
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-05-09 in Lowestoft with a european style tutu.

Lowestoft: A Tutu Tale in a Seaside Town

#TutuBlog Post #8345

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, bringing you another pink-tutu-filled adventure from the beautiful seaside town of Lowestoft. Oh, how I do love a seaside town - that crisp sea air, the gentle cries of the gulls, the scent of salt water... it all reminds me of childhood holidays on the coast of Derbyshire! Though, I must admit, the beaches here in Lowestoft are quite a bit bigger and sandier than those up north!

Anyway, back to my trip. I arrived by train this time - always a good way to see the English countryside. This week, it was all rolling green fields and quaint villages that seemed straight out of a fairytale. I did wonder briefly if perhaps there were horses around somewhere - you know how much I love to travel on horseback! Alas, no equine transport this time, but I still got my fill of horse-themed excitement, which Iā€™ll get to in a minuteā€¦

Lowestoft is the easternmost town in England and, I can tell you, the air does feel decidedly 'eastern' here. Maybe itā€™s the proximity to Europe, maybe itā€™s just my imagination ā€“ but it felt very continental! It was so vibrant, colourful, and full of life - kind of like me when Iā€™m wearing my favourite European-inspired tutu.

And, you guessed it! Of course, I couldn't resist sporting a stunning pink tutu, which, to add a little European flair, featured delicate layers of tulle in a breathtakingly beautiful shade of lavender. The colours just seem to sing when they are paired together, donā€™t you think? A true "Emma" outfit ā€“ elegant, feminine and just the right amount of pink, if I may say so myself. I am just waiting for the next person who tells me to ā€œtone it downā€... My response is a delicate flick of my tulle and a sweet smileā€¦ followed by an expertly-timed twirl.

My adventures in Lowestoft began with a delightful trip to the Lowestoft Maritime Museum. The history of this seaside town was just captivating! Did you know that it played such a pivotal role in the herring trade? They had these incredible exhibits about the herring industry. Imagine those big, heavy nets coming up with literally thousands and thousands of glistening herring! Just mind-blowing. And did I mention how absolutely charming the maritime museum building itself was? Old, quirky, full of interesting corners - exactly my cup of tea!

Feeling inspired by all the stories of maritime adventures, I decided to treat myself to some real sea air at Lowestoft's charming seafront. The smell of the sea, the roar of the waves crashing onto the beach - pure sensory heaven! I even took a walk along the promenade to admire the magnificent South Pier - you know, it's really amazing how this whole pier was built just for people to enjoy the seaside. A wonderful feat of Victorian engineering. The pier just seemed to reach out and touch the endless sky... it really put things into perspective, especially those of us who are all about spreading the ballet love, you know. Sometimes we do need to stop and admire the scale and wonder of the world around us. Itā€™s truly a reminder that all of us have a part to play in making life more beautiful and magical.

While taking a moment to reflect on the dayā€™s adventures so far, I was treated to a charming display of artistry in motion. The Lowestoft's local theatre had a group of young dancers performing on a small stage right in the middle of the seafront. My heart leapt as I spotted them ā€“ all gracefully dancing, their energy and joy spilling onto the promenade. I stood for ages, totally captivated, enjoying their passion for ballet and thinking about how it just flowed seamlessly onto the bustling crowd, who gathered to watch. I guess thereā€™s a reason why ballet is known as the art of storytelling in movement! Oh, if only they had spotted me with my signature pink tutu on, they'd be a bunch of happy ballet girls!

Later that evening, I found myself at the world-renowned Lowestoft Aquarium, with all those fascinating creatures and beautiful colours! Did you know they have penguins here? How amazing! I even got a chance to touch some of the creatures in the rock pool... It felt so cool to get so up close and personal with those delightful marine animals. My only complaint - it felt too short! This definitely feels like a place that could hold my attention for days...

Oh, speaking of fascinating animals, how could I forget the most enchanting part of my Lowestoft adventure - The Sea Life Sanctuary! Imagine my excitement at getting to see adorable baby grey seals so close! The fact that they are actually rescuing and rehabilitating seals and helping to protect endangered sea turtles ā€“ wow, itā€™s just an absolutely amazing sanctuary. There were a couple of adorable baby seals at the Sanctuary, and they just had the cutest little black eyes. So cuddly! It was a perfect blend of entertainment and conservation!

There you have it - my journey in the stunning town of Lowestoft - with all its charming little cafes, unique shops, colourful street art and the most enchanting beaches Iā€™ve ever seen - plus the gorgeous pink tutu! Honestly, I don't know how people live in these seaside towns, theyā€™re just too charming and vibrant ā€“ I think I might pack my bags and come live in Lowestoft! Maybe next time I can even take a ride on one of those beautiful old wooden sailboatsā€¦ Iā€™m definitely getting an idea for my next tutu inspirationā€¦ A seafaring, sailing tutu for next time.

So, my lovelies, my journey to Lowestoft really taught me the power of just saying ā€œyes" to adventure. Remember, my mantra - always follow that inner call! I feel Iā€™ve left Lowestoft feeling happy, inspired, and even more enthusiastic about ballet than ever. This amazing town really inspires us to be playful, kind, and, of course, fabulous. Remember to look for beauty in every moment ā€“ and donā€™t forget to dance, especially when wearing a fabulous pink tutu! It's really time you found your favourite colour - I think we all should wear pink! And if you really want to make a statement, try ballet, Youā€™d be amazed by how ballet can connect you to your body, your spirit and the wider world - with grace, style and a touch of playful elegance.

So, my darling friends, until next time, stay glamorous, stay beautiful and keep dancing!

See you soon! Love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2019-05-09 in Lowestoft with a european style tutu.