
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-11-18 in Croydon with a wide tutu.

Croydon Calling! πŸ©°βœ¨πŸ’–

Hey lovely ladies! It’s your favourite Derbyshire ballerina, Emma, and guess what?! I'm back with another fabulous blog post! Today's adventures take us to the vibrant town of Croydon, just a hop, skip, and a jump from London, for post number 8538 on www.pink-tutu.com, if you can believe it! I've got a whole load of exciting news to share, including some breathtaking ballet performances, stunning new tutu discoveries, and even a few fluffy, feathered friends along the way.

Oh, did I tell you? I travelled down to Croydon by train today! That's right, chugging through the countryside on a vintage steam train with the wind in my hair and the smell of smoke in the air. I can't help it - there's just something romantic about the clickety-clack of the wheels and the puffing steam engine!

But enough about trains! I was on a mission today – a mission to uncover the hidden treasures of Croydon's ballet scene! I just had to explore this incredible town, which, if you haven't heard, has been making waves in the ballet world lately. First stop? The grand and beautiful Fairfield Halls, which had been recently renovated, giving it a fabulous fresh look, just like a new pair of pointe shoes! I just had to wear my sparkly pink tutu for this special occasion!

Once inside, I was greeted with a beautiful chandelier, which was just made for twirling under, and some delicious, sweet-smelling snacks in the foyer. Then it was on to the main event! I got a seat in the front row with the best view possible. And, oh my, what a treat it was! A whirlwind of swirling tutus, effortless pirouettes, and amazing acrobatics! You could really see how hard these dancers work! I got completely lost in the beauty of it all! And it wasn't just ballet. This wonderful place hosts all kinds of theatrical events, comedy shows, and musicals. I can't wait to return to Croydon to explore even more!

You know me, I love finding the best deals. So, I managed to find an incredibly cute boutique tucked away in one of the charming, old side streets. It was a real treasure trove! And what did I discover? You guessed it – a breathtaking new pink tutu! It was practically calling my name, and how could I resist? It's made of the most delicate fabric, with a stunningly sparkly pink lace design around the edges. This new tutu was just perfect for twirling my day away in!

I couldn't just wear it at home, of course, so I headed to the charming and eclectic Croydon market. The atmosphere there was just bursting with energy and life. There were vibrant stalls filled with all kinds of unique treats – colourful fruits, freshly baked pastries, handcrafted jewellery. And what do you know? They even had an amazing display of fluffy, friendly animals! You could meet and greet sweet bunnies, adorable kittens, and majestic chickens! How could I resist giving them all some extra attention and some cuddles? I'm sure they thought I was a pink princess! They even have a parrot with amazing feathers, like a colourful tutu come to life. It did a cute dance for me! It was the perfect end to my day of tutus and delights!

Now, if you want to see the beauty of Croydon in action, head to my Instagram (@pinktutuemma) or our lovely community at #pinktutu. You'll find all sorts of pictures, and I’ll share lots of fun things like little stories, my new outfit finds and behind the scenes shots. You’ll find me sharing all my favourite adventures, because I believe in sharing all the things I love - travelling, ballet, animals, fashion, and most of all – the joy of a vibrant, pink tutu. So, ladies, get your pink tutu out and join me for some adventures! Until next time!

Pink Kisses! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–



#TutuBlog 2019-11-18 in Croydon with a wide tutu.