Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-11-17 in Aberdeen with a pink tutu.

Aberdeen Adventures in a Pink Tutu! 🩰💖

Hello darlings! It’s your girl, Emma, and I’m so excited to share with you my latest escapades from the beautiful city of Aberdeen, the Granite City!

This is post number 8537, folks, can you believe it?! Every single day, I’m here with a new story, a new adventure, and of course, a fabulous outfit, usually featuring my favourite shade: pink! 💖

This trip was a bit different from usual – instead of jet-setting (or, rather, train-setting as I adore a good train journey!), I hopped aboard a real life, bona fide carriage pulled by the most magnificent Clydesdale horses. Oh, the glamour! 🐴

The Scottish Highlands called to me this time, whispering of rolling hills, dramatic scenery and of course, some legendary Highland dancing! As I rode towards the north, the air was crisp and cool, the smell of wild heather in the air – it was the perfect blend of nature's charm and romantic adventure.

My first stop was the magnificent Aberdeen Art Gallery. Can we talk about the architecture? It was straight out of a fairytale! And guess what I discovered inside? A stunning exhibit on the history of fashion in Scotland. Oh, my heart fluttered! I got to see incredible costumes, gowns and fabrics – a feast for my fashion-loving eyes. Naturally, I had to incorporate a touch of pink into my outfit - a delicately-hued shawl to complement my fuchsia tutu, of course! It's not every day that you find an art gallery where you can be fabulous and soak in culture! 🤩

Speaking of culture, I simply couldn’t go to Aberdeen without seeing a performance by the Scottish Ballet. I mean, ballet is my lifeblood! I booked tickets for a show of Giselle, and I'll admit, I teared up during the hauntingly beautiful scenes. It was the perfect combination of grace, passion, and pure artistic genius. I’ll admit, I was secretly wishing I could join them onstage. Maybe I could take up highland dancing next, just for a bit of fun! 🤔

Now, let's talk about the highlight of this whole trip, the absolute pinnacle of pink perfection: I got to try out an immersive art experience called "Pink World"! It was a sensory wonderland. The walls were bathed in different shades of pink – candy floss pink, bubblegum pink, blushing pink… You name it, they had it! I wandered through rooms filled with soft lights, projections, and even had a go at making my own "pinky" masterpiece. 🎨 I'm telling you, it was like stepping into my own personal fairytale.

But hold up, it doesn’t stop there. I ventured into the wilds of Scotland to see the majestic Red Deer! 🦌 I spent the afternoon surrounded by their beauty and grace. I have to admit, I had a bit of a deer-in-the-headlights moment myself. 😅 But then I realized they were completely non-plussed with me. They’re so magnificent, so gentle - their eyes were so intelligent, almost wise. It was a truly unforgettable moment. I tried teaching them a little "deer ballet," you know, some pirouette steps and maybe some grand jetes. 😅 (No, they didn’t get it.) But still, such majestic creatures!

After days of exploring the beautiful landscapes and cultural offerings, it was time to head back to my comfy train carriage. The journey back to Derbyshire was a relaxing one, the rhythmic clatter of the train wheels composing a lullaby that carried me back home.

This whole experience has made me even more passionate about two things: promoting ballet and sharing the joy of pink! Why is it that some people don't get the magic of pink? Seriously, it's a vibrant and expressive colour! A shade of elegance and joy. So, darling readers, promise me you'll wear at least a touch of pink today! And perhaps, just maybe, try out a ballet class! You never know what incredible journey it could take you on! 💖

Until next time, my sweet lovelies,

Emma xox www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2019-11-17 in Aberdeen with a pink tutu.