Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-10-02 in Barrow in Furness with a pink tutu.

Barrow in Furness: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage 🩰

Post Number 8126

Hello my gorgeous ballet bunnies! 🐰 💖

It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the stunning town of Barrow in Furness! Yes, you heard that right - this little pink tutu adventurer was braving the wilds of Cumbria for a very special reason… and no, it wasn't to spot the elusive Red Squirrel. 😉

Now, some of you might be wondering why a girl who lives for the bright lights of London would find herself in the Lake District. Well, I'm going to let you in on a little secret: there's more to this ballet-obsessed girl than just glitter and spotlights. I have a hidden passion, a secret yearning, a longing for something…wild!

A Wild Heart with a Tutu on

See, I have a bit of a thing for the great outdoors. I find such incredible inspiration from the wild landscapes, the rolling hills, and the creatures who call these places home. The Lake District, with its breathtaking scenery and mysterious hidden trails, is an absolute paradise for a tutu-clad explorer like me!

This time, I was venturing into Cumbria to attend the Barrow in Furness Ballet Festival, an enchanting event that celebrates the beautiful art of ballet. Honestly, the moment I heard about this festival, I knew it was meant to be. I packed my favourite pink tutu, a bevy of twirly skirts, and enough sparkles to rival a disco ball.

My Trip By Train - Oh the Glam!

Now, you might think that reaching this little haven would require a grueling journey, but let me tell you, this girly-girl got her glam on! A train ride across the English countryside, with a stunning vista of lush green fields and adorable sheep, is practically a must-have for any self-respecting tutu enthusiast! And who needs a first-class carriage when you have a comfy seat, a fabulous book, and the chance to soak in the beauty of nature while imagining the stunning moves I'd soon witness at the festival!

Barrow in Furness Ballet Festival: A Ballet Lover's Paradise

Arriving in Barrow in Furness, I was met with an atmosphere buzzing with energy. This charming town, nestled between the hills and the coast, welcomed me with open arms… well, maybe not literal open arms, but definitely with a warm and welcoming aura. The festival was held at a stunning theatre - it was all velvet drapes, intricate carvings, and sparkling chandeliers. My heart was aflutter, you could say, my tutu was quivering!

Inside, I was blown away. Every corner I turned presented another piece of magic: a live orchestra, dazzling costumes, and the most amazing dancers I'd ever seen. There were performances of classical ballets like Swan Lake, contemporary works, and even a few unique ballet fusions with music from around the globe.

My favourite piece was undoubtedly the "Tutus of the Wild", a contemporary ballet inspired by the animals of the Lake District. The dancers embodied the grace and spirit of these beautiful creatures. A white swan ballerina with her wings spread wide, a wolf ballerina dancing through a snow-covered forest, and even a cunning fox dancer, sly and swift in his movements. My little ballet-loving heart could hardly contain the joy!

Meeting Other Tutu Enthusiasts!

Throughout the festival, I met some absolutely incredible people! fellow tutu enthusiasts who, just like me, found a passion in both the elegance of ballet and the raw power of nature. I had tea with a charming group of dancers, complete with a perfectly placed vintage teapot, shared laughter with a group of local artists, and danced under the twinkling lights of the town square with other ballet lovers, making lifelong connections over shared smiles, pirouettes, and a deep love for pink tutus, of course!

Adventures with a Pink Tutu:

The festival was simply magic, but this trip wouldn't be complete without exploring the stunning beauty of the Lake District. After the ballet performance, I decided to spend the day trekking through the countryside, enjoying the crisp air, the quiet tranquility of nature, and of course, showcasing my fabulous pink tutu.

Wildlife Watching:

I had a glorious time observing the wildlife in their natural habitat, from majestic deer bounding through the forests to playful squirrels scurrying amongst the trees. I was completely smitten with the abundance of life that surrounded me. Every moment was filled with beauty, an exciting discovery around every bend.

A Little Reminder:

My trip to Barrow in Furness has left a lasting impact on me. I've realised that embracing both my love for the graceful world of ballet and my yearning for the wild outdoors, creates a wonderful sense of wholeness. It's a constant reminder that there's so much beauty and inspiration in the world - just waiting to be discovered, with the help of a pink tutu, of course! 😉

So my dears, don't let anyone tell you that you can't find inspiration in the most unexpected places. Take a chance, wear a pink tutu, dance your heart out, and never, ever be afraid to embrace your wildest dreams!

See you all on my next adventure! 💖

*P.S. Head to www.pink-tutu.com for some seriously chic ballet wear, including a brand new range of tutus inspired by the Lake District! *

#TutuBlog 2018-10-02 in Barrow in Furness with a pink tutu.