Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-01-25 in Newton Aycliffe with a black tutu.

Newton Aycliffe: Tutu Travels Take Me To The North! (Post #8241)

Hey darlings! It’s your favourite tutu-wearing traveller, Emma, back with another fabulous adventure from my little corner of the pink tutu-verse! Today I’m taking you on a journey north, a journey where the air is crisp, the countryside is beautiful, and...wait for it...there’s a gorgeous pink tutu moment!

This time, my journey began in good old Derbyshire, where the Derbyshire countryside is painting the landscape in hues of green and gold. But I was leaving the peacefulness behind, ready for some urban adventure in Newton Aycliffe! For those of you who aren't familiar, Newton Aycliffe is a little town in County Durham, known for its lovely market and beautiful park.

Now, I’m a girl who loves travelling by train – something about the rhythmic chugging and the anticipation of arriving in a new place just makes my heart sing! So I packed my favourite pink suitcase – of course! - filled with a shimmering black tutu, because, let's face it, every girl needs a dramatic, midnight black tutu in her wardrobe, and a few ballet outfits to help me move my legs with all the grace of a graceful ballerina!

The journey on the train was delightful! There's something wonderfully romantic about peering out the window at the changing landscape. Watching the trees fly past as you travel towards your destination gives you the feeling you're whisking away to some secret destination. And I wasn’t just observing scenery either, you know! My trusty phone was glued to my hand – snapping photos for my Insta (that's Instagram for those of you who don't live and breathe the social media world like me! 😉 ) and, of course, enjoying the world's finest source of tutu-related inspiration, Pinterest.

Speaking of Pinterest, you guys NEED to check out the ballet section! I’m not sure where I’d be without the boundless imagination of ballet-loving bloggers, and their super stylish pictures of tutus! Just typing ‘tutu’ into the search bar on Pinterest could have you staring at beautiful pics for hours!

But I digress. When I finally got off the train at Newton Aycliffe, I knew I was ready for the pink tutu action. This time, it wasn't just any old pink tutu - it was my new sparkling pink tutu. Yeah, I know, I'm totally obsessed. But can you blame me?

My first stop? You guessed it, the gorgeous market! The smells were heavenly, with freshly baked bread and flowers, it was a treat for the senses! The colours of all the stalls, the chatter of the market sellers, the energy... it was so vibrant and full of life! Of course, it wouldn’t be right if I wasn’t twirling! So there I was, amidst the hustle and bustle, twirling in my sparking pink tutu. People stopped to stare, and I gave them a big smile. Because spreading happiness with a little bit of tutu-love is my favourite thing to do!

But it wasn't all about tutus and twirling, I can assure you! This little town holds some serious historical significance too! Newton Aycliffe has its roots in Roman history – now that's an interesting fact, right? It has beautiful old buildings that transport you to another time, especially if you're as fascinated by history as I am!

I loved exploring its history – and of course, soaking in all that historic energy – while channeling a bit of Marie Antoinette with my sparkling pink tutu! (Who doesn't love a bit of historical glam? And honestly, a black tutu can make you feel like a historical heroine!)

And then there's the stunning park! A big park like this one, where you can feel the fresh air in your lungs, just gets my heart singing! The smell of trees, the sound of the birds – a breath of fresh air for this urban gal. Of course, a girl can't just wander a beautiful park without her tutu – especially one as spectacularly sparkling as my new one!

Now, you might be thinking: “Emma, you’re really serious about your pink tutus, aren’t you? How can you justify spending time exploring the countryside with a tutu on?”

And you’re right, my dear readers, this is my own personal rebellion! This idea that wearing a pink tutu can only happen in certain scenarios, or that I can’t wear one while enjoying a day of exploring! To me, the countryside is just another venue for wearing a tutu – why not get everyone wearing a pink tutu wherever they go? Honestly, it’s one of my life goals – wearing a pink tutu, and getting everyone to try ballet!

It’s so liberating to walk through the streets, in a tutu, in a small town, knowing you're making people smile!

Later, it was time for some dinner at a little restaurant in town called "The Bay Tree”. And of course, I wore my tutu. As the manager was looking around a little worriedly as I made my way in, a man looked up, smiled at me and said, "My darling daughter loves to dance!”

What a perfect ending to my little Newton Aycliffe adventure! You know, a little bit of pink tutu love can make a difference to people’s day.

The thing I loved about Newton Aycliffe is that it feels like such a friendly little town! There’s something very special about these little towns – and let’s not forget those lovely markets! And hey, when your day's filled with fresh air, history, gorgeous countryside views and your trusty pink tutu, what more could a girl ask for? It's all about spreading that love and joy of ballet with the rest of the world, one sparkling pink tutu at a time!

As always, don't forget to join me for more adventures on www.pink-tutu.com – every day, there’s a new journey, a new tutu adventure, and lots of love, joy and a sprinkle of sparkly pink!

Until next time, happy tutuing darlings! 💕

#TutuBlog 2019-01-25 in Newton Aycliffe with a black tutu.