Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-12-16 in Spalding with a european style tutu.

Spalding: Tutu Adventures and Pink Dreams (Blog Post #8201)

Hello my darlings! It's Emma here, and boy, oh boy, have I got a treat for you today! Today I'm taking you on a trip to Spalding, a charming little town in Lincolnshire, where the air is crisp, the cobbled streets are picturesque, and the pink tutu possibilities are endless!

Now, you all know I love a good train journey – it's the ultimate way to get into the mood for a new adventure. So, with my trusty travel tutu packed (a gorgeous, soft, lilac creation, perfect for the autumnal weather!), I set off from my little Derbyshire village this morning, feeling like a princess on her way to a fairytale.

The journey itself was pretty spectacular. Imagine: golden autumn leaves swirling around me, sheep lazily grazing in sun-drenched fields, and a view of the rolling hills that never fails to take my breath away. It was the perfect warm-up for what awaited me in Spalding.

A Tutu's Delight in Spalding

As soon as I arrived, I knew I was going to fall in love with Spalding. It's a town brimming with history and charm. My first stop, of course, was the market, which was buzzing with activity! The smells of fresh fruit, locally roasted coffee, and freshly baked bread were intoxicating, and I had to resist the urge to buy everything in sight. However, I did snag a gorgeous pink beret – perfect for the chilly winter weather, and of course, a lovely new tutu to wear later!

You might be thinking, “Emma, why are you buying a new tutu if you already brought one?” Well, darling, I am a true believer in the more tutus, the merrier. It's not about the quantity but the variety! I can't resist a pretty tulle creation, and a pink beret – well, that's a perfect excuse to wear another tutu, don't you think?

Next on my itinerary, I took a lovely walk through the town's enchanting market square. Imagine, gingerbread-coloured houses, quaint boutiques tucked into corners, and flower stalls overflowing with colour, all framed by a stunning, medieval church. It was a scene straight out of a painting!

One of my favourite things about Spalding was its lovely River Welland. It meanders through the heart of the town, providing a peaceful sanctuary amidst the bustling activity. I spent a blissful hour just watching the water ripple and admiring the swans gliding by with their cygnets.

You see, I have this special connection with swans, and any encounter with them always leaves me feeling at peace. They are a symbol of grace, beauty, and pure elegance, much like ballet itself, don’t you think? I believe it is a secret shared amongst swans and ballet dancers.

Ballet Fever Strikes Spalding

Spalding turned out to be a little haven for the arts! My afternoon was spent at a magnificent local theatre – “The South Holland Centre” - for a fabulous performance of “The Nutcracker.” I truly couldn’t have asked for a more magical experience!

Imagine, twirling ballerinas, intricate costumes that sparkled and glittered under the stage lights, and a symphony orchestra that transported me to another world with their enchanting music. The story was so charming and, well, I can’t lie, I was completely mesmerized. And, I think everyone else in the audience was, too!

This magical experience led me to spend the evening at the most delightful dance school. I could feel the energy and passion radiating from these lovely students! It was simply infectious! I even got a chance to join them in their class, doing a few basic stretches and ballet poses – it was an amazing warm-up for my upcoming dance class!

I learned from their teachers, the beautiful way to glide across the studio floor. And to gracefully execute all the beautiful movements in the choreography - it is truly a privilege and honour to learn this lovely, demanding art form. All while looking pretty in a pink tutu!

Finding Tutu Bliss

Before heading back to my Derbyshire village, I wandered through the town one last time, enjoying the quiet of the evening, listening to the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze, and letting the warmth of the fading sun soak through my pink beret and my lovely tutu! And yes, the new one I purchased today in the market – I had to slip into a new outfit to appreciate the full pink potential of my day. After all, there's a reason why #pinktutu is trending!

If you are in need of a pink escape, I would recommend you head over to Spalding, I’m not saying that it’s exactly the same as Paris, or New York City or Rome, but the town boasts a distinct, beautiful charm, a heart-warming ambiance that I truly enjoyed, all with a perfect dose of tutu delight.

I will always remember Spalding as the town where I embraced the joy of a good twirl under the winter sun. A place that reminds me of why I love spreading the love of ballet and the pure delight of pink!

Well, my lovelies, until next time, I'm off to continue exploring the world, seeking out those little gems of pink-tutu-loving communities. You never know, I might even end up at a village fair near you next. Until then, keep spreading the pink and keep dancing your hearts out!

Love, Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2018-12-16 in Spalding with a european style tutu.