Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-12-25 in Hove with a stiff tutu.

Hove Hooray! Tutu Time in Sussex

Post Number: 8575

Helloooo my darlings! It’s Emma here, your ever-so-slightly-pink-obsessed ballet blogger, reporting live from…wait for it…HOVE! Yes, that's right, my lovelies, this Derbyshire girl has finally made it to the seaside! And how fittingly pink it was! The sunrise was practically blushing with the same soft pink as my tulle tutu – can you even imagine?! Gasp!

But let's back up a little. How did I even get here? Well, let’s just say that I decided to trade in my trusty Derbyshire cob for a thrilling trip on the Brighton Belle. Let’s just say the views were enough to make even the most jaded Londoner weep! Imagine – emerald fields gliding past the window, the sunlight bouncing off the windmills like miniature, sparkly disco balls, and, oh my, the seagulls soaring overhead! All with the soothing rumble of the train as my soundtrack? Pure ballet magic!

Okay, enough with the gushing – onto the real reason why I ventured into Sussex: a dazzling dance extravaganza! The Royal Ballet's "Swan Lake"! Yes, I know, you’re practically weeping with excitement already – I sure am! To be there, witnessing such breathtaking choreography in that beautifully preserved venue – the grandeur of it all! Pure magic!

It felt like every movement, every arabesque and grand jeté, was painted onto the air in this symphony of sound and spectacle! And then there was the story! Such passion! The love story, the betrayal, the redemption – oh, you could feel the heartbreak in the air. But let’s not forget the swans themselves! They were so beautiful, I was sure the stage had been turned into a literal pool for their majestic performances!

My darling tutus, I’ve been going through my wardrobe ever since, trying to find the right combination for the perfect ballet outfit. Now, we all know how difficult that can be, right? It has to be a tutu with enough oomph to hold its own against such grandeur, but at the same time, it can't steal the attention away from the dancers themselves, can it? (We do have a certain level of decorum, after all, darlings.)

Thankfully, I have a vast collection to choose from. But finally, it came down to this: my new blush pink tulle with delicate lace embroidery, accompanied by a fitted black leotard that emphasised the graceful lines of my frame. Of course, it would not be me if I didn't have a smattering of sparkle! The perfect finishing touch – a matching pink ribbon tied around my chignon with a delicate silver clasp shaped like a tiny ballerina, don’t you think?

And if you haven’t been following me, you'll be shocked to know this… I took a leap of faith – I even wore my sparkly tutu for a quick twirl under the pier, which is where the next exciting bit begins! It turns out there was a ballet happening there – a live street performance, you see! It was a vibrant fusion of hip-hop and classical ballet – amazing!

There were a few tentative moments – we’re not all natural at ballet, you know! There were some mis-timed steps, the odd awkward wobble – but hey, everyone's got to start somewhere, right? That's the beautiful thing about dance – it's accessible to everyone, whatever your skill level!

We all gathered together, swaying in sync with the music. Imagine, you lovely lot, with your bright eyes, laughing under the bright blue sky, swaying in a chorus of tutus. That’s how I imagined the scene! But the best part was the pure joy we all shared. That’s why I love ballet – because it gives everyone a chance to express themselves. It makes the world a little bit brighter, don't you think?

And the most amazing thing, you won't believe this – I had a chance encounter with a local dancer! Now, this isn’t just any dancer, mind you – this is a talented soul who makes his home in Hove! He was sharing his knowledge, patiently coaching some younger dancers – you could see he loved sharing the gift of ballet! What a sweetheart, isn't he?! I, of course, had to ask for his take on the Royal Ballet. We sat and chatted under the shade of the pier for what felt like hours – a perfect end to a truly incredible day! I mean, just talking about "Swan Lake" could make you weep, couldn’t it?

So, my darling lovelies, it seems that my ballet journey has taken me on yet another glorious adventure. What a lovely experience it was, filled with captivating ballet performances, a magical seaside town and heartwarming connections with people who share the same passion as me! And for this, I can say with all my heart: Hove, you've captured my heart!

And my darlings, it wouldn’t be a complete blog without a Tutu Tip for all you aspiring ballerina beauties out there – why not try embracing a ballet inspired look, just for the day! If I'm allowed to do it under the Brighton pier, you certainly can too, darlings! Grab your prettiest tutus, throw on some delicate ballet shoes, or simply just take inspiration from those graceful movements – and make your everyday life a stage for expressing yourself.

See you all on www.pink-tutu.com tomorrow, darlings! Love, Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2019-12-25 in Hove with a stiff tutu.