
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-05-05 in East Kilbride with a pink tutu.

East Kilbride - Tutu Time! šŸ©°

Hey lovelies! šŸ‘‹

Itā€™s Emma here, your favourite tutu-clad adventurer, back with another fab post from my daily life! Iā€™m writing this on a sunny Saturday, still buzzing from my latest trip to beautiful East Kilbride.

Post #8341 ā€“ Taking the Tutu on Tour

East Kilbride! I hadnā€™t even heard of this place until I got my little paws on a bargain-priced train ticket. You see, I'm a bit of a train fanatic. Itā€™s a bit like taking a magic carpet ride for a couple of hours - the scenery whizzing by and me completely lost in a book. This time, the magic carpet ride brought me to Scotland, and my imagination was whisked away with it.

A Bit About My Tutu Adventure

So, why East Kilbride, you ask? Well, darling, it was a dance weekend! I love nothing more than getting lost in the world of ballet - the intricate steps, the flowing grace, and the sheer athleticism of the performers. I couldnā€™t resist a trip to the East Kilbride Arts Centre for the Scottish Balletā€™s ā€œGiselleā€. I know, I know, the ultimate ballet classic - a bit of a cliche, but itā€™s just SO good!

From Station to Stage

Once I hopped off the train (always a stylish moment, may I add, rocking my signature pink tutu, of course!), I took a leisurely walk towards the Arts Centre, savoring the beautiful, rolling green hills and the sweet chirping of birds. Scotland has a special kind of energy, doesnā€™t it?

East Kilbride is a real gem of a place. The town centre was bustling with life ā€“ thereā€™s a fantastic farmers market happening there every Saturday ā€“ and I just adored the old Victorian buildings! I snagged a perfect Instagram picture in front of the beautiful fountain before heading to the theatre.

Ballet Bliss!

Oh, ā€œGiselleā€! The drama, the tragedy, the beautiful choreography. I was enthralled! There was a reason this ballet has captivated audiences for generations. And seeing it in a smaller theatre really heightened the sense of intimacy and magic. You could almost feel the energy radiating from the performers!

More than a Tutu: Ballet For Everyone

Every time I watch ballet, Iā€™m just reminded how this art form has so much to offer everyone. Itā€™s about finding grace within yourself, about celebrating movement and expression, and about appreciating the incredible talents of others.

But hereā€™s the thing, itā€™s not just about grand productions at massive theatres. Even when Iā€™m just dancing at my local community class in Derby, it's the same feeling! Itā€™s about taking the steps, pushing your limits, and feeling a real sense of accomplishment - a bit like taking on a tutu challenge! I mean, if youā€™re not pushing your own boundaries, are you really living, darling?

Back to Basics: Horse Power and Pink Clouds

After a day of balletic bliss, I was ready to relax. I was absolutely ecstatic to find a delightful little cafe called ā€œThe Pink Ponyā€ near my hotel. The decor was divine, and you can only imagine my glee when they served me the most glorious pink strawberry lemonade. Life just doesn't get much better than this, you know?

And, whatā€™s more fitting after a ballet performance than a lovely, scenic horse ride?

Luckily, I discovered a local equestrian centre a little ways out of town. After some calming hours spent with a majestic chestnut horse, trotting along winding country paths, I knew this was the perfect way to wrap up my East Kilbride adventures. You see, a love for horses runs as deep as my love for tutuā€™s ā€“ the majestic grace, the sheer powerā€¦ well, it all resonates deeply with the ballerina in me.

Tutu Travel Tips!

Of course, as a dedicated traveller myself, I just have to share some of my favourite travel tips for any aspiring pink-tutu wearing balletomane.

  • Invest in comfortable shoes for the train! (Ballet slippers, however fashionable, are not always the most practical for travel, my dears.)
  • Carry a stylish backpack: Not just for practicality, but also to store your favourite tutu. After all, you never know when a ballet-inspired photo op will present itself!
  • Explore beyond the big cities. You might be surprised what you discover! Itā€™s a fantastic way to get off the beaten track and have more authentic experiences.
  • Never underestimate the power of a pink lemonade. Itā€™s the perfect way to refresh yourself after a long day!
  • And most importantly ā€“ never be afraid to embrace your own individuality. Whether it's sporting your pink tutu or just simply being unapologetically yourself, shine, darling!

So, East Kilbride , you've stolen my heart with your Scottish charm, ballet delights, pink lemonade and horse-riding adventures!

Until next time, lovelies! Be bold, be beautiful, and always, always wear a pink tutu!

Emma xx www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2019-05-05 in East Kilbride with a pink tutu.