, but when you're dancing in a tutu, especially a beautiful bright pink one, it’s magic, I tell you! It truly transforms everything. I hope she doesn't ever lose that twinkle in her eye, I really do.

Anyway, after the magical ballet performance, we found ourselves wandering through Royal Leamington Spa's picturesque parklands. It’s all peaceful meadows, babbling brooks, and even swans in the lake. (Just imagine swans sporting their own custom-designed tutus! The potential for a whole new, fluffy, swan ballet is incredible, I know!)

Of course, I couldn't resist popping into one or two little shops in town. The shops were an eclectic mix, but my favourite was a gorgeous boutique that sells the most exquisite hats! There was a darling little one, bright pink of course, with a feather, oh, it would have looked divine with a pink tutu! (I resisted temptation. But the day might not be over…!).

Then, after the best ever cuppa in the tearoom, it was time to return to my Derbyshire retreat. The sun was sinking below the horizon, painting the clouds in gorgeous shades of pink – it was like nature was celebrating our day of tutus and twirling with us.

We ended the day exhausted but elated! It was, as the grand finale of this exciting day, simply brilliant. And I know exactly how I'll remember it: I’ll think of that amazing day in Royal Leamington Spa – a beautiful day spent with a little bit of magic, a lot of ballet, and oh yes, a dash of pink, pink and more pink! That, dears, is how to spend a perfect day for any girly girl with a heart full of dreams.

To tutus and twirling, and a splash of pink to every single one of you!
Emma x

#TutuBlog 2018-10-01 in Royal Leamington Spa with a expensive tutu.